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Getting started

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Hi to everyone,

I recently stumbled across wyrd miniatures and I really like the sculpts. I am mostly a painter but I am also interested in gaming. I would like to ask how should anyone get started. Furthermore, does the gaming system support different types of terrain(various landscapes and buildings) and if so how well.Last but not least is there any getting started article please link it.

Thanks very much in advance.

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There's no "getting started" article I'm aware of. Best bet is to get hold of the book, proxy some games and see which factions suit you. If gaming is secondary to painting for you though I'd just get the models you like, nothing in Malifaux is downright bad. If you're anything like everyone else on these boards you'll end up with 2 + factions anyway!

Welcome to the fold!

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Welcome aboard :)

Best thing to do is order the book, it is a brilliant read and will answer your questions about terrain straight away. Plenty of inspiration.

The book also includes pictures of most models and stats for all of them.

That will help you pick the crews with models you like the most.

Terrain includes swamps, woods, rustic wild west towns, cobbled Victorian streets, mines, sewers...you name it.

I can use a lot of my Warhammer 40K gear with a little modification to make it look Steampunk like the Hollow Marsh Pumping station or mechanical ruins.

I also got into Malifaux for the painting, I'm playing it quite frequently now as it has a lovely storytelling feel to it and tends to attract players who like to experience the game as much as optimise tactics.

Looking forward to seeing what you can do in the terrain department.

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