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Well where to begin?, First off my name is Gary,im 26 and I'm a gamer.

I started off at the age of 10 playing d&d and cyberpunk with my older brother. by the time I was 17 i had moved on to harder drugs, namely Warhammer 40k. (blood angels, tau, NECRONS) but I found that 40k wasn't enough. So i moved on to Bigger and heavier things...WARMACHINE ( KHADOR). After 2 years of smashing my friends into submission it was time to find a new game. Now i've set my sights on something WYRD. god help us all.

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Sonnia is a missguided idiot. She want's to be an Arcanist soo badly that she keeps copying our techniques!

That being said, in all seriousness, the Resurectionists probably have the most in common with the Khador faction.

But who wants to deal with a bunch or unmodified corpses? There is beauty in the melding of machinery and man.

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Mennoth, aka mentration army lol. I play with like 4 other players that all play Mennoth..lol karchev loves menoth. Cryx dont get me started :P . anyways back to wyrd, i like both the guild, and who ever has the steampunk stuff.. mmmm steamborg. i'd preffer to play a beatstick army, but i'm willing to try some thing new if the minis kick ass.

Nothing says gresham like a puking unicorn.

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If you like the steampunk stuff join the AARG! (Follow the link in my sig)

The Arcanist faction gets all the Steamborg and Steampunk Arachnid goodness! We are a friendly group too as long as you aren't Angel of Menoth. He was caught spying and selling our secrets earlier today. We labotomised him and inserted his torso into a Steamborg Chassis. He is being better behaved now! :D

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im leaning towards the arcanist, mainly because i like the look of the minis, and they sound like they will play different from my khador and blood angel armys. Plus i already have some of the minis..

By the way how do the mercs work in game, i have hans, and convict gunslinger minis....

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