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Paul Potts

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If you haven't seen this, Paul Potts, a rather dumpy looking average chap auditioned for the 'Britian's Got Talent' show.

I realize the little video is edited for effect, but it doesn't fail to move me.

I just love the female hosts reaction to it all....and this man's obvious humbleness.

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that was completely unexpected O_Othe reactions of the people, even the judges is amazing :)what Ive seen so far from all these *next superstar* shows, there's alot of crap (especially from people looking like that guy, sad but true.) sometimes somebody is ok, and can be shaped to become pretty good.but Id say this guy is beyond that, keeping him in the show would be unfair to others and unfair to him, he should start his career straight away. :)and I dont even like opera (it gives me chills, unpleasant chills, tough I think its beautiful music.) I also think he should have a beard.. I think it makes him appear less, well, cant name it, but less that and a bit more imposing. (that offcourse depends on his hair quality.. )

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I just hope he wins and uses the money to fix his teeth.

I'm not sure how much was editing, but it's pretty clear no one was expecting that quality from that guy.

I mean he sells mobile phones! He looks a bit of a shlub - shirt rumpled, suit doesn't quite fit - and belts it out to a standing ovation.

One thing to keep in mind is that he was probably preceded by something like this:


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