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It's a Start

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I believe in beginnings, and even though I had the dreaded "powder effect" off my undercoat yesterday (I ened up cleaning them with a stiff nylon brush then re-applying the undercoat from a fresh can).

I've officially made a start!


So my Witch Hunters are all cleaned up, assembled and undercoated - the Purifying Flame was mis-aligned so he had considerable filing/cleaning up (you can still see the scar on his right socket, I'm hoping I can hide that in the painting), and I GS'd him "into" the base a little for effect.

I'm HOPING (Family allowing LoL) to get some paint on Sonnia tonight!

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Rock on.

FWIW, I've been using the humbrol spray undercoat (a medium grey) and then their matte black over the top if I need to base them black. I've been really impressed. Even when I've been a bit gung-ho with the can, I've not managed to obscure any of the details.

Regardless, keep us updated with your progress!

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Not a bad start. I use nothing but good ol' Krylon spray primer (gray) - works great.

A small bit of advice - I've found that working from the inside out makes it much easier to clean up mistakes. Start with the skin, then the cloth closest to the skin, and so on. It's easier to edge up from above to a lower level than to try to fit in a small section that is mostly covered (like Sonnia's shirt under the coat).

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