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A Series of Bizarre Questions...

Alex Chesterfield


Quite a few questions have come up in my most recent games of Faux. Please help!

  1. Ride the Rails - when determining movement for the 12" place, is the 12" measured from the activating model or the scrap marker that it's within 1" of?
  2. Charge Action - are the movement and the free attack action considered two separate actions when applying affects like Hazardous or Boring Conversation? For example, does a model take two damage if it charges into a model's hazardous aura? Does it have to pass 2 WP duels if it initiates a charge in a Boring Conversation aura?
  3. Terrifying (x) - does a model have to make a WP duel from Terrifying when making an attack triggered by disengage? For example, if Pandora disengages from a model, does the engaging model have to pass the WP duel from Terrifying to make the free melee strike?
  4. Broodfighter - when Barbaros activates at full hit points, is the 2" move granted to just one model, or every model within Aura 4?
  5. Galvanize trigger (Sparks LeBlanc) - the trigger refers to "another" model within 3" of this model. In this case, is "another" referencing Sparks or the target of the "Now Yer A Robot" ability? In essence, can the target of "Now Yer A Robot" receive the Focused +1 from Galvanize?
  6. Cursed Objects (GG3 Strat) - If a unit dies while buried, can the opponent discard one Cursed Token before moving the rest to other models or are ALL Cursed Tokens moved to other models when the buried unit dies. I'm having a hard time figuring out if the buried clarification is referring to all Cursed Tokens or just the ones in excess of the discarded one.
  7. Cursed Objects (GG3 Strat) - what does "ignoring that model's engagement range" in the 3rd paragraph mean? I assumed that means that you can take the interact action while engaged, but if that was the intent, I'm confused why it isn't worded the same way as Carve a Path's description which states specifically "may take the Interact Action, even if engaged..." 
  8. Covert Operations (GG3 Strat) - Can a strategy marker be claimed by both teams?
  9. Torn Into the Void trigger (Thirty-Three) - Is the damage flip from Thirty-Three's Torn Into the Void trigger a straight flip or is the flip status determined by the difference in the opposed duels as if the damage track was printed in the attack.
  10. Do upgrades on models count towards a model's cost? Pretty sure the answer to this is no.

Thank you!

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10 minutes ago, Alex Chesterfield said:

Quite a few questions have come up in my most recent games of Faux. Please help.

  1. Charge Action - are the movement and the free attack action considered two separate actions when applying affects like Hazardous or Boring Conversation? For example, does a model take two damage if it charges into a model's hazardous aura? Does it have to pass 2 WP duels if it initiates a charge in a Boring Conversation aura?
  2. Terrifying (x) - does a model have to make a WP duel from Terrifying when making an attack triggered by disengage? For example, if Pandora disengages from a model, does the engaging model have to pass the WP duel from Terrifying to make the free melee strike?
  3. Do upgrades on models count towards a model's cost? Pretty sure the answer to this is no.

Thank you!

Quick answers

2 a charge action is a move that  also allows you to take a melee attack action. These are 2 separate actions so 2 incidents of hazardous can occur. Or two boring conversation duels if both the place you announced the charge and the place where you took the attack were in the aura. 

3 yes terrifying tests need to be taken before you take the disengaging strike.

10 yes, upgrades do not increase a models cost for game purposes. Also hiring a model ook doesn't increase its cost even thought you pay 1 more to hire it. 

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39 minutes ago, Alex Chesterfield said:

Ride the Rails - when determining movement for the 12" place, is the 12" measured from the activating model or the scrap marker that it's within 1" of?

The activating model.  There would need to be more words for the place to be within 12 of the scrap marker.

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44 minutes ago, Alex Chesterfield said:

Torn Into the Void trigger (Thirty-Three) - Is the damage flip from Thirty-Three's Torn Into the Void trigger a straight flip or is the flip status determined by the difference in the opposed duels as if the damage track was printed in the attack.

The damage flip is subject to the accuracy fate modifier of the attack action (because it’s resolved as part of the attack action.). 

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  1. Ride the Rails - when determining movement for the 12" place, is the 12" measured from the activating model or the scrap marker that it's within 1" of?

The model not the scrap

  1. Charge Action - are the movement and the free attack action considered two separate actions when applying affects like Hazardous or Boring Conversation? For example, does a model take two damage if it charges into a model's hazardous aura? Does it have to pass 2 WP duels if it initiates a charge in a Boring Conversation aura?


  1. Terrifying (x) - does a model have to make a WP duel from Terrifying when making an attack triggered by disengage? For example, if Pandora disengages from a model, does the engaging model have to pass the WP duel from Terrifying to make the free melee strike?


  1. Broodfighter - when Barbaros activates at full hit points, is the 2" move granted to just one model, or every model within Aura 4?

Its worded a bit bad but its 'choose any friendly model' so i'd say only 1 model moves not all friendlies otherwise it would be 'friendly models'

  1. Galvanize trigger (Sparks LeBlanc) - the trigger refers to "another" model within 3" of this model. In this case, is "another" referencing Sparks or the target of the "Now Yer A Robot" ability? In essence, can the target of "Now Yer A Robot" receive the Focused +1 from Galvanize?

Galvanize is a standard one, and we've tryed to flip 'another' to just mean 'other than the model doing it' so I'd say you cannot galvanize sparks

  1. Cursed Objects (GG3 Strat) - If a unit dies while buried, can the opponent discard one Cursed Token before moving the rest to other models or are ALL Cursed Tokens moved to other models when the buried unit dies. I'm having a hard time figuring out if the buried clarification is referring to all Cursed Tokens or just the ones in excess of the discarded one.

Do it in the order you see em, so the 'may remove' hits before the 'move all tokens'

  1. Cursed Objects (GG3 Strat) - what does "ignoring that model's engagement range" in the 3rd paragraph mean? I assumed that means that you can take the interact action while engaged, but if that was the intent, I'm confused why it isn't worded the same way as Carve a Path's description which states specifically "may take the Interact Action, even if engaged..." 

Its different because you can put a curse on someone and ignore their engagement but if 2 models are engaging your you're SOL.  There's a few abilities / actions out there with the 'you can ignore a single models engagement range but not a few of em'

  1. Covert Operations (GG3 Strat) - Can a strategy marker be claimed by both teams?

yes, same as CLL

  1. Torn Into the Void trigger (Thirty-Three) - Is the damage flip from Thirty-Three's Torn Into the Void trigger a straight flip or is the flip status determined by the difference in the opposed duels as if the damage track was printed in the attack.

Trigger effects generated from an attack deal with accuracy, same way that my loyal servants has the accuracy on the heal flip.

  1. Do upgrades on models count towards a model's cost? Pretty sure the answer to this is no.

For schemes / strats? no.

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 Cursed objects

If a model is buried it has no closest models. But you can still choose to remove a token when it's killed, the buried rules just change what to do with the remaining tokens. 

You also only ignore the engagement of the model you are giving the token to, so that why the wording is different

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