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Poor Ronin


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it does make them less powerful, but being a costing 5ss model with +1 to damage flips ignores armor, hard to kill and harmless, is worth the points alone but then add in next target and you got yourself a fine low cost model.

Run through now costing (2) makes its use diffent, Use it to get out of combat and still get to use an attack. But if you are not in combat and a push move would take you as far as a charge then I would charge giving you a +2 to your damage filp.

And on top of all that its a low cost that has Melee Expert! I mean come on could you ask for more? well yes but to keep it fair its a steal at 5 points.

oh and it has mobile! and Defensive! Yeah its still a vary efective model. Use it like you would use any 4 pointer in a guild list, as a basic attacker, use next target to make your oppent move to strike you back.

And when they are about to die Seppuku!


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I would rather they got rid of the extra damage flip/ harmless and kept its mobility up. Especially with the Viktoria's I think the abilty to keep up with them would be more useful. IF they can get in to combat they are okay not great and for 5 ss I think the Guild Austringer out classes the Ronin hands down.

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