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Pulp City Dr. Red

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As I am (and going to be over the weekend) super busy with sorting out the hundred pounds of miniatures and taking care of it making safely to Indy, Dr. Red is here two days earlier.

Also, I couldn't resist taking a pic of A.R.C. assembled! Enjoy!

Dr. Red (A.R.C. Hero/Villain, Level 2 Science)

Concept: Melvin de Voor, Sculpt: Paul Muller, Paintjob: Nomic



A.R.C. Assemble!

Edited by Morf
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Fantastic mini! I wish I could be at GENCON this year to get some of the new stuff. But it looks like my surgery from 3 yrs. ago...Nathan hopefully remembers me on crutches? Well one of the screws has backed itself out 1/4 to 1/2 inches. My Dr. stated this was an "equipment malfunction" and I'm slated for surgery #3 in the past 4 yrs. So again I'm going to be in pain and will need my miniature buddies for comfort. I will keep everybody posted on the events and possibly post pics.

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