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Ritual's minis


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wow what a great job! I'm not crazy about the top to minis (the sculpts) The paint job is fantastic. The last guy is my Fav he reminds me of Robert E Howards Soloman Kane The Puritan Adventurer. What do you blend with and what kind of paints do you use. Again love the job you gave these. (stands up and claps)

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Thanks, mate! :) I use mostly Vallejo Model Colors and one or two Game Colors as well. When I do blendings I use basically every trick in the book. I do plenty of wet-blending, mainly on large surfaces, and then I complement that by adding some further highlighting by layering/feathering on top of the wet-blended foundation. Then I usually do some glazes to smooth things out and to add some depth to the colours. In the case of the Darkness Hunter (the 2nd photo) I've glazed the dark brown coat with a dark blue green, which isn't that apparent in the photo but it has made the brown look more 'alive' and not just plain brown.

On smaller details, I usually use layering combined with washes for shading and picking out the contours. Skin is moslty a combination of wet-blending for the shading and layering/glazing for the highlights. Quite often I also glaze skin with different colours, blue, green, red brown or something, to put some depth and variation to the skintone.

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Thanks, mate! :) I use mostly Vallejo Model Colors and one or two Game Colors as well. When I do blendings I use basically every trick in the book. I do plenty of wet-blending, mainly on large surfaces, and then I complement that by adding some further highlighting by layering/feathering on top of the wet-blended foundation. Then I usually do some glazes to smooth things out and to add some depth to the colours. In the case of the Darkness Hunter (the 2nd photo) I've glazed the dark brown coat with a dark blue green, which isn't that apparent in the photo but it has made the brown look more 'alive' and not just plain brown.

On smaller details, I usually use layering combined with washes for shading and picking out the contours. Skin is moslty a combination of wet-blending for the shading and layering/glazing for the highlights. Quite often I also glaze skin with different colours, blue, green, red brown or something, to put some depth and variation to the skintone.

wow great job and thanks for the answers I need a new flesh tone recipe ...got look one up.

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I need a new flesh tone recipe ...got look one up.

Do you want mine?

Base coat: Plain skin tone (I use VMC Flat Flesh) mixed with a small amount of light blue grey (GW Spacewolf Grey or in my case VMC Bluegrey Pale)

Shading: A mix of VMC Cadmium Maroon (a very dark red, mix red and black if you don't have the colour), a mid brown (GW Bestial Brown or in my case VMC Beige Brown) and a small amount of the light blue grey.

Highlighting: VGC Pale Flesh or GW Palid Flesh, then VMC Light Flesh or GW Palid Flesh + White.

That's the basis of the recipe. Then you can experiment with different colour washes and such if you like.

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