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Building for 35ss games: Outcast


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Recently I've been playing 35ss games.  The guy I've been playing with has limited time available and we're playing over VASSAL, so 35ss size is perfect because it usually allows us squeeze in about a turn a session.

Most crew building wisdom centers around standard 50ss size, so I'd like to explore what the community thinks about how to build 35ss crews.

Obviously each game is different, with opponent's master, keywords, strats and schemes, etc. but I feel like there must be some general philosophies that can be kept in mind with smaller games.

As a conversation starter I'd like to offer how I've been thinking about it ("right" or "wrong").  With less models to achieve objectives, I've been focusing on how to score the strat and 1 objective, with the second object being a "plan B" of sorts.


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I think we currently have an unspoken ban on summoning.  We'll see.  Our first game we both took summoning models to help make up for smaller model count and then laughed because the whole reason was to shorten game time.

The power of summoner models in this size game is pretty universally pointed across all the faction discussions.  A spoken ban may be necessary in our games eventually, but for now the point is to be able to try things out and have fun within our time constraints.

Good advice though for official events, if I ever end up organizing them.  Just too bad for new players, with fewer models that chose a summoner as their first master 😕

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