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Painting styles

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I was wondering what people's favorite painting styles might be? Be it works of other painters that you appreciate or technics that you like doing. Do you for example prefer realistic styles or a more cartoony approche?

PS : this thread isn't meant to degenerate into listing your favorite painters and ending in fanboy/girl hell ;). Use the painters as references if you must but no nead to go over the top in praise ;). Also, as a side note; the idea of this thread came from a thread on CMON awhile back that was trying to identify "schools" of painters by countries. With the breakthrough of internet in the miniature business, IMHO there are no longer any fronteers in our hobby.


I tend to appreciate the hyper-realistic trend (Kiril and Cyril jump into mind). Be it through elaborate freehands or paint technics to simulate textures (corrosion, scratches, fur (hats off to Jo for the Wolfen fur technic), ...) and lighting. Eric's and Sven's work on reflexive surfaces have also got my interest lately.

But when I paint, I tend to be too lazy to go in that direction. Another thing that comes from my laziness is that I've abandonned metalics to only do NMM in order not to get up and change so often my painting water (I know, :lame:). Lately, having translated those french articles has made me look more into the famous "color theory" trend, and I admit I find it fun to shadow flesh with thin purple washes now :P.

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I'm also quite much into hyper-realism (Cyril being one of my main sources of inspiration). I like to experiment with texture effects, 'micro-painting' and other types of effects to simulate realism, but in slightly stylised manner. I also look elsewhere for inspiration. For instance, the effect I used on Baby Kade's skin was inspired by Gino something, who worked on make-up effects on the LOTR movies.

I like NMM, simply because I enjoy the painting process and I like to be able to control where I want the reflections. NMM is also much more convenient when doing surface effects and such. Not having to change painting water is a plus! :D

I'm not much into 'cartoony' styles although I enjoy looking at other people's stuff.

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I am the only existing painter on earth who desperately wants to learn how to paint cartoony. Mark my words: THE ONLY ONE :D

Well... I like exxagerated blacklining (BLACKlining, not darklining). I like NMM, but not really SENMM - while I appreciate the cartoony feel, I have never been able to really fit SENMM in a cartoon environment.

I still go for a little realism - basically, I want to achieve the look of miniatures painted to look like a comic drawing that's realistic, if you know what I mean :D

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Just like with music, I have no one style that is my favorite. Viva la difference I suppose.

Just to illustrate, think about a few of the painters style from right here on Wyrd.

Ritual...Has that soft, smooth almost creamy style. How can you not love that?

Spacemunkie...Has that high contrast, almost cartoony style with bright colors. How can you not love that?

EricJ...Impeccable style and flawless technique...How can you not love that?

Klute...Gritty realism, moody style...How can you not love that?

Choosing a favorite painting style would for me, be akin to choosing my favorite child...I just can't do it!!

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it's really a tough question! Lately I think as Cedric points out, I've been really thinking about light reflection, not just bases, but off a lot of surfaces on the mini, which has driven a lot of my work with nmm, and how I apply highlights recently. I guess the style then that's been catching my attention is those which are more highlighted, which have a stronger sense of light. Arkaal has been sort of the center of my focus, I just really apprecate his understanding and use of light. Alexi also has a strong feel for it, and I use her works as well for reference.

That is sort of my focus right now, I of course have many other favorite painters, and draw inspirations from a lot of sources, however I think with my focus right now those are my main 2.

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Alexi also has a strong feel for it

I tend to find her work, although technically great, lifeless. Maybe it's the whole chrome effect she gives to her metals that don't do it to me (yes, even for the golds). Her skin colors also go more into the blue spectrum then the red and that definitively accentuates cadaver feel. Finally, I'm not into the heavy makeup she does to the female minis ...

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Yeah, I agree actually, there is a lot about her style that I dislike, and I don't try to emulate that as much as her technique. There is no arguing with her technique, but then putting it into a context of my style...if that makes sense? Mostly her nmm and cloth, I definately do not take much if anything from her skin tones.

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I think I have not yet discovered my own style. :bird: lol.. well perhaps my own style is the lack of style.. or so. *grins*

I think I would like to go for the realism style (as I never really managed or thoroughly tried the Dallimore/Dean/Weiss style) , but have not yet managed the whole basics which will make my (painting)life a lot easier.

I unashamedly PM Painters if I see something very well done. To ask them if they don't mind how they made this or that. I'm gratefull for all the answers I received til today.

I am not sure I will ever be able to duplicate the effect which caught me... but I can promise I will try.

My last AHA effect was the repetitive success on eyes. I think the break through came with Mabel, and since then I actually manage to paint eyes which look like eyes.

I tried NMM ... or started .. on a Model. Since it doesn't remotely look like Metal I erm .. will try to make it better on a second attempt.

But if I can add a bit of humor then I'm all for it. :thumb:

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I cant say I have any preference at all apart from not liking "sloppy" paintjobs.

Myself I try to get some realism into figures. A while back I was starting to do colour reflections on metalic and polished surfaces but it just didnt show in the photos very well. Subtle stuff like hints of colours reflected from clothing and sutch.

I also played with putting veins on skin before the final layers which was overlooked. I have startes doing that again on the butcher Im working on as these days Im more in it for the fun of the art than the cmon rating.

I do like to see passion in painting as well as sculpts.

Thats what started off the bad feeling with me and Natalya when she and Eric posted the Dragyri Wails I think it was. Erics had the water reflection.

Anyway I said that while Natalyas was technically perfect there just seemed to be no "feeling" in it while Erics looked like days of care and attention was put into every loving stroke of the brush.

I like to see thought put into things and not just paint on lead and its something I try to get across.

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Mmm painting style is difficult for me to put into words realy, I have no real favourite style or method, there are things I like but I very rarely do NMM for instance is something that I struggle with so very rarely do it. But in general I just take the mini and let it take shape as I paint it, there is no real though to how the finished piece will look in the end I just go with the flow. As for painters I admire there are so many, Cyril, Yellow One, Ericj, Ritual, Klute, Spacemunkie, Cheeba and others I could mention I spend hours looking at their work on Cmon, I suppose that there may be a little influence there but not much as I would not want to try to imitate something that I cannot match.

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I unashamedly PM Painters if I see something very well done. To ask them if they don't mind how they made this or that.

Sanjay (StarFyre on CMON) does that quite often with different CMON artists to help him out on what I like to call "his biggatures" (I know, Weta had the idea before, but what can an engin of the gods or a FW dragon be called elsewise ;)?)

Do you know if there's a pic available somewhere else?

How's this ;)?


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Tom Weiss convinced me with his Viking army that the style I was attempting was indeed the way I wanted to go. While I'm not up to his standard, I'm getting better at it, and I still am in love with the effect.

There should be a name for the style, instead of Dallimore-esque. Mini-impressionist? Is that right?

Realism is for bankers....

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I do like to see passion in painting as well as sculpts.

Thats what started off the bad feeling with me and Natalya when she and Eric posted the Dragyri Wails I think it was. Erics had the water reflection.

Anyway I said that while Natalyas was technically perfect there just seemed to be no "feeling" in it while Erics looked like days of care and attention was put into every loving stroke of the brush.

I like to see thought put into things and not just paint on lead and its something I try to get across.

oooh, I'm part of the rivalry, I'm sort of proud actually! But I do very much agree with you here. It's funny, a lot of the time you can really tell if someone is painting because they love it and it's a passion of the artist, compaired to if they're painting for $$'s or painting for Ranking/Pride.

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