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Corvus Belli: New Infinity Releases

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Personally I'm very disappointed. I waited for the Guilang und Togan for quite a long time, but these minis just don't look right to me. The pose of Togan is just... strange and the style of the Guilang doesn't go with the old one. (It just looks different, I can't really explain ^^')

I'm not too keen on the other minis either, the ranger ist ok, although the pigtails look a bit strange imo and the Lizard looks too much like Appleseed and too less like an own idea...

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I quite like the Lizard's Shirowness - it's meant to be a souped up old TAG - but not its static pose.

I also like the Guilang but (and I know this is down to what's possible with casting) not the way the front hem of the coat curves around a very noticable flat surface, with a leg sticking out of it... my eye always jumps straight to such things and it can be done in a more subtle way.

Foxtrot's... nice... in a generic, near-future warrior chick kind of way - high sculpting quality but nothing that sets her apart.

Saito... I've been a pretty staunch defender of some of them Infinity poses but....

I've always liked Angel's painting but he really does seem to be moving onto the next level of late... like he's been `allowed' to paint more freely by CB and he's loving it!

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