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New Enigma - November

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I really don't like the demon hunter. Something about the hair, the weapon...I dunno, it just doesn't work for me. The blacksmith, on the other hand, looks great, I really like that one. The wizard/druid has a ton of character and lots of fiddly bits to drive me crazy in painting, so that's a winner, too.

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Their last batch was terrible relative to the rest, I thought, but this is right back up there at the top. I just wish that big sucker wasn't $25, that just seems way too much.

Yeah, that is pricey....but most 54 mm go for the 19.99 and up range...so it's not too terrible.

Haven't seen you around in some time James! Good to see you.

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Yeah, that is pricey....but most 54 mm go for the 19.99 and up range...so it's not too terrible.

Haven't seen you around in some time James! Good to see you.

Thanks, I usually try to scan the forums here and at cmon every week but don't post much anymore.

Well I cracked and bought the demonhunter so hopefully it will be worth it, does anyone know how the casting quality is?

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