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Blood pact


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His head whipped back from the first blow, and luckily he stumbled back from it, as the roaring teeth of a chainsword sailed past in front of his eyes. He knew he had to react before the blade looped back in another swipe, as his foe had taken a step forward and he was still in perfect range. He had to close the distance and try to buy himself some time.

His opponent was bigger, MUCH bigger, thick set and rippling with muscles, fortunately though, he was also a lot slower. Private Steiner took a step forward himself and put all his weight behind a powerful downward kick at his opponent's leading knee.

It worked, and the giant fell into a kneel, which caused him to lose the momentum on his reverse stroke as he instinctively moved his arms outward to correct his balance. Taking the initiative, Steiner took the hesitation to his advantage- he continued with his movement forwards, taking a step past his temporarily downed opponent and whipped his body round, from the ball of his foot, through his hips and lateral dorsii muscles, and smoothly transferring the energy round and upwards into his elbow - driving it up into his foe's chin.

He had hoped it would knock him down onto his back, but to his astonishment, it merely loosened a few teeth as the beast's enormous neck muscles absorbed much of the blow. Not wanting to lose his momentum or pause to reposition, Steiner continued forward, using the brief time he had gained to spin back round to face the downed blood pact trooper, unclip his belt scabbard and unsheath his combat knife... For all the good it would do...

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