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NEWS: ever running Crunch waffle competition

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Crunch-Waffle Enterprises announces the Sleepless Painting Contest - Round 1 cosponsored by the Fozzbozz Trading Company.

Crunch-Waffle Enterprises will be granting $80.00 worth of credit in our online store as the main prize for the best painted Crunch-Waffle miniature posted on our website during any designated 3 month period (August-October, November-January, February-April, May-July). You may enter any Crunch-Waffle miniature you care to paint in this contest, using any paint scheme you like, at any time you care to do so. Don’t worry about deadlines, because there will always be a round of this contest going at any given time. This contest never sleeps!

How it works: We will set aside a thread in our online forum in which people may post pictures of painted minis or links to pictures posted on other web-sites. To place your entry, you simply register for the forum at Crunch-Waffle Enterprises and post your pics and/or links in the appropriate thread. All pictures and links must be working in the week immediately following the conclusion of the contest (If we can’t find your pic, we can’t consider it for the prize). We will announce the winner within 1 week of the close of each contest period. If anything needs further clarification, we will happily answer any questions in the online forum at Crunch-Waffle Enterprises.

Restrictions: Only Crunch-Waffle minis may be entered in the Sleepless Painting Contest, and all conversion, basing, and paint work on the mini must be done by the contestant who enters it. Any minis entered in previous cycles of this competition are ineligible. Commission work done for Crunch-Waffle is also ineligible. (If we have paid you yourself to sculpt, paint, or otherwise design the mini in question, it is not eligible for the contest.) We do not object to use of minis entered in other painting contests besides our own, but we do encourage you to review the policies of such contests before submitting pics to us.

Winners will be announced in our public forum and notified through their contact information on the same forum. If a winner does not confirm receipt of notification within 1 week of the announcement, then the award will be passed to another entrant. All prizes must be claimed within 1 month after the winner is announced.

Honourable Mention: We will be giving out an Honourable mention award with each cycle of the Sleepless Painting Contest. This could be for just about anything that gets our attention. It could go to a really close 2nd place. It could go to a brave experiment (event one that didn’t quite work out). It could go to the otherwise beautiful piece with a fatal flaw, or conversely, to the piece with one truly brilliant feature. And of course it could go to a novel conversion piece or diorama (providing our own mini is the focus of the piece). The Honourable Mention award will not always go to the pros in this contest; it can just as easily go to a novice who does something interesting. If you can make us smile with your entry, you just might win this award. Okay, so what is the award? Well that will vary with each round of the contest, but see below to see what Fozzbozz has in mind for this round.

Retail Option: We at Crunch-Waffle Enterprises want to encourage retailers of both the online and brick&mortar variety as much as possible. Toward that end, you may designate a retailer as the recipient of your credit line, and we will provide $100.00 of credit (at resale value) to that store. This means an additional $20.00 of value is added to the prize when going through the retail business of your choice. Any retailers interested in cosponsoring future rounds of this contest are encouraged to foreword inquiries to dwall@crunch-waffle.com.

Judging: Unless otherwise indicated, the winner will be selected by staff here at Crunch-Waffle, but we may also have for guest judges from time to time. Any variation in this procedure will be announced at the beginning of a new contest cycle. Anyone judging the contest is naturally ineligible to win the prize.

The Sleepless Painting Contest: Round 1 (August through October, 2006)- Cosponsored by Fozzbozz Trading Company

Anyone claiming a main prize for the first round of competition (August through October of 2006) at the Fozzbozz webstore will receive an additional $20.00 of credit, compliments of Fozzbozz Trading Company. This makes for a total of $120.00 worth of credit when claiming the main prize at Fozzbozz.

James Shields of Fozzbozz will also be choosing the winner of our Honourable Mention Award for this round. The winner of this award will receive $40.00 worth of credit with the Fozzbozz Trading Company.


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Oh. Darn. That means the Indian Maiden isn't available yet.

I already need to place an order from Fozzbozz and thought I'd add her and maybe one or two others because of this comp.

So here's a question: as a manufacturer, do you prefer if customers buy their stuff direct from your site? or do they care if they buy from distributors like fozzbozz or Coolmini?

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Hi Vince,

If you buy our stuff, we are happy, especially if you paint it. Whether you buy it directly from us or from a retailer is less important. Seriously, whatever works best for you. We are a little behind in our releases, but the good news is that means we should be able to put them out pretty regularly for awhile. Instead of doing the big 17 piece release, we'll try doing a half dozen or so every month or so. The Indian Maiden will go in as soon as we can arrange it.

Ritual, I will be really looking to seeing what you do with one of our minis.

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