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Enforcers Assemble/League of Extraordinary Henchmen - 18/19th January 2025 - Sutton-in-Ashfield

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Enforcers Assemble is a 3 round GG4 singles limited (2) tournament, which has the advantage of avoiding the UK's top 16 players (as they'll be playing in the parallel UK Masters tournament).

LOEH is the annual Sunday tournament running alongside the UK Masters. It is a 3 round singles GG4 tournament.

Both are held at Sanctuary Gaming Centre in Sutton-in-Ashfield. Entry just £15 per day.

EA details are here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/eokjnzy7wz75yvz794r7u/Rules-Pack-EA-Jan25.pdf?rlkey=3gntreirqrq8yhgcs55l63drk&dl=0

LOEH details are here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/njoy38hz9eovtz2zej09z/Rules-Pack-LOEH-Jan25.pdf?rlkey=y4teayae3m7bw337arzedntlu&dl=0

Enforcers Assemble

  1. Bastie Colclough
  2. Rob Hallam
  3. Matt Denton
  4. Jon Fearnley
  5. James Boosey
  6. Steven Thompson
  7. Tom Thorpe
  8. Sam Cooke
  9. Ruth Bedder
  10. Steve Finch
  11. Bert Diamond
  12. Tom Kapel
  13. A J Barr
  14. Gabriele Sosso 
  15. Kieran Redmond 
  16. Grant Dickenson 


  1. Bastie Colclough
  2. Matt Ledgerwood
  3. Matt Denton
  4. Graham Nichols
  5. Jon Fearnley
  6. James Boosey
  7. Steven Thompson
  8. Tom Thorpe
  9. Ben Halford
  10. Bert Diamond
  11. Tom Kapel
  12. A J Barr
  13. Kieran Redmond 
  14. Grant Dickenson 

Plus 8 players not making it to day 2 of UK Masters

Edited by Clousseau
Player update
  • Clousseau changed the title to Enforcers Assemble/League of Extraordinary Henchmen - 18/19th January 2025 - Sutton-in-Ashfield

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