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New Avatars of War Elf Hero


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All elves are pansies...

Also, his legs are way too short.

And the way his arm turns around the shoulder just isn't right.. If you hold your arm up like that, there's NO WAY your arm is THAT far away from your head!!

In this case it really bothers me, and makes me absolutely dissapointed in this mini...


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Guest Eastern Front Studios

its done pretty well but there could be some size issues its hard to tell but looks like his right knee is bent and his other leg may be back? i think the reason he looks so muscular is hes in full plate armor

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And the way his arm turns around the shoulder just isn't right.. If you hold your arm up like that, there's NO WAY your arm is THAT far away from your head!!

I just did...and my hand was about the same distance from my head as his hand is from his (SCALEWISE :D).

And I also think that his legs look short due to the bendiness.

I like him for the fact that he is broad and extremely well armoured (something that most pancy elves tend to forget...no wonder they die so easily).

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Yeah, that's what I mean. The distance between bicep and ear.. that shoulder joint is just.. wrong..


I agree...In fact, thats the first thing I noticed looking at the pic.

But...getting a 2-d pic of a 3-d item can make things look decieving....The guy is a fantastic sculptor, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt....

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

Vikey yeah thats crazy expensive but since its so close to GW apparently hes selling them like hot cakes..the one complaint if any is the thickness of his arm..if hes wearing what looks like chain under the plate mail his arm and hand sems to be off but again hard to tell from the pic, on the other close up shots his work usually seems spot on.

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