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Antique timepiece/ A fungus among us question

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Hi guys


I am trying to understand if a cryptologist can use its antique timepiece to trigger Meredith Stanley's ability to grow eyes and ears into berserker husks? 


The errata for summoning makes me unsure if its legal or not?  Cryptologists can only replicate abilities that don't attach upgrades and whilst the ability doesn't attach upgrades the errata treats summons as having an upgrade regardless so just trying to get clarity. My gut says the that you are treated as having one but you dont attach so can replicate, but I'm too new at the game to be certain how things like this work. 

Pg 32. Summoning - Paragraph 6 ° Change the text to: “If an effect would Summon a model and does not require an Upgrade to be Attached, the Summoned model instead gains a Summon token. Models with Summon tokens are treated as having a Summon Upgrade for all effects that specifically reference Summon Upgrades. On the turn they are Summoned, Summoned models cannot take the Interact Action and are ignored for friendly Schemes and Strategies.”

appreciate the response.

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6 hours ago, muraki said:

Replaces aren't summons so summon tokens do not apply in this situation, but that really applies to hired eyes and ears.  As for summoned ones I'm not sure....

Summoned Eyes and Ears would come in with the summon token, so if they're grown into Husks, the Husks would also have the token. Works similarly with Ashes&Dust reforming. The Dust is summoned and replaces into A&D, so that new A&D has the token. 

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