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25ss Sonnia vs. Lilith


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So my son and I sat down tonight to play a game with his new Lilith box. The lists looked like this:

Guild = Assasinate, Raid announced

Sonnia Criid


2 x Witchling Stalkers


Neverborn = Assasinate, Kidnap


Mature Nephilim

3 x Terror Tots


Turn one we moved up. Mature Nephilim carried Lilith forward under the influence of Brood Mother. Lilith than walked forward realised she was too far forward used illusionary forrest and retreated. Waldgeist used uproot to creep forward. Guild advanced at a stately pace. Samael tried to arrest the Mature Nephlim but was out of range.

Turn two Mature Neph charges forwards and devours a witchling advancing up the Guild's right flank. Samael responds with a rapid fire hail of bullets putting the Nephilim down. Lilith used earthquake to push every one towards the Guild deployment zone. Waldgeist moves into the forrest along the right flank engaging the witchling at it's border some damage done.

Turn Three Sonnia used flame burst to crisp a terror tot and do 2 damage to Lilith. She followed that up by killing the tot and summoning up a new witchling. Waldgeist uprooted his forrest and attacked Sonnia managing to get an entagle off on her. Tots advanced, Lilth tried to transposition but Sonnia said no way.

Turn Four Witchling tried to kill of the Waldgeist but failed. Sonnia tried the same and failed, but did but up her inferno. Terror tot moved in but the Executioner did his best Wolverine impression and that was it for the poor little tot. Last tot moved up. A whole lot of missed attacks this round. Inferno kills off the Waldgeist.

Turn Five Executioner charged lilith but failed to kill her. Lilith diced the executioner and backed away from combat. Sonnia and crew move to go after Lilith.

Turn six looks bad for Lilith as the guild advances on her position. Lilith charges out of cover head right for Sonnia. Three soul stones spent on either side and Sonnia has 2 damage left Lilith has 7. Rest of the guild rush to surround Lilith but they ALL fail to beat her defence. We flipped for a turn 7, 12 of Ravens, guild hasn't won yet.

Turn Seven Guild pins their hopes on Samael hes swings and.....misses, again. Even using focus and cheating he just can't touch her. Lilith pops Alluring and reduces all the guilds defence by 2. Then it's Whirling Death, Sonnia is killed and Lilith claims Assassinate AND Kidnap victory, Witchling goes down explodes doing damage to his team, triggers black blood doing more damage, Samael falls to Liliths sword, one Witchling lives with a single wound left. Game over.

Neverborn 4 VP, Guild 2 VP

I thought I had him but the boy hung in there. Just proves that Malifaux really does go till the last second. Lilith is a monster with that high defence! Just wished I'd remebered to counter her Alluring spell on turn 7 probably woundn't have saved me, still might have helped. We had a blast and really learned a lot. We need to figure out how to better use the Tots as the really didn't do anything this game. Witchlings are great but you have to keep them spread out. Biggest lesson learned was avoid melee with Lilith at all costs.

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When using the tots, never forget the power of Brood, when one dies all other nephilim move towards it, helps to get the big guy in play, gaining blood counters is the name of the game with them, so don't be afraid to sacrifice one for the cause to get off the necessary moves, never ever ever forget Flay, cheat for trigger if you have too, to make the necessary damage, be sure to direct them toward the softer targets (the executioner should be avoided if possible) and one of the nasty parts of Lilith is Wicked, in the whole game she's the only one who can actually make parting strikes that do damage.

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The Waldgeist is just like a tick. He's tough as hell and once he gets dug in it's a real pain in the butt to dig him out. All in all he's a good model for the price and a nice compliment to Liliths crew. My son was very happy with it. We used this model for the proxy:


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Oddly enough it was a model that was designed after my own concept. So even though I didn't sculpt it the model was my idea, and I wrote the backstory and stats for him. So basically I've got a real soft sport for the big lug. He does work well as a Waldgeist though. He's even on the correct sized base!

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