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Just found this game; minis look awsome (I enjoy the painting as much as the playing) and from what Ive read here it sounds like the sort of game me and my group would enjoy; my questions are:

1) How does Malifaux comapre to Hell Dorado (a potentially brilliant game that was killed off prematurely) and Warmachine?

2) How established is Malifaux? I dont want to invest time and £ into a game thats going to be canned in 6 months time (see Hell Dorado).

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Welcome to Wyrd.

Can't answer number one as quite frankly, haven't played either. That having been said, we've a ton of folks who have played both who seem to enjoy what Malifaux has to offer. Keep in mind this is a skirmish game, there are no armies, just smaller character driven crews.

Answer two, Wyrd, manufacturer of Malifaux, has been around four years and growing. We're not going to get canned in six months I can say that for certain, our range continues to grow, and a second book for expansion into Malifaux is already well underway. Whether any of that is a waste of time or money for individuals us up for them to decide.


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1) How does Malifaux comapre to Hell Dorado (a potentially brilliant game that was killed off prematurely) and Warmachine?

2) How established is Malifaux? I dont want to invest time and £ into a game thats going to be canned in 6 months time (see Hell Dorado).

I'll stab at 'em!

1) Followed Hell Dorado as a fan but never got to play it. I'm a long time player and PG for WM/Hordes, and play Dark Age and know a bit about Infinity, Alkemy, and others. Malifaux is most like Dark Age, Infinity, and a little like Hell Dorado. True skirmish with a focus on character. Each model is a true solo with a history and background. No units. Now, there's quasi-units of small models that have less individual character and often work well in multiples such as Death Marshals, Witchling Stalkers, Terror Tots, Rotten Belles, Sillurids, Woes, and others. But the game is rich in constant player interaction. Not only is it alternating activations, but even when you're defending, you have a very integral part of the action with the manipulation of the cards - not just reading a defense stat and recording damage - you are part of the combat for real. And each army is (variable, but roughly) 5-12 models total. The world is extremely rich and complex with a ton of variety and plenty of room for expansion. It's also pretty dark like Hell Dorado only with a focus on the humans trying to live in a dark world rather than the more over-the-top gruesome you might see in some of HD's demons. Not that ugly. More psychological than physical.

2) Talking with EricJ and the other designers, I know they have plans for two more expansions and the concepts in mind for the third - quite likely a fourth if i know EricJ and Nathan. They have every intention to build this thing up and keep supporting it for a long time. Nathan has dreams of it eventually allowing him to buy a small island, and I'm extremely positive EricJ put a ton of his eggs in the Malifaux basket, so if it fails there's going to be a very real tantrum that could be felt through the earth for several miles. You can expect your investment to last for no less than three or four years at minimum. Given the very positive response to the game in just two weeks and anecdotes of LGS's hopping to get product, I'd guess you're whitnessing the birth of one of those games that will nip at the heels of Privateer and Games Workshop and will possibly rise to the top of the skirmish heap as PP rose to the top of the "small army wargame" and GW rules at the "massive army wargame".

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I'll just chime in on question 2, and say that there is no chance we're folding any time soon. We have materials for 2-3 more books, already looking at other avenues of gaming to expand Malifaux into beyond the basic skirmish game, and have TONS of minis you haven't even heard of yet that we're just dying to make. You won't be getting rid of us any time soon, and judging by the response at Gencon and since we put the book up for preorder, it seems we may even be gaining the resources to speed up that process, even in this slow economy! :)

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I'm a big player of HD and Warmachine. It's mildly similar to both IMO. HD because it's proper skirmish, an original setting, awsome models and alternating activation. Warmachine because of the potential for combo's (although yet to decipher anything game breaking, but it'll probably have something to do with Leveticus). That's about it.

As the designers have said, they've got big plans for Malifaux and it's definitely taken off at light-speed! As for how your game group decide, well I can't comment on that but I for one am going to be peddling this stuff like mad to my club.

I'll just throw in that if you enjoy painting, it's worth getting some of the Malifaux line. Even if you only play once in a blue moon, they are a joy to paint and just demand you do your best. I'm absolutely besotted with the models, perfect mix of all my favourite stuff :D

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Two to three more books? Good grief, I need to get to work!

Thats what I like to hear!

I love what was written in the book, but there are some questions arisen for me based on what was read in the book and how it relates to sneak peaks that were talked about in the beta section of the forum months ago.

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1) How does Malifaux comapre to Hell Dorado (a potentially brilliant game that was killed off prematurely) and Warmachine?

2) How established is Malifaux? I dont want to invest time and £ into a game thats going to be canned in 6 months time (see Hell Dorado).

Just to make your day, there are some pretty solid rumors that Hell Dorado has been picked up by a US distributor. So it might not be dead yet. That being said you should totally play Malifaux as well :)

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Just to make your day, there are some pretty solid rumors that Hell Dorado has been picked up by a US distributor. So it might not be dead yet. That being said you should totally play Malifaux as well :)

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been waiting for the English rulebook from Hell Dorado for what, two years now? Much as I loved the concepts/sculpts/even rules, Malifaux is in my grubby li'l mitts right now, it's gorgeous and I don't have to sweat the vaguarites of quasi-Franglish rules. (No, of course I wasn't touched in the bad place by Confrontation and/or Cadwallon... why do you ask?).

I'm finding that the more I read the rulebook, the more I like Malifaux. And I started out loving it! Now, to strong-arm some local players...

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what are the new books going to be about.

1-are they gonna only introduce new models,

2-new models with only a few extra rules mostly concerning the models relaeased with the book (ala privateer press,

3- whole new rules (i<d kill for a great campaign setting like Dog of wars (confrontation))

I don't know. :D

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what are the new books going to be about.

1-are they gonna only introduce new models,

2-new models with only a few extra rules mostly concerning the models relaeased with the book (ala privateer press,

3- whole new rules (i<d kill for a great campaign setting like Dog of wars (confrontation))

You can find some clues to future rules and models in the rulebook (hint: see for example page 20)

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what are the new books going to be about.

1-are they gonna only introduce new models,

2-new models with only a few extra rules mostly concerning the models relaeased with the book (ala privateer press,

3- whole new rules (i<d kill for a great campaign setting like Dog of wars (confrontation))

Cool stuff

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