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PP Harrower Warjack.

The greens are airbrushed. The steel for the claw is as well.

Comments and Criticisms are welcome and encouraged.










I appologise for the multiple images.

I havn't sprung for Photoshop yet.


Sick! This looks really nice. The greens came out well and the fades look smooth. Maybe the gold bits could use some more attention, on the knee-caps or whatever, but maybe thats what you're going for, not sure. This looks awesome though, well done!


Very smooth greens. It almost looks like the legs are semi-opaque instead of just painted metal. I agree with the gold needing a little more definition, even if it's just a wash around the bolts to make them stand out a little more.

Very smooth greens. It almost looks like the legs are semi-opaque instead of just painted metal. I agree with the gold needing a little more definition, even if it's just a wash around the bolts to make them stand out a little more.

All of the gold? Or just the leg plates? Can you be a bit more specific please? I'll go ahead and edit the piece some although this is primarily table top quality.

I am interested in improving my technique and would like to try to impliment these suggestions.


It looks good. The transitions on the greens look really smooth.

If you're looking for a photo editing program, I know quite a few people use Gimp. It's free and seems to work pretty well.

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