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McMourning WiP


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Here's a quick update. I really need to pull my finger out and get my Resurrectionists finished - but Red Dead Redemption (Xbox) is kinda getting in the way!

Anyway, not far off finishing McMourning now. He's got some natty stripey trousers on the go and you can see the effect I'm aiming for with the face. Still a bit of blending and detailing to do there but I think it should draw the eye and look suitably sinister.


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Great, great work.

I've been wondering about McMourning and now you've convinced me that he can look good.

FYI. I bought Arkham Asylum back in the late 80's - First pressing. I was 24 years old and I had nightmares of Dave McKeans Joker for months afterwards. That image has had a very pronounced effect on me ever since. :afraid:

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Hey thanks for the comments everyone :)

I really must get back and finish him off, though a 40K Blood Angels army muscled in a bit!

@Melnibonean: I got a hardback 1st edition of Arkham Asylum, plus Sandman Preludes & Nocturnes TPB from a secondhand shop back in like 1990. That set my comic collection off to a pretty high standard I'd say! Like you, McKean's Joker rendition has stuck with me (haunted me?) to this day.

@baylock: oops, sorry!

s'funny I wasn't going to do a full Batman themed crew but the idea is really growing on me now!

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No more progress on McMourning but I have started slapping paint on a couple 'o Belles:


Someone is organising a Malifaux intro night at our local wargames club (Cross Gaming Club) in London on Tuesday night and I've committed to getting a small Resurrectionist crew prepped.

It's good to have the deadline and I'm trying to really up my painting speed here. Pic's not the best but hopefully tomorrow night I should have a lot more done and I'll focus on the photography a little more.

These aren't Batman themed I'm afraid. But I did pick up the Nurses pack today and one of them is going to be a Harley-a-like for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here's McMourning and those Belles finished up and based. Hope you like 'em :)









I've got a Canine Remains and McMourning's Chihuahua painted and ready for basing. I'll see if I can get that done this week.

The bases are from the Kerr & King dockside range and work quite nicely for Malifaux I think. I intend to get a little bit of resin water in there at some point too.

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