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Nate and Zac(TGN):

Ortega Gunslingers (Perdia, Santiago, Francisco, Niño, Papa Loco)

Diceless game, will be card based, turn based w/initiative.

Factions: Necro(undead), Neverborn(no info yet), SteamPunk(magic and Tech), Witchunters, Mercenaries

Will have characters(Master), Witchhunter have about 4 other releases, Rasputina will have her faction. Character Driven, with 5-8 mini, 45minutes to 2 hour game. (of course this all Early Pre-Release info, subject to change)

Miniatures will try to stay simpler, less complex, as opposed to exceptionally involved.

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I sound like a putz.


Quick, I made it all up on the spot, I now need to get the guys to actually work all of this into the game!!

Heh. Seriously though, everything is fluid as it gets right now but I feel very confident in the direction that we have been going with this, particularly with starting to fill in the miniatures for the growing groups as well as the work that has been done and is being done on the game itself.

I'll put together a forum for the game here in the very near future in order for folks to chat, speculate, give us some ideas of what you are looking for and or generally bitch and moan, not that we're likely to change, listen or even drop a whole lot of information before its time but its a good place to start.

Rotten Belles will go on sale when we get back into town - the Ortega Gunslingers and the new version of Viktoria will be a month or more before being released to the store.

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