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Exodus Wars 6mm Droid Controller

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Khazari Droid Controller


[46] £9.95

The Khazari Droids form a massive part of there armies. Despite their advanced artificial intelligence, they still need a certain amount of remote assistance to help them see beyond mere localised threats. To help them get a more strategic picture and to increase there response times the Khazari employ huge floating mainframes. Heavily armed and armoured the Khazari Droid Controllers drift across the battlefield supplying electronic support to Droids engaging in combat. In general they manage to keep out of harms way, but occasionally, and not always by design they end up taking part in as well as controlling the conflict. To this end they have four turrets, each with three massive Plasma Cannons capable of laying down a whithering bombardment and destroying infantry and armour alike. They utilise an enormous Kinetic Barrier to repulse enemy weapons fire, and heavy armour to deal with any shots that manage to pass through.

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Played? Not yet. Collected? Yes, 2 Dirtside 2 armies. I have also read the rules and they sound absolutely fantastic (as in the best rulesset I have read in ages...although it is a bit difficult to read, the way it should play sounds awesome). But I will eventually play it once my group gets to it.

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Painting is just easy! Drybrush and washing fest! You can paint an army in an evening and it will look good. Biggest advantage of 6mm gaming. And in addition, you can field HUGE armies on a normal (6' x 4') table without problems. The looks of batallions of tanks racing across the table and shooting massive holes in the enemies' lines is very cool. Much cooler than the Warzone/VOID/WH40K thing where you have 1-2 tanks at a side.

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