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Question on models to purchase


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Hello all, I have recently started spending more time here from all the links on TGN and I have some friends who are going to GenCon and had a few questions. I would like to start ordering some models now so I can paint them by the time the rules come out but I had some questions on force composition/warband building. Is each Malifaux box set enough for a normal game? Can there be multiple heros/villains in the same warband I.E. if I buy the Legion of Sorrow crew and Lilith's brood box will all the models fight together or will there be points/composition limits? How many models do I need like should I get one Lilith brood box but I'll still need 5 or 6 small minion type?

Thanks in advance!


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Decent questions, Will.

The quick answer is that battleboxes are very much enough to play a real game, and even a fully tactical and competitive game, too. Usually, after buying the battleboxes, though, you'll find additional options to tailor each crew to your playstyle and will likely buy a couple more.

Your second set of questions, though, is trickier to answer. No "heros/villains" in the game, per se. I think what you're really asking is whether you can build cross-faction armies with Lilith at the helm of a band of zombies kind of thing and the answer is a qualified, no.

* No: Factions are factions, but the Outcasts have a "sub-faction" of sorts that are Mercenary. They can work for any faction but will cost a bit more to hire them into your crew. Currently we've not seen any previews for Outcasts so there's nothing to show you "on the books" about mercs.

So, in a nutshell: Crews can hire any models from their own big faction (like Pandora can hire Nephelim or Silurids) but cannot hire outside of the faction (with Mercs as an exception). Battleboxes are very much doable, and so there's no reason to not get one to represent your interests. You'll probabaly buy more down the road, but no need to sweat it - only a couple and you'll be set!

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From what I remember, the higher-ups really wanted to keep the game sizes small. The box sets should be competitive right out of the box, and in line with standard game size (or a little smaller).

As for crew composition, each crew needs a master. For Lilith's brood, it's Lilith. She can hire anyone from the Neverborn faction, as well as from the outcasts (outcasts are at a premium). In bigger games, you can have more than one master, but they must be from the same faction, or an outcast master. (Correct me if I'm wrong, folks.)

Different models do have different point costs. We can't be having the Steamborg be as good as an Ice Gamin. Throughout the development of the game, the Wyrd folks have been darn good at keeping things small. If you'd get a box and a booster, chances are that'd be big enough for a standard game. Rules and exact point costs will be coming out soon, though. I wouldn't want to lead you astray.

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the goal all along in game creation was to make each box set both thematically and tactically sound on the battle field. That said, we also didn't want to lock people into single choices for each masters, so the minions within a faction are completely interchangeable. Similarly, each box tends to be perfect for about 25 soul stone games, and it a good starting size, however, we expect most tournaments will be around 30-35 soul stones, meaning a box plus 1 or 2 blisters will be everything you need.

If you want to give yourself a lot of choice, you then can focus on a single faction and get 2 or all 3 boxes, and you'll be able to build crews for single masters with a lot of options, and, gives you the option to play the larger 2 master games with masters who will work together.

Basically, the bottom line is that we've tried to make it as easy for you as possible! :)

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Thanks everyone for the input. I picked up a few starter boxes and will paint them up and that should hold me over til the rules come out. Then I can really focus on warband (what is it called anyhow? gang? posse?) building. These models just blow me away with their detail and action flow. I can't wait to play the game.


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Ah interesting to hear that you can hire from others within your faction, may help me since I think I'm planning on picking up all the guild so I am.

As for the Outcasts, I know you can hire them for your faction, but are they going to be a faction unto themselves as well?

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everything is individual actually, the models that come in packs are just done that way to give options for hiring additional, and to let us easily provide multiple sculpts without having to package them all individually (which would increase their cost to you)

Hope that helps!

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That's awsome. I was worried that if you had to hire "x many" at a time it would inhibit some of the choices when crew building. I'd like to be able to take Zoriada, Mire Golem, silurids and gremlins should the mood strike me! (not that I know if you can't do that already).

You sure can!

That's actually a good crew organization.

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Hola, last year at Gencon I purchased the Bayou Gremlines along with Zoraida and a blister of Silurids. I was told they would function as a playable gang when the game came out. Is this still true? I've finally found the time to start painting them up and hope to use them this year in Indy.

I have to say the new Gremlin Master figure is awesome and I hope I can buy him separate from the box along with the War Pig! Also nice to see if I buy the swamp golem I'll have a functioning Neverborn gang too.

edit: And somehow I missed the post directly above this that answered my question. I am very tired.

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While the Gremlins did move to being a complete group in the Outcasts faction, Zoraida can still Enthrall those charming little bayou buggers.

As for Mechaace's plans to mix and match Guild minions... Sonnia's starter, Santiago Ortega, and a Death Marshal replacing one of the Witchlings is a perfectly acceptable crew at roughly the right size for a tournament. Why Santiago? Trust me.

Edited by AoM
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Hola, last year at Gencon I purchased the Bayou Gremlines along with Zoraida and a blister of Silurids. I was told they would function as a playable gang when the game came out. Is this still true? I've finally found the time to start painting them up and hope to use them this year in Indy.

I have to say the new Gremlin Master figure is awesome and I hope I can buy him separate from the box along with the War Pig! Also nice to see if I buy the swamp golem I'll have a functioning Neverborn gang too.

edit: And somehow I missed the post directly above this that answered my question. I am very tired.


As you found, yes, they will all work together as a group still and do a damn good job at it too. My two personal favorite Crews right now are the Gremlins and the Hag!

For the Gremlins, to be honest at first they were going to be 'one offs'. We had a LOT of fun with them though and people liked them, spoke with their wallets, and it was easy to make the decision to make them into a group of their own. Allows us to have some fun and to field something a bit different while doing it, so a win win!

Edited by Nathan Caroland
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Loves me some Gremlins. If only there were cute little gremlin girls to keep them company in those bayou shacks. ;) I'm glad we're a few weeks away from Gen Con so I can get the final preparation done for my classes (and get that Sonnia set finished), but I am starting to wish time would go faster so I can start henching (<----- TOTALLY A REAL WORD) and get my mitts on all these wonderful new crews I've been waiting on.

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