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Getting into the Guild: Sonia Cridd


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I am planning on starting a Malifaux Crew, and the Witch Hunters currently interest me the most. I am wondering though...how newbie friendly are they? I am not a newbie to miniature games (I play warmachine) but I am new to this game in general.

How does the boxset fair straight out of the box?

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I haven't played her starter box setup, but I've found her to be pretty straightforward, even with her various tricks. I usually run her with just 1 Witchling Stalker, and an assortment of other Guild models (and maybe a mercenary or 2, depending).

She is fairly well optimized to go against magic heavy opponents (especially right out of the starter box), so you might want to get a model or 2 extra to have a little more general hitting ability.

Sonnia herself can be brutal, though. She's good at range and in close. Some of the specialist models may out do her in one or the other, but she's easily up there in either situation.

She was also the first to have an active counterspell. That can give your opponents a real headache sometimes.

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From my experience as the guy who got clobbered with it, it's damn good. The Witchlings are a steal at their price for what they do in CC, Sonnia is good master if not the best ever (and a beast against any sort of spell-slinging model) and Samael is brutal at range. The one thing the list lacks is speed, so they wont fare very good in recon or treasure hunt.

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Nino's good.

Peacekeeper is great. (A pain to assemble, but worth the effort. It draws fire like nobody's business, and can usually last long enough to be really useful in that regard. It can dish it out, too.)

I've sometimes taken the Convict Gunslinger, and been happy with him. (Gotta love Trigger Happy, especially if you also have Nino, who also has it.)

I've even used the Judge with Sonnia to fairly good effect.

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Thanks everyone for the help so far. I was reading Nino last night and had a question about his ability fire repeatedly (i forget the actual name of the ability)

Can you switch targets when making the new shot?

Can the new shot trigger the ability again?

Do you need both suits to trigger the shot (I noticed it was a 2 suit trigger)

Also I got 3 other people who are planning on getting a crew on their own. So far it looks like its gonna be a Sonnia, Perdita, Marcus, and Lillith crew for the 4 of us.

Sonnia of course for me :D

Oh one other thing. With the 2 basic AP that each model gets, can you use both AP to walk twice (basically running) and can you use both AP for attacks in the same activation?

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Nino's multi-shot trigger is called Trigger Happy. (The Convict Gunslinger has it, too.)

The new shot must be made against the same target as the shot that set off the trigger.

'Extra' shots made with Trigger Happy are new strikes, and so can indeed set off the trigger again.

You do need both suits in your attack duel total, but Nino already has one of them (the :rams) with his cb stat for the gun.

You can do any action repeatedly (2 walks, 2 casts of the same spell, 2 shots from Nino's repeating rifle (potentially horrendous), etc.), so long as the ability/action/spell/etc. in question has no rule attached to it that says otherwise, and the model has enough AP to do the action more than once. (One exception, of course is '0' actions, only one of which (no matter how many different '0' actions the model has listed) can be done in a given model's activation.)

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