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Conversion success stories

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There had been a number of threads dealing with how easy or difficult it was to find opponents for this great game.

I was therefore just wondering how successful the game is becoming now it is a bit further on.

My games club had no Malifaux players when I started but now has 7 players with another 2 casting envious glances!

Any successes/stories in relation to converting the unbelievers?

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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A friend of mine introduced me to the game. I have since met a number of people in the area who were already playing, but I know that I've demoed the game for about 8 people who have started up so far, and I haven't been around that long myself! This game has often sold itself.

I find the two things that draw people in are the models and the card mechanic. Although there might be some hesitation at first on the cards, they at least get people asking questions.

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Well, I'm completely new to Malifaux (2 games)

I got it because someone at our club posted about it on our forums, so I had a look at the minis and ordered 2 sets straight away, before I even saw the rulebook!

I now have 2 games under my belt and a better understanding of the rules. But that just makes me want more minis....

It was the minis that drew me in, and a few members of our club are looking interested, with a few already saying they will collect :)

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Its hard to believe myself but the store that I play at just started carrying malifaux about a month ago and after the normal 4-5 people picked it up and started playing we have around 25 people who are playing it as I speak and around 6 more pellets who are in the process of learning the game to play. It has been a huge hit at my store. They have had to restock the malifaux at least twice a week especially when the new stuff arrived. Its great a.d the game is great too.

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one friend dragged me into it I was a big 40k player and the idea of a small crew as opposed to a battle force was a bit lack luster, then I played a demo game at the store and fell in love so I bought two armies and started converting, I got my Best friend to pick up Witch Hunters, My girlfriend to pick up the Death Marshals, My other best friend to pick up The Red Chappel Gang, Another best friend who also picked up the Death Marshals, best friends younger brother picked up Ramos, and thats about it and ive got three others interested its all about taking time to play demo games and telling them about the fluff that draws most gamer types to the hobby.

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Dang...I read the thread title and thought it was talking about model conversions. I was hoping to see pics...

I was as well. :P

I just picked up the game (along with three others, while another handful are on the ropes) this Saturday as another friend got us into the game.

Aside from also having the inclination to not play the same leaders if possible, our store has a healthy 10-15 active players. The low cost alternative for an entire army vs. GW's prices are popular here for side jobs.

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