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Ulix vs current scheme pool.


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Hello fellow Bayou lovers ( or spies from other factions)!

Ulix was my first Malifaux master and still is one of my favourite. When choosing masters for a game I feel like my other favourite masters are much better suited to the scheme pool, whatever it looks like...

So I decided to go through the scheme pool and just try to analyse which ones are generally good for Ulix. I would really like your thoughts on the matter. To what games do you bring Ulix?

1) Breakthrough. This one is great for pigs, because they are super fast and can leaves scheme markers upon death, so even if enemy tries to hunt down your backliners he still needs to spend activation to remove markers.

2) Detonate chargers. This is doable but requires setting up your pig to die for Delicious Becon or good manouvering. Compared to crews with don't mind me or ability to drop markers to avoid 4" distance (Merris, Trixie, Brewie 2 or Zipp2) this is rather meh...

3) Vendetta. Since we can't just take it on piglet and morph to warping it feels much less viable. First point should be easy to score, but surviving part is much more difficult since pigs hit hard, but also die easy. Notmally i would say this scheme is much better suited for ranged models like Rami.

4) Assassinate. This should be ok in many scenarios. Pigs are fast, hit hard and have a lot of ping dmg from stampede, triggers and burning I Uilix 2. Also we have reasonable healing in crew so in most cases we should be able to keep Ulix alife.

5) Claim Jump. Big no in my opinion. Feels like this scheme is for bubble crews and survivable models with Laugh Off or Planted Roots.

6) Hidden Martyrs. Not sure about this one. Are replace shenanigans allowed? It doesn't have replace clause like Vendetta. I find this scheme often quite unreliable. First point easy to score, second much harder?

7) Death Beds. It proved to be very risky choice for a crew that doesn't create any special markers. We can try killing around strategy markers or corpses, but generally feels meh.

😎8 Catch and Release. I guess it's ok, but much more reliable on crews that can isolate enemy targers (lures, pushes etc).

9) Let them bleed. This feels quite good to score in many scenarios due to abundance of ping damage. But also easy to score against us, since we like to play Reckless!

10) Outflank. Depends on enemy crew. Easy to score if we assume enemy won't take it himself. If he does then it gets much harder. But generally I would say it's good for us especially in corner deployment. 

11) Research Mission. Again only reliable for crews with marker creation (assuming we stay in keyword, I don't like to rely on single versitile or ook model like Mechanical Porkchop or Bushwacker)

12) Spread Them Out. Probably one of the best schemes for pigs (but then again also for Zipp, and Mah)

13) Bait and Switch. Another meh scheme for pigs. More suited for crews who can easily move enemies arond (again Zipp, Mah and Brewie)

So to wrap up.

Good schemes: 

1) Breakthrough

2) Assassinate

3) Hidden Martyrs

4) Spread them Out


OK/ situational schemes:

1) Catch & Release

2) Outflank

3) Let Them Bleed

I hope your insight will broaden this pool, as it feels quite narrow.

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