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Biggest ever online contest for charity


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Well I wasnt going to reply to this but I will. Fair enough you dont want to enter - thats certainly your preogative as it is anyone elses. minis are precious and they are not cheap these days. Thats why Im quite proud oif the fact we managed to get £2,000 worth of them from companies, many of whom are small business,s struggling with the economic climate yet they still were able to help us out. It probably would have been easier for me to spend the last 6 months in a part-time job and donating the money from that but that isnt the point. The aim is to raise money for charity but also raising awareness of said charity. Im not sure what value your miniatures sell at but some of the best painters around have donated towards this - one sold for £300 and they didnt even enter it in the contest just donated the money.

Sure some prizes are smaller than others but they have been spread in a way that people of all abilities get a chance to win. Im sure if someone walked up and offered you a load of this stuff you wouldnt turn it down.

Someones 2 year old painted a mini and sold it off to help, my 4 year and my wife are doing the same, maybe they understand the idea more.

Some people understandably dont want to part with their minis so some just donated some cash to help or even bid on some items.

What really annoys me is not so much your views but the fact you felt it necessary to air them on here and try and undermine something which i have spent the last 9 months arranging to try and raise money for a cause that may help stop people going through something myself and my wife had to 4 times. Maybe if you went through that hurt you would think differently.

If drink makes you behave like that then frankly you should stop.

Edited by Darklord
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Parintachin, do you have any idea how much of a prick you've made yourself look, not only on here but on other forums where people are linking your comment? You've actually become quite famous...for all the wrong reasons...

Having an opinion is one thing but, as DL has said, being a gobsh*te and spreading it all around here shows how brainless you really are. Did you honestly think that people were going to agree with your p*sh?

"Yeah, Parintachin is right! F*ck off, Darklord, with your crap charity, we don't want it!" Is that honestly what you thought people were going to say?

Maybe in your f*cked-up head you've "generated some interest in this" but it's only been to bring people here to look at what you'd written...though I see you didn't even have the stones to keep it up and stand by what you'd said. I'm sure the Wyrd Forum is proud to have you as a member...

All I can suggest is that you disappear for a while then maybe rejoin under a different forum name, because from now on you'll always be know as "The arsehole that said..."

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Not too sure the Wychwood Brewery would like your attitude linked to such comments with their Hobgoblin logo. But then you're in Denmark - funny but all the Danes I've actually met have been nice people. Oh well there's always an exception.

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As I see it, you've dug yourself a seriously deep hole. The first 50' was the result of your original assinine post. Then you decided to hold onto the shovel and keep right on digging for another 25'. Really? Blaming drink instead of taking responsibility for yourself, and then trying to spin it like somehow you did the charity efforts a favor?!? Not even close. That was just one horrible failure after another. The digging continued and the hole got deeper.

How's the view?

As I see it, you have one last opportunity to drop the shovel and start to slowly, carefully climb out of the pit before the walls collapse.

The first thing to do is STFU. Next, walk away from the keyboard, flush the alcohol down the drain and get some professional help. If you happen to learn the definition of CHARITY along the way, then your next step would be to actually donate to one. Anonymously. Nothing in it for you except the knowledge that you did something right. If you brag about it to someone else or take any sort of credit for it, in person or online, then you have made the process about you, again, instead of learning the crucial point that it is NOT about you but is instead about the simple act of giving. If you fail to learn this easy lesson, go back and do it again, as many times as it takes to do it silently.

Once you have managed to clear those hurdles, then you'll be clean & sober, with the ability to give a little instead of sucking the life out of everyone else. At that point you will be able to contribute to forums and maybe real life as a positive, functional human.

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Obviously Parintachin has tried to sh*t all over something quite a few of us have an interest in, hence the response.

TBH, I think he's got off lightly...and as for "off-topic flaming", I think DL will be glad to know so many people are coming forward to defend the amazing amount of hard work he's done in organising and running the LA competition, and not the opinion of a pointless little prick!

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