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New Star Trek movie


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Okay, so they're coming out with a new Star Trek movie next year (in case you hadn't heard - or cared) and the trailer was recently released:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n8qHdG1GLI]YouTube'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n8qHdG1GLI]YouTube - Star Trek (2009) - Official Trailer 2 ** HQ STEREO **[/ame]

So, what do you all think?

Being a former, albeit mild, Star Trek fan, some of it I like and some of it I don't.

Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) looks to make a decent Spock; Simon Pegg (Shaun in Shaun of the Dead) seems to be a pretty funny Scotty and Karl Urban (Eomer in LotR) is almost a dead-ringer for Bones McCoy.


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i'm a die hard trekkie .

i'm hopefull but cautious about this movie

Honestly, I sorta think this new movie is being made to appeal to those people who aren't big Star Trek fans. It has got a much different feel than all the previous movies. I think they are trying to make a solid space fantasy movie that just happens to be Star Trek.

It almost gives the feeling of something like Indiana Jones in space.

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I've never been more than a casual Star Trek fan. This trailer REALLY appeals to me however. Of course, I'm a sucker for a good trailer, but this makes Star Trek look like the gritty 'non perfect' world that I like in Sci Fi...as opposed to the obsessive almost compulsive pristine-ness of the series (especially ST TNG).

I'm interested in seeing how this turns out.

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I have to admit I'm a little worried about the glorifying of Kirk as a reckless 10 year old, not sure where they're going there honestly...

What I think would make for a Star Trek movie is one which explained the fundamental shift from a gritty world to the SUPER clean one in TNG. Yeah, don't give me the BS about prosperity brought about everyone growing morals and OCD cleanliness, but rather something happened in the Star Trek world that was so mind tweeking that it was an overreaction that made TNG the way it was. I mean, plague, war, terror, etc... THAT would be interesting from a Sci Fi standpoint and a social exploration standpoint...man, I should write a script :D

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I have to admit I'm a little worried about the glorifying of Kirk as a reckless 10 year old, not sure where they're going there honestly...

What I think would make for a Star Trek movie is one which explained the fundamental shift from a gritty world to the SUPER clean one in TNG. Yeah, don't give me the BS about prosperity brought about everyone growing morals and OCD cleanliness, but rather something happened in the Star Trek world that was so mind tweeking that it was an overreaction that made TNG the way it was. I mean, plague, war, terror, etc... THAT would be interesting from a Sci Fi standpoint and a social exploration standpoint...man, I should write a script :D

Very interesting....That would make an explanation plausible. Imagine if a devastating bacteria rampaged the worlds. That would certainly give people the mindset of being anally retentivally clean.

Although I like Kirk as a reckless kid. It really gives creedence to the "BOLDLY GO". I mean you'd have to be a special type of person to captain a ship to where 'no man has gone'. It kind of explains it in the voice over...He's looking for adventure where there isn't enough....a special purpose.

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I'm just tired of the cliche of the reckless and overtly ballsy commander who plays everything by ear and can get out of every jam by thinking outside the box, or sleeping with someone. Yes, perhaps the character of Kirk was one of the first and as such has a right to be portrayed that way, but why do they need to shove the cliche in our face and rub it in, we KNOW this about that character, why waste time in the movie showing it to us again in a new, technology enhanced over the top way?

Use that time for more awesome space battle special effects :D

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I hear you...it is an overused cliche'.

But, it seems (and I'm purely going by the trailer here) they want to re-establish the characters motivations, most likely thorough the tried and true 'flashback'. And although that is always hinted at, has it really ever been truly established? Especially if they are trying to reach out for that new generation of fans?

For instance, my daughter, who'll be 16 before long knows NOTHING of Star Trek. It's a good time to revisit the characters...IMHO.

OH, and I'm all for more space shooty goodness!

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Franchise resets are to get the younger characters into the action, not so much to keep the old timers happy. When they brought back to life Iron Man's father and rolled him back in age about 30 years in the comics I wasn't a happy camper, but whatever. Means they're invested in the franchise enough to give it new life.

And other than flying neck kicks and his mad love skills what did Kirk bring to the table, really?

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I'm a big Star Trek fan (although not so much with the original because I grew up with TNG), so I'm looking forward to seeing the reinvention of the original series. The trailer looks cool but I really hope that it doesn't end up with a James Bond-like story line. All those sci-fi fans in the UK will know that Dr Who has been reinvented in the last few years, and although I was sceptical about that to begin with it's been a massive success because it's taken the story and really moved it on with really riveting and deeply thought provoking story lines and fantastic 3 dimensional characters. I hope Star Trek does that instead of just being a good action movie with one liners and girls in skimpy skirts. I guess I shall just have to wait and see... Eric J: I think the idea of explaining the period between the gritty original series and the clean morally minded TNG would be really great because it's never really been explained. Maybe it could be set around the time that Klingons had that weird disease that meant they went from being humans with spikey eyebrows to beings with ribbed foreheads!

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All those sci-fi fans in the UK will know that Dr Who has been reinvented in the last few years, and although I was sceptical about that to begin with it's been a massive success because it's taken the story and really moved it on with really riveting and deeply thought provoking story lines and fantastic 3 dimensional characters.

And, I'm sure, quite a few of us Dr. Who fans here in the US. I was also one of those that was skeptical about the new DW, but it turned out great and I'm really wanting new episodes.

One could also make the same point about Battlestar Galactica; it was "re-vamped" and turned out to be pretty popular from what I hear.

I'm hoping that the same will be true with this latest Star Trek because I did like the original series and some of TNG.

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Maybe it could be set around the time that Klingons had that weird disease that meant they went from being humans with spikey eyebrows to beings with ribbed foreheads!

That was my first thought too! How's it go in that DS9 episode 'Trials and Tribblations': "It is not something we speak of to outsiders.":laugh:

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I do think it's funny they completely ignored the fact early klingons were FAR different at first than in TNG...seems to me at that point they could have just made up a new race since the change was so dramatic.

So...the big question, when is the new revamped Buck Rogers coming out...although they'll never get Wilma Deering right...

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I do think it's funny they completely ignored the fact early klingons were FAR different at first than in TNG...seems to me at that point they could have just made up a new race since the change was so dramatic.

So...the big question, when is the new revamped Buck Rogers coming out...although they'll never get Wilma Deering right...

But Buck Rogers has been revamped lots of times, from the original 1932 serials to the version form the 80s with Gil Gerard.

And I have to say First season buck rogers was way better than season 2, although the telekinetic dwarves "examining" Wilma in season 2 was total fan service. ;)

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