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Hey guys,

Currently I am working on my 500 points WARMACHINE Cryx force for a tournament (September 1). As I want to field an entire painted force I am speedpainting everything. So as a testmodel I speedpainted this Bile Thrall to see how they would work out if I'd do them fast. This is the first one I did.

I am very happy with the guy for the ~2 hours invested in him :). The skin was fun to do with all the glazes.

For the people who don't know what Bile Thralls are: they are walking zits; they are filled with bile. They wiggle forwards to the enemy and when in range they inrease the pressure inside their soft and tender bodies until they explode in a shower of bile, hitting everybody nearby and melting them with the bile. Cool eh? :D

Bile Thrall Test model


So any tips or comments for the other 9? Oh, and the black stain on the gun will be fixed :)

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For the people who don't know what Bile Thralls are: they are walking zits; they are filled with bile. They wiggle forwards to the enemy and when in range they inrease the pressure inside their soft and tender bodies until they explode in a shower of bile, hitting everybody nearby and melting them with the bile. Cool eh? :D

Yeah.....so much for finishing the breakfast I was eating as I read this. :)

I think that for the 2 hours you put into this, it looks pretty good. Maybe a litte rough in some areas, but still above a normal "tabletop" standard. Good work.

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I like the roughness actually, many pro-painted miniatures I think are too smooth to be convincingly real (dont mistake this with realistic :) as a comparison, certain top-sculptors and artists alike I think make their stuff also too realistic to be *real* )

to be honest if there would be more time spent on the skin (unless it would be texturing and freehand vein work, wich Im dying to do on similair miniatures when I have the time.) it would even lose its charm :D imho tough.

in short, very good ! ;)

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I actually thought about the TCY and TCG :D...but I decided not to at first as I didn't want it to be too slimy and gross (wow...did I actually type that?!). But of course I'll add some slime to some Bile Thralls for sure! How much and on what sculpts I don't know yet, but of course I'll post pictures when they are finished.

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