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Hi all,

I'm John, a Graphic Designer who's been drawing for about 40 years and painting minis on and off for about 20, it's my hobby and I greatly enjoy it. I've been impressed with the Wyrd minis ever since the big guy with the hook and chain came out and had always meant to pick some up down the road (using the WarEngine I'd just make up stats for any minis I liked.)

But it seems I can delay no longer you sneaky devils. not only have you added a beautiful sculpt to your line by Werner Klocke, one of my two all time favorite sculptors I also just discovered there are plans afoot for a skirmish battle system. Now as much as I like those big honkin battles with an army of minis my favorite games have always been skirmish and I'm still waiting for someone to do it up right. There are some nice skirmish systems out there but all have their issues. I eagerly anticipate seeing what you come up with. I'll pick up Lilith and her brood shortly and be sure to post them here when they're finished.

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Welcome to wyrd, glad we could finally lure you in! And of course definitely always happy to hear good feedback on the miniatures. And yes, the skirmish game is very much in the works, with pages and pages of discussion going on behind the scenes to hopefully iron out as many of those issues as possible. If you're really interested, keep an eye out, we'll likely be making a call for game testers here shortly! But regardless, you can rest assured that any of the skirmish groups in the shop will be playable in the game.

And of course the forums seem to have a real nice group of people, and we're always glad to welcome more.

so welcome!

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Welcome to Wyrd John!

Glad to see we've managed to reel you in and although it'll be a bit yet before the skirmish system makes the light, hopefully it'll meet with approval and interest.

Looking forward to seeing some of your graphic design work and miniature painting.

As a curiosity, who is the second all time favorite sculptor?

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Thanks all for the warm welcome, I've read through a majority of the existing threads over this past weekend and found them to be be informative and enjoyable, you have a great group here, I'm pleased to be able to take part in it and hope to contribute myself.

@Frustrated Father - While there are a lot of established and emerging sculptors whose work I truly respect, I've always had a soft spot for Klocke and Kev Whites work, most likely because I really like the faces on their figures, especially Werners females. And Kev's anatomy and proportion is always top notch.

Until I get Lilith and her Brood and paint them up (I'd have ordered them already but the woman cleaned out Paypal again) here is a link to my Photobucket account and some of the Hordes figures I've been doing lately.


And a link to my Design Website.


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Thanks Eric, I'm already toying with color schemes in my head. And as I like to go with inspiration they'll move to the top of the painting queue as soon as I get them (which I plan on being very shortly.) I guess I'll also have to paint Killjoy now too, as I also liked that figure as soon as I saw it.

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