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Please buy this Nathan...

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Guest Eastern Front Studios

when Kev gave almost $1000 for the pirate that was pretty shocking, $1500 for this is about triple the normal sculpting price for a 60mm mini by even a old master.its awesome Tom can command these prices seems hes getting paid better on ebay then comissioned.

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when Kev gave almost $1000 for the pirate that was pretty shocking, $1500 for this is about triple the normal sculpting price for a 60mm mini by even a old master.its awesome Tom can command these prices seems hes getting paid better on ebay then comissioned.

That is the free market system at its best!!! I love capitalism!!

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Yeah, to be honest I planned on bidding on this one but by the time I got around to looking at it again on Saturday I didn't even bother as I started laughing at the price. Well deserved of Tom, glad he can get the price, but when I can have that sculpted from concept art of my own at a good deal less its time to just say 'nah'.

Still, I see Ginfritters picked it up so I expect it'll be in metal here soon enough and ya'll can pick one up that way.

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from talkbloodbowl.com:

"Just thought people here might want to know: the auction was won by Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop, who will be producing the figure for sale in resin. According to the Ginfritter site, pre-orders will be taken at $20 until April 14th; shipments will begin on April 15th, when the regular price of $25 will go into effect. "


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