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Stuff im working on. (Pic Heavy)


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Ramos and the Arachnid swarms have been undercoated and are now sitting on my dining room table awaiting paint. The Steamborg Executioner is still sitting there waiting for his base to be completed though im having trouble getting him to sit right on the cog's on his base, i have also made my first run of corpse counters. Body parts and scrap tokens will hopefully get done at some point today.

I may even finish of McMourning's hospital inspired operating room bases if i get a chance.

Cheers for the coments guys i really didnt think i'd get such a good response about the Ramos bases.

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The removable cogs idea is genius (and also halves the number of spiders you need).

Why not a couple of flat cogs on the big bases? Could make it look like the mounting cogs are attached to something...you could even make them revolve during the game :)

The Steamborg can't fit on his base naturally so its worth picking one leg and having him stepping off by a few millimetres.

Did you end up pinning him? He was a little hairy just placing on a heavy metal sewer base, add in cogs and it would get precarious.

If you beat me to painting Ramos and friends I'm going to eat my boots, starting on a silver and gold drybrushing right now.

What colours are you going for on your spiders?

Shiny cogs or rusty ones?

There are some really vibrant rust colours on the piccy on the cards although I'm going to limit my pallete to blue and black with rust to make the bases contrast.

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Wombats :

Yeah i have pinned the steamborg and used greenstuff around the leg joints aswell to give them some added strength. The base for the Executioner is being built around the model since i figured it would be almost impossible to do the base first and then get the legs in the right position.

As for colors the cogs on the bases im going to give the cogs a tarnished brass look, and the spiders themselves are getting a matt metal finish (not NMM) with the same tarnished brass for the exhaust stacks on the backs of the spiders.

builder :

Glad i couldbe of some service in helping you decide.

I have made different bases for each of my crews trying to theme the bases in with the masters.


Seamus - are all on bricks, you cant really see it in the pics but it is there. I'm hoping i can make it look like the Belle's are waiting for some customers.........

Nicodeem - simple dirt bases with headstones they will also be getting some dead grass and weeds on the base to give them a little more character.

McMourning - small square tiles to make it look like his morgue, there will also be body parts scatttered accross the basses aswell as blood stains on the floor.

As for other models in the range like the Necropunks im just going to do simple bases of dirt and dead grass so that they can be used accross the gangs and with my Leveticus crew im also attempting to put together, I still have no idea how im going to do the basses for Levvy though may have to wait and see how the Steampunk Aboms are gonna look before i decide on anything definite.

Edited by Papa
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