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Demo Video of Malifaux from Gen Con

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I've got a few pics I'm gonna try posting with some close ups of game play on the demo tables and in the TTG's room. I'm at the airport now thought and will be on a layover in Chicago in just a while.....will try then. They were taken from my phone, so they aren't the best quality, but its better than nothing.

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Awesome video! The game looks so nice! Can't wait to get my hands on the book.

I couldn't hear it quite well on the video, but can all cards be put in card sleeves? Thanks.

You are looking that the cards are a bi-fold design, so to be able to sleeve them and have an unobstructed view, you need to get a larger sleeve, I know Keltheos postedi n another thread what kind of sleeve to look for. But sleeves or laminating are kind of encouraged just because the cards all have a lovely bullet wound track on them to mark off damage from.

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this threaD should be in the malifaux section

Cool video, even tough the sound ius not the best.

I have a question about the game mechanics (damn slow mail, I wish I had my book now).

When you use the card in your hand, it replace the card you flipped?

If so, how does ability like critical hit works. Ericj said Critical strike does +1 damage per Ram in the duel total.

If it's so, you can only do one extra damage with critical hit (or 2 if the ram suit is integrated in your combat), or do you also take the ram of your opponent if he flipped one?

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For the flipping and critical strike, as is stated, you get the +1 damage for each RAM suit in the total. Minions can have the ability to get +2, Masters have the ability to get +3.

As mentioned, some stats have a native suit on them.....such as a character have a 5 (rams) for an attack. When they flip their card, they can get another ram. At this point, if they cheat fate, they can replace their flipped card with a card in hand, giving them a chance for that 2nd ram if they didn't get it on the flip.

Lastly, only Masters have the ability to use a soulstone to flip an additional card off your fate deck to potentially get a 3rd ram.

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Thanks for watching, guys. Sorry the sound isn't what it could have been. The hall was way noisy. I hope the sense of the game came through. I have some more Wyrd videos that will be going up in the next couple of days showing both the swamp and mining town demo boards, which both looked amazing.

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