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Another terrain set from WarCradle - Gloomburg


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Another nice set of mdf terrain from WarCradle. I really like my Dunsmuth set and am sorely tempted by this set too. Their stuff is good quality and you get a lot for the cost.


I'm currently putting together my BattleSystems Fantasy Terrain pledge, and while there are some great pieces, I'm a bit worried about stability of their ruined houses. There isn't much weight to the cardboard pieces and they seem like they will fall over easily in play. I've got a lot to assemble, so I'm hopeful the non-ruined buildings will be better. Still, the MDF stuff like Gloomburg feels better. 

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  • 3 months later...

Took a while, but finally got this set assembled. This set is definitely harder to put together than the Dunsmouth set. I'd say a 3.5 out of 5 on difficulty. Some bits a 4. The roof on the Tavern is especially fiddly. The instructions for the Warcradle stuff are OK, but not great. You have to be careful and go slow. Dry fit, dry fit, dry fit. If you aren't sure where something is going to fit, look a few step ahead to see if you can figure it out. That goes for any mdf terrain, but especially with this set. My wife got me some sets from Black Site Studios and I'll be putting those together soon (one kit was missing a sheet so I'm waiting). 

The Gloomburg Sprawl doesn't come with as much scatter terrain as the Dunsmouth set, but does still have some. Pictures of a table set up with just the Gloomburg set and nothing else are below. I didn't do individual building pics as those can be found on the manufacturer website. These show you what it looks like on a 3x3 board with Malifaux minis scattered about. 


For a regular game I'd add a lot more scatter to break up fire lines and charge paths. More wagons, carts, boxes, etc. The buildings are larger than I'd like really, though the lower levels are a smaller footprint than the upper, so there is a little more room to maneuver around at ground level than it looks from above. The buildings are beautiful! I love the Taveen, even if it is the most fiddly to assemble. This table layout works OK, but I'm thinking all of the buildings on the same table might be too much. Maybe 1-2 on the table and smaller buildings, etc. would work better. 

That being said, I love the gatehouse. Looks good an I think you could actually use it as playable space. Especially if you add a few ladders here and there. I think I'll want to use that piece more than any of the others. Well, also the scatter terrain.

The message board turned out very nice, but I had to find or make and print out a bunch of posters to glue to it. Otherwise it would have been pretty plain. I did the same thing with the newstands and small shops - it adds a lot to the terrain.

Overall I'm happy with the set. The buildings are a bit bigger than I usually like to play with (better suited for RPG stuff), but look great on the table. Adding one as a centerpiece might be better for many tables. I bought the Rio Sonora set as well and want to get that together. I think those might be large buildings too, but we'll see. The stuff from Black Site will be first once I get that missing sheet.  


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  • 4 weeks later...

They have individual pieces for pre-sale if you don't want the whole set. The Gatehouse is pretty cool and actually playable. The Inn is massive, but gorgeous on the table. 

Wayland has them, but I'm sure others do too (Noble Knight in the US usually carries them too).


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20 hours ago, trikk said:

How is the scale? Good for Mx or slightly lower? :)

 I think it's about perfect. You can see pics here with some random models thrown down to see scale.


Those pics show just what you get in the set (minus the mat of course). I'd add a bit more scatter terrain for a game.

If anything the Buildings are a bit on the larger size for what I like on the table, but if you take the roofs off you still have  playable space. You can even just go with the bottom floors if you really want to (but it doesn't 'look' as good).

I really like the gatehouse as there are steps and flat surfaces. The height is a bit much and could be a problem, but I like that I actually get to use the height rules a little bit more than usual (as imperfect as they are). I've taken to dividing it into three 'pieces' for terrain purposes: the lower landing and stairs, the central landing and arch, and the tower corner. 

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  • 11 months later...
2 hours ago, SpenceWilder said:

Thanks for the terrain reporting! I'm about to invest in either a Warcradle or TT Combat set. Or two. :)

Where did the mat in your Gloomburg pics come from?

No problem. Figured I give me two cents since the sets address so nice. Be forewarned though that while I love the Warcradle stuff, they are more advanced to assemble. In no small part to the limited instructions. Dry fit first. The roofs on the gloomburg set are very tricky.

The mat is Deep cut Studios


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