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Sonia Criid Crew


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I've decided the first master I want to build with is Sonia Criid. It was a tough choice between her and Perdita, but I ended up deciding that I enjoy Sonia's ranged/melee versatility a little bit more than Perdita's raw killing power, and I liked being able to recycle my troops into Witchlings (or make Witchlings from opponents) more than Obey.

So I wanted to put together a 35 point list, and here's what I came up with:

Sonia Criid (free)

Purifying Flame (2 SS)

Nino Ortega (7 SS)

Santiago Ortega (7 SS)

Guild Austringer (5 SS)

3x Witchling Stalker (12 SS)

That leaves me 8 SS. Now, my concern is, I'm ignoring the two models everyone seems to love, Samael and the Executioner. I've tried Samael in a shooty list with 2 Austringers, and he didn't really perform very well, but maybe I just had bad luck with flips (when you only have 2 high cards in your hand, cheating the Flaming Bullets flip seems terrible). But I haven't tried the Executioner.

My general tactics here would be to try to layer the board with cover and difficult terrain. Then, with Slaughter or Assassinate, I'd grab Raid and either Holdout or Bodyguard, depending on my opponent. Advance my Witchlings and Santiago, with Nino on a high, climbable piece of terrain to provide cover fire, and Sonia a little ways behind the three leads. The Austringer helps provide a little more cover fire and harassment, activating either Nino, Sonia, or Santiago to burst fire a little harder. In this scenario, Santiago provides some hard hitting power up front with the Witchlings, as well as a little mobility once the fighting gets heavy (Wade In is great fun), but I feel Executioner may be better at holding the line for me to keep pressing the offensive.

For Treasure Hunt, similar idea, but take Holdout and either Raid or Claim Stake. In TH, Sonia advances with the team, and Austringer stays behind, and we move much more quickly, with less interest in cover. Get the treasure, and fall back quickly, with ideally one of the Witchlings carrying, and the other staying up to charge and hopefully delay the opponent for a turn. Here I am fairly sure Santiago is a very good choice, but the Executioner might do better than the Austringer + a Witchling. Nino and Santiago are just too important for this strategy, it seems to me.

For Reconnoiter, I again feel like Santiago and Nino are very strong, as Nino can hold a quarter of the table by himself, as long as the rest of the crew picks off a few enemies, and Santiago is a freaking beast when it comes to eliminating enemies and staying mobile. The Austringer seems useful, but the two Witchlings seem like a potentially weak link.

Again, I'm new and am more than happy to hear where my strategies are flawed. I'm clearly not spending too much time taking my opponent and his strategies into account. My real question is whether or not Santiago laying down cover fire is going to do better for me than the Executioner laying down the hardcore beats will do, and when. Other models I was considering were Samael, Francisco, and Convict Gunslinger, but I think it's really down to Santiago, Executioner, and maybe the Gunslinger.

I'm planning on picking up Sonia and Nino sometime this week to start failing to paint them, giving up, and letting my friend who's good at painting them help me.

Edited by higherbrow
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Like you've said the thing about flaming bullets is it only really good if you either pull lucky or can cheat fate to make yourself lucky.

But i also like the fact that Samael gains a boost when shooting at enemy Master's as i find using him with 1-2 witchling stalker's to clear the way of anything a real solid tactic. It makes people just try and stay mobile and away from your Kill team.

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Not to be offensive but a Criid Army without Hopkins isn't a good choice. Hopkins is one of the strongest individual models in the guild hell I run him in my 40ss Perdita crew. Flaming Bullets isn't hard to hit at all imo as long as you are holding a 9 of any suit in your hand it's guaranteed, once you activate it, 10 range 6/7/8 with 8 combat on masters with the option of rapid firing? Goodbye enemy soulstones.

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You gotta bring Sam!! He's the man. Flamming bullets with Rapid Fire and Critical Strike is soooooo wrong. Makes me feel happy in my pants. :thumb:

All kidding aside I love having Sam around. I like the Austringer on paper but I'm waiting for the models before I field them. I did add some Death Marshals and like what they bring to the table. They are my newly appointed Executioner taxi. Keeps the big lug alive till he hit center table.

Governor's Proxy is our best totem IMHO. Adding to our WP is never a bad thing. Plus stripping the suits off of attacks feels right with a Sonia crew.

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I don't suppose you guys could suggest a good start beyond the boxed set for Sonya Crid and her crew?

I'm deffinently going to pick the boxed set up but I was wondering what might make a nice balanced force for her play style. Convict Gunslinger seems to be popular and conveniently available. What else?

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