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Von Schtook after the bomb dropped?

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Has anyone put the Prof onto a GG2 table? How did he feel?

The nerfs were absolutely massive and he really didn't gain anything to compensate but he was quite powerful so how does he feel these days? Is there any reason to take him over other Resser Masters? It sortakinda feels that Molly, Kirai, and Reva would do what he does but better (with the other Resser Masters doing something else) but I haven't played him so this is all just theory.

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@Perglihas been playing him and wrecking some games still, so would be interested to hear his thoughts.

My impression: Von Schtook now has a clearly delineated role in the faction. It is the most clearly 'generically tanky' crew in the faction, with some nice scheme marker shenanigans on the side. It has some good sustain (Somewhere in the same ballpark as McMourning or Reva, below Kirai?) Strong baseline to the crew.

The crew just doesn't have as much mobility as it used to, so I think you do a lot more focus on the controlling the centre or similar brawl type styles? If you want mobility, there's other crews.

And so on that note, I know some people question the value of Sloth. They have a more 'bubble' focus with the crew, not bothering with the Valedictorian alpha-strike anymore.

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I've been playing him pretty consistently in GG2 and have been doing pretty good with him. He definitely has been brought into line with everyone else and is no longer the best master in faction for all scenarios. I've been playing him exclusively this month for the VWS and i'm 3-1 with him. I lost to Asami, I tried a bad audible into Vincent to try out the counter summoning and it blew up in my face. Didn't help that it was into a pretty good opponent ontop of that :). 

The fast vale is practically dead which I'm perfectly fine with, it forces you to play a more tactical match up rather than throwing mini nekima into your opponents face T1 and hoping for a summon. Sure, you can bring sloth for fast if you want to keep doing it but the investment bothers me. If you really need to use a quick fast model, you can still give fast to the visceras but that isn't a scenario you do all the time, rather more situational which feels good.

Schook has changed from full blown support to somewhat support and blaster. The goal is to either shoot stuff to weaken it for your upgraded models to kill OR give himself the upgrade, shoot something weak, summon a model and then remove the slow and give the summon fast. It requires a bit more setup and forethought but its good for the game as a whole.

The card draw is still really good and this is the key to schtook. You have to learn how to cycle your cards out properly to take full advantage of this ability because schtook with no cards is a dead engine. In that referenced Asami game, I drew a total of 3 cards that game and I was rocked. My theory is, if you can't draw cards... your crew is going to be dead in the water. Losing surge on Schtook and forcing the Masks on the necropunks means cards are in higher demand. 

Overall, my opponents are MUCH less salty than they were pre nerf when they lose and that makes me feel better about brining him to the table.  I think other masters may have better options in certain match ups/pools now and he isn't an all comers master which is always good for the game as a whole.


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As far as I can tell, double viscera is de wae. They are mind-bogglingly efficient, strong minions and giving them fast and focused will still give you plenty of reach and teeth. That being said, you've got more breathing room against Schtook turn 1, which is helpful for a health of the game perspective. 

Schtook still has some of the most incredible models in his keyword and I don't think other Resser keywords can match his tank and card manipulation. He just can't mindlessly dump AP into his henchwomen anymore. 

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7 minutes ago, WaciQ said:

A small question from someone who got accepted to the University and only got hands on Von Shtook's box - where would I go from there? Previously Valedictorian seemed to be the way to go, but now?

I think Valedictorian, Student of Viscera, and Anna Lovelace are all just super solid models even without support (and could probably take all of them out of keyword). Necropunks need card draw to support them, but the crew still has that. I know Pergli plays one undergraduate some still.

So the keyword is still quite solid overall, and the other two students still have niche uses.

I think the crew is now just less alpha strike and more emphasis on its durability and ability to control the board.

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Honestly, it is still probably one of the strongest keywords in the faction (even if the overall crew strength including master is arguable) xD

Von Schtook is a bit weaker, but now can just spend more time blasting stuff to give it injured, and then the crew tears it apart (which also can net you a summon, since he can put the upgrade on himself or a nearby ally that is going to get the kill).

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For the record, I preferred the Minion heavy ultra mobile surgical strikes coupled with strong Scheming playstyle already before the nerfs. I felt the alpha strike was too counterable by a skilled opponent and preferred to use the threat of Vale to force the opponent to bunch up and then just Scheme around them while stopping them from Scheming. Which was kinda the closest I could get in M3e to the playstyle of my undefeated Seamus list from M2e that I loved. 

The problem is that the nerfs hit that playstyle super hard as well due to the absolutely massive nerfs to the mobility of the Minions.

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I think Viscera are top crew minion now, but you still want at least one Necropunk available. So both their boxes are one way to go and imho the one I would recommend.

You can still play Valedictorian, even in her previous playstyle, but you need Sloth to make her capable to alpha. Honor Roll gives your anti-armor pick, so if you're planning against such match-ups, this might be another route for you to go first.

Of course, a significant versatile portion might be an option, at least if you already own some of those models. Mostly Dead Rider, maybe Emissary, and Bone Piles.

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