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Me thinks its very professionally done. Layout is simple to follow and clear. Read your tutorial too and noticed a slight issue there. You stated that you'll be using purple and yellow as the main colours but the completed model didn't show this?

ok I had another look and realised I was an idiot. That is the GW's version and not yours.

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Iv always liked clean and simple.

It flows through alot of the stuff I design at college. I like the use of negative space.

Billy: Where are the errors/typo's? Iv had a read and can't find any?

Eldin: That pic was acting funny. The design thing (iWeb) is what you see is what you get, but that pic kept appearing lower than intended, so I just kept pushing it up until it was in the right place.

*EDIT* Iv changed the links on the bio page aswell, to make it a little neater.

BTW What do you all thing of the slide show function? Necessary?

*EDIT AGAIN* You can now add comments and attachments (up to 5mb) to blog posts. And a search feild up in the top corner (worth having?)

Sorry for using you lot as test subjects, but it helps to see what works well or not.

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I've never been a fan of slideshows, but that is just my tastes, so I just avoided it, and I think particularly for miniatures, people may want to take a bit more time to inspect the photos...

And I don't think the search is needed, the site just isn't big enough that you can find everything pretty easily

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Well iv purchased a domain name: www.matthewbraid.co.uk

But I need to get .mac and then get the FTP whateveritis to transfer it over.

I could just use the free hosting with the domain name thing, but I don't understand it at all (its all FTP, numbers and apache mush)

And with .mac I just need to click on publish then its online. (may cost a little more, but its much easier)

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Aye rapidreaver does look good, like an advanced iWeb.

I had considered it although I would have had to buy it, and iWeb was free with the computer.

Plus iWeb has done what I intended to do, so im pretty pleased.

BTW All the commission stuff is now posted up. All that is left to do is make a new banner for my signiature then I can start announcing it all over the wed :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very nice looking site.

I really can't do more than echo the compliments you've gotten already.

And possibly add that now that I have a decent digital camera, seeing your site has inspired me to get some space somewhere on the web to show off my own stuff, even if it isn't up to the levels of most of the folk I've seen here, it is fun to show off and maybe get feedback.

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