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Basing my Belles


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Today I finished up all of my Rotten Belles. I decided to put them in a graveyard. I used some static grass and some custom gravestones that I made with foamboard. I also painted the outside edge green to signify the Resurrectionist army.

Click for more pics of the group


Pics of the Red Belle

Pics of the Blue Belle

Pics of the Green Belle

Overall I'm pretty happy with my basing on all of these. The belles turned out better than I expected I think.

Any feedback is appreciated. :)

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I too am not a fan of ring-painting (careful now), although one guy on the pp website painted them like stone, which looked amazing! I'd suggest repainting these either a darker, more insidious green or nice and black to frame your model. To be honest I find the bases so distracting I can't really make out your handiwork on the lovely ladies themselves!

edit: ah, there be bigger pics! Can I make some polite constructive criticism?

- I'd define the face/flesh of the red belle more, the skin and dress are too similar in colour. Need to create a bit of contrast there. Highlighting the flesh with a paler flesh tone should do the trick.

- I'd define the eyes and mouths more by highlighting a bit more on the face and darkening the recesses with a drop of dark wash. When painting eyes I wouldn't bother with pupils (I never do, on most things anyway! The joys of the zombie-phile) since they're zombies anyway. Don't be afraid to under-do the eyes as it will inevitably look better than overdoing them.

-I'd reline where the dress meets skin and details meet dress on the other two, especially the green one's thighs. GW's Devlan Mud is amazing for this - just paint it into the recesses with a thin brush. You may have to do this a couple of times. Doing this will create shadows and help define the model more. Honestly it's incredibly easy and won't take long either, the results will probably amaze you.

Pictures speak louder than words so have a look here:


EVERYTHING is done with a final lining of devlan mud.

They look suitably creepy and decrepit, but about 10 mins more on each will really make them pop!

Edited by DangerousBeans
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Well, the idea behind the green bases was to make them stand out as resurrectionist models in a game. I figured it'd be easier to do a quick survey of the battlefield with the different color. I'm not sure how much I really like it though.

Thanks for the tips DangerousBeans. I actually did do a final Devlan Mud bit on all of these ladies. I think that's actually why the Red Belle's flesh came out a bit too dark, I went too heavy with the Devlan Mud.

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You can still do the green, just a darker one. Goblin Green is too bright for base rings, try repainting them with Dark Angel's Green. Darker colors tend to look better on the base rings.

Funny, I pulled out the Dark Angels Green and was like "Nah, that's too dark I think" and then pulled out this green craft paint I had. Maybe I'll go back over it with the darker green. I'm still torn on how I like the whole thing.

I saw it on someone else's models and liked the idea, but I'm not sure how much I like it in practice. I guess we'll see how much I like the darker green. :)

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Sorry if I came across as a bit preachy earlier, I had just woken up. Sometimes I take a while to adjust to reality!

Anyway, the trick is to not use the mud as a "wash" as it will invariably provide the safe effect to the whole area that way, which still keeps it all a bit samey. Just paint it into the cracks and maybe feather it out a bit and let it do all the blending work for you :D It'll also help you avoid the shiney finish.

Now show us Seamus!

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Sorry if I came across as a bit preachy earlier, I had just woken up. Sometimes I take a while to adjust to reality!

Anyway, the trick is to not use the mud as a "wash" as it will invariably provide the safe effect to the whole area that way, which still keeps it all a bit samey. Just paint it into the cracks and maybe feather it out a bit and let it do all the blending work for you :D It'll also help you avoid the shiney finish.

Now show us Seamus!

Nah, I welcome all constructive criticism. I realize that I have a lot to improve with my painting. :)

Seamus is being saved for last (well, close to last, I'll do him before copycat killer because I just want to copy the same style to the copycat). He's my favorite and the whole reason I picked Resurrectionists. I want to refine my techniques before I get to him. ;)

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i usually try to avoid any real "color" on my ring because you have to find a way to compliment the model without drawing attention to the base. I have found that the best colors are in order of my favorites:

1: black, easy peasy

2: scorched brown, all my warhammer models have this

3: dark grey, this one is a little harder to pull off.

The real trick is to make sure your models are brighter than the base ring.

I like your bells though. Love the grave stones and such :) and good color choices

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I think the green would be fine if it were only a thin stripe around the bottom of the base. Right now it overwhelms the figure because of how much there is, but reduced to a stripe it might be a nice accent. I'd just tape it off and paint the rest black. Then go back over the whole thing with gloss varnish for a nice clean and durable presentation.

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