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Managing Brilliance


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I am currently playing an interesting story with a character that has become infected by/addicted to the Brilliance condition. I've never really worked with Brilliance before, and that wasn't really part of the plan it just sort of happened, though it's been a fascinating and fun new element to play with.

My question, is as to how other players and fatemasters have handled the time component of this (and other similar game mechanics) with regards to game-play. The Centering test to avoid seeking out more Brilliance must be made every in-game day, which is fine when the session has something happening every day, but when the advancing story would normally call for the group to skip a week or more of in-game time, things can get messy. It hasn't been a problem, but I was just curious to hear about other peoples ideas and experiences.  (=

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I had a character addicted to Brilliance for a while, so I had her flip a card for each week that she was addicted that we didn't play out. If she failed, every 2 points she failed by increased her Brilliance status by 1. eg, if she failed by 4 points her Brilliance status went up by 2 for that week. It worked out fine for us, but you might want to modify the numbers depending on how much time is passing and how interested the players are in it.

Personally, my players knew something was screwy right away, so I wanted to make the choice a bit harder. "You can cure yourself, but you'll lose these awesome abilities", just to see if I could get them to push their luck a bit.

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