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I wanted to try replying to (at least some of the) comments on my entries this time around.

I made two entries for this contest. One that I did not expect much from and one I expected more from. It would seem that I had my expectations backward.

Thank you to everyone who commented.


Scandalous Entry 05 (http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1365) [edited to correct the URL]

When I saw this miniature (for all of $0.99US!), I thought that it would be perfect for "Femme Fatale I". I knew it was a very poor sculpt, but for <$1US... :)

I did the skin, metal parts, and stone base for "Femme Fatale I," but that was as far as I got. I painted over the metal, painted the gems, added the shield to the base, and painted the cloak for "Femme Fatale II." I think that my painting has improved in the past year. ;)

As an aside, I did not expect people to like this miniature much. Turns-out people seem to have liked this one more than my other entry, which I spent quite a bit of time on.

BTW, I don't think it is a mask. The miniature is named "LICH FEMALE with mace (HOT & COLD)" on the Discount Hobbies site, so I assume that it is a skull.

@Coneman: Thank you for the comments and suggestion

@Bobcat: Correct on all counts, and thank you for the complement.

@Maestro, @sniffles, @callumrice, @Coil, @chonk34, @Jabberwocky, @pete-h, @cdukino, @Tyron, @supervike, @Wren, @Art-de-Vivre, @lauth81, @cheddarmonger, @Hinton: Thank you.

@gi6ers: Thank you. It is a Mega Miniatures piece. As Bobcat pointed-out, it can be purchased at http://discounthobby.com, although other stores carry them.

@Ana: Thank you for the completment. If they want to pay me, I will be happy to help them :). I think that it is a parody miniature, I think it is supposed to be an exaggeration.

@Duende: Thank you for the complements. For $0.99US, you can't expect much from the sculpt, I suppose. :)

@Bobcat: I believe that it is an old Josef Ochmann sculpt (I believe that the base said "J.OCHMANN").

@mahon: Thank you, I tried :). I agree, I was a little disappointed in the sharpness of my freehand. I do not think that I have a steady enough hand. Maybe someone can offer some advice? :D

@orkydave: Thanks. I was not completely satisfied with the skull, either.

Trivia Question: Can anyone tell which videogame the symbols from her cloak came from? (hint, it is an old game)


Sci-Fi Entry 14 (http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1364)

Thank you to everyone who commented.

I have quite a collection of miniatures from the mid/late 80's, and although most of them are boring by today's standards, I am finding it fun to try to paint them now. This is obviously one of those miniatures. :)

My previous attempt at OSL was for the "Something Wyrd" contest, and many people thought that the OSL was too subtle. I wanted to try again, so I chose this miniature. I asked for advice on painting OSL in the Wyrd forums, and tried to apply it.

I initially painted the light on the miniature as greyscale, but couldn't leave well-enough alone, I really felt that the light from the coals would be yellow/orange/red, so... I messed-up the work that I had done. I tried glazing with inks, but didn't like it, tried removing the ink, and added more glazes with paints, which really damaged the initial work that I had done highlighting in greys. Well, that is part of learning.

@Bobcat, @gi6ers, @Maestro, @sniffles, @callumrice, @mahon, @Coil, @orkydave, @DESERTDRAGON1964, @chonk34, @Jabberwocky, @pete-h, @Hinton: Thank you.

@Ana, @Inarah: Thank you for the comments. Since I didn't envision any lighting from behind, I didn't know what to do. Hopefully I will get better. :)

@Wren, @cdukino, @LavronYor: Thank you for the comments and advice.

@Duende: Thank you. The eyebrows were scultped on, I painted over what was there. I suppose that I should have removed them in the cleaning-up phase, or at least tried to have mitigated their huge appearance when painting her. Thank you for the advice.

@lauth81: Thanks for the advice.

Request: Again, if anyone knows the name/model number of this miniature, I would appreciate it if you would let me know. Thanks! :)


How I hate seeing threads with no replies......

Thryth, first, both your picture links go to your sci-fi entry..... :D

Anyway, I really liked the cloak on your Scandalous entry, I think it would have done much better if the sculpt wasn't so bad, but that's not your fault.

And the dwarf is a good attempt at OSL, something I've yet to try myself although I have started a mini with that idea in mind. I do stand by my comment that taking it against a dark background would help make the lighting effect stand out better.

See you next contest!


Yeah, Both pics are the same Tyrth. I liked your trooper and agreed it does look a bit butch. I thought the OSL was actually ok, the back was good, it gave the impression of a really cold spot compaerd with the front but I do agree with the OSL on the face, in that it does look a little like soup round the mouth!


Replies! :D Thank You!

Oops! Thanks for pointing that out. I have now corrected the URL.

Thanks again for your comments and advice.

@Duende: I appreciate the advice, I will have to try to get a darker background when using OSL.

@callumrice: Maybe she just finished lunch? :)

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