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Levi into Jack Daw (resser)

Jesterface T.

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Hi Guys

Need some advice, how to play Levi into Jack Daw. Never played against Jack so i hope you could give me some tips.

Strat is Symbols, and i can take only one Versatile or out of keyword-model. Thoughts i made is to take more Soulstones  than usualy, take a rutheless model and probably something against conditions. 

Which Model would you take for the rutheless (Taelor, Hans, Freik)? or would you take a prospector insted? 

Can Levi compete in Jacks bubble of doom or should i stay out and try to rely on shooting? I think i should have still enough fighting power to not just rely on the scheeming-game.

Would be glad for some other tips, how to play against him or which other models would be key.

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Fair warning, I'm no expert and haven't even faced Daw myself). That said what you've written sounds right.

There's a discussion thread right now about whether Hans is worth his cost. I fall firmly on the yes side, so I'd definitely bring him. Most of the time I find Taelor not worth the cost, but the one exception might be if a scavenger was giving her focus+fast for turns 2+3.  I wouldn't bring Freikorpmann unless you have a gunline plan.

A Drachen Trooper would be an interesting idea to get rid of staggered. Since he can pulse it out it's a lot more efficient than Johan. Only 1 versatile/ook is very limiting.

Ashes and Dust seems really good for this game both its speed to score the strategy and demise tricke to shed unwanted upgrades and conditions.

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Hans is really good at ranged slowing/staggering any crew.  And Daw's crew is really slow, so slowing them down even more really disrupts his engine.  This honestly is one of the best situtations for Drachen Trooper  as well, since again, Daw's models are slow (looking at Hanged who are insanely strong) and the condition removal is huge for shutting down the Staggered engine.  Guns generically are really cool so stay as far away as you can, since Levi's defensive trigger doesn't apply to Movement, which is the primary target for all of Daw & company's melee attacks.  I'd say be as aggressive as possible with Levi and play a hyper afocused scheme game with the rest of the crew.  Tormented struggles to spread out or engage multiple far reaching threats

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When I play Jack vs Outcast I hate seeing Hans. Ruthless, range, and potential staggered are all things that can lead to very dead Hanged. A staggered Hanged/Crooked Man/Drowned is Mv 2... Ugh.

Try to keep Hans against terrain and bear a model so that a Hanged couldn't place in base contact with it.

Don't use Levi to hit Jack, but feel free to melt down anything else.

Those 1 damage pings from Unmade and Entropy are a nightmare since it goes around Jack's defensive tech and doesn't care for the Hanged's incorporeal. 

Be mindful of the big jumps Jack and the Hanged can take on mask triggers. 

All in all, I wouldn't take Jack vs Leveticus if I knew the masters in advance. If the Scheme/Strat pool requires spreading out, just do that and don't play the bubble game. Tormented can't really keep up. Shoot in the bubble all you want though, Jack doesn't like that so much :}

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Personally I find Daw to be very swingy especially in OCs (he’s just better in Ressers) he has so many bad counters but OCs is probably the best faction for him to play into. However Levi is one of his worst matchups in OCs, entropy will hurt him & marlena & abombs have anti heal tech which can be a nightmare for Daw. I wouldn’t pay 9s ook for Drache troop as u can’t remove staggered with Monty near by & I hardly manage to get much staggered out when playing Daw anyway. I don’t usually find Hans worth the points once he’s engaged he’s dead. Think blast & shockwaves are good options into Daw thou. 

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This is the jack daw player he was playing against: he took Hans, who took out ligeia first turn because i slightly misplaced my guilty to block sightlines. Apart from that, he didnt do mugh because i took out his scavenger first turn with jack himself (i dont know why people keep saying he is slow, the guy is insanely fast with the ability to port to his own guilty). He also took taelor and i managed to pretty much swamp her down by the second turn. Both of my hanged went after his necropunks, engaging and cursing them by the second turn geting hits in on other models on the way. One of them outran a non staggered ashes and dust on the way but died after geting focused by levi, a&d and taelor. The other took out the scavenger, one necropunk and scored take prisoner on hans while jack, jakuna and monty made the centerpoint into a hellhole, moving around as a team to score. Monty was mostly used for his cursed to watch on jakuna, who then used lures.

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34 minutes ago, Favilludo said:

This is the jack daw player he was playing against: he took Hans, who took out ligeia first turn because i slightly misplaced my guilty to block sightlines. Apart from that, he didnt do mugh because i took out his scavenger first turn with jack himself (i dont know why people keep saying he is slow, the guy is insanely fast with the ability to port to his own guilty). He also took taelor and i managed to pretty much swamp her down by the second turn. Both of my hanged went after his necropunks, engaging and cursing them by the second turn geting hits in on other models on the way. One of them outran a non staggered ashes and dust on the way but died after geting focused by levi, a&d and taelor. The other took out the scavenger, one necropunk and scored take prisoner on hans while jack, jakuna and monty made the centerpoint into a hellhole, moving around as a team to score. Monty was mostly used for his cursed to watch on jakuna, who then used lures.

Why wasn't Leveticus taking out 1 hanged every turn? His whole thing is to do almost guaranteed 8 irreducible damage to a model every turn. Levi is a Hanged's worst nightmare with WP 7, Irreducible damage, and a longer range than they can Jump.

If he gets to hit them in melee it's even worse!

What models was he taking out instead?

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One hanged got taken out turn two by levi but he had to stone twice for it and even then had to cheat to get through, I feel like people underestimate the pressure Jack puts on your hand by having draws alone, I pretty much constantly have a full hand. Plus I double Lured Levi turn 1 and then beat him down to half health with Jack.

On an empty board yes, Levi can take out a hanged a turn. But if you use Incorporeal well you can pretty much just prevent any seightlines from being drawn.

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So, here my impressions of that game. My plan to spread out lead to the Situation, that neither levi or jack had the opportunity to deny the strat. Jack is surprisingly fast, with all his movement tricks. I Probably feared his bubble to much and stayed to long out of the close Combat. Levy still causes havoc, when you have enough Cards, stones and better targets than jack or guiltys.

Taelor didn't do much, but more cause she failed several times with her actions, so can't say how good she realy is in this matchup. Necropunks where great with they're speed, A&D had trouble cause we played the deployment on the edges and he couldn't stay in his optimal fieldposition. Hans and Scanvanger where misplaced, but a focused an fast Hans was very cool.

I don't go out of the game with a clear plan, how to face Jack the next time. Try ab Error.... but i will not play as defensive again with levi vs. Jack. And Probably Rusty instead of tealor and 7 Soulstones was an overkill.

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If a Hanged can get to any of your guys, Levi should be able to get to a Hanged. Attacking with double positives should make that easy. If your have the chance of getting one in melee with Levi you can do 6 damage with the first attack, so that a second/third would guarantee a Kill.

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