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Puppet deck feedback/question


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Well, got my puppet deck and I must say I -kinda- like it. I'm not 100% happy, as although I love the art design and feel of the cards, somehow on some cards the colours feel really passed away, while the same-ish colour on another card is very sharp and crisp.

I wondered whether it's a bad sample deck or if the effect was intended?

For example between 12 of Ram and 7 of Ram the purple is quite different (12 very brushed off, 7 very strong and crisp)

If it wasn't for the colours I'd love my deck 100%!



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I have a different problem with my deck. Due to the material of the cards I find it hard to pick up individual cards if they are on a flat surface like a table. Anyone else run into this and any ideas on how to deal with it?

Just use your fingernails along the edge and bend the card a little. Remember, these aren't like regular paper cards, so repeated bending while trying to pick them up won't ruin the cards like a regular deck will.

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Yeah I found that out at my tourney last weekend. It makes them so much easier to use. I kinda wish this was more open knowledge(and not a sorta secret like it is now).

I'd also love to see them reprint the other card decks on the plastic.

Or maybe a plastic version of that demo deck they had at GenCon '09. Jus' sayin'.

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Just use your fingernails along the edge and bend the card a little. Remember, these aren't like regular paper cards, so repeated bending while trying to pick them up won't ruin the cards like a regular deck will.

I don't have any fingernails (keep them cut short) so this is a problem for me. Are you saying I need to grow one of those cocaine fingernails for the cards? :)

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Well, I don't keep my fingernails very long at all (tend to chew on/pick at them...i know, bad habit). Maybe it's just the table surface you guys are playing on. I just try to keep my deck near a table edge so I can just slide them off the edge. In any case, I've found the Puppet Deck easier to pick up than the regular cards at least. The PD is much tougher to shuffle though. I can shuffle a regular deck with my eyes closed if need be. But the PD cards will easily slide out from between each while shuffling and it's tough to feel when they do that, so I have to keep my eyes on them, or else...*whoosh!*...cards everywhere! (Yes, this has happened at least once already, lol)

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I think you mean 08. Gencon 09 was when the game was released and the standard decks premiered.

'09, '08 same difference. No need to dwell on the past.

I don't have any fingernails (keep them cut short) so this is a problem for me. Are you saying I need to grow one of those cocaine fingernails for the cards? :)

That may be a little extreme. You can also use another card in your hand to lift an edge of the one on the table. Or just slide the card to the edge of the table. And if you've always wanted a cocaine nail, I guess this would be as good an excuse as any to grow one...

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I don't see any pattern to the bulletholes. Some cards have none, some have one. The severe cards look the same as the moderate ones.

Take a look at the cards below. See the black spot in the upper left corner by the number. See how on the 11 its up high, on the 6 its in the middle and on the 2 is near the bottom. That's the damage marker




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