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2020 Monthly Painting Challenge - September


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Welcome to the 2020 Wyrd Painting Challenge!

This is the thread for the September Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I have the very great pleasure of being your host for 2020. While I am proud to be your host, this competition belongs to all of us, and if there’s anything that we can better to improve the Challenge, please do let me know.

The link to the painter spreadsheet is here.

September was the month of the Roman God, Vulcan. That makes September a great month to paint some fire! And, with it being the Northern hemisphere's Autumn, it's a perfect time to break out those autumnal colours, so let's see some yellow, orange and re on the palettes this month!

The 2020 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

  1. Having fun painting!
  2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
  3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
  4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
  5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

This is not a competition in any way.

The pledge categories are the following:

  • Minion: you paint at least 1 Soulstone worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Henchman: you paint at least 11 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Master: you paint at least 16 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month
  • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 Soulstones worth of Wyrd miniatures each month

The rules:

  • The challenge started on January 1st, 2020. 
  • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
  • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan. See the Buy-Back rule, below.
  • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
  • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

A new rule for 2020: The Buy-Back

Everyone has good months and bad months. To encourage people to continue to paint, we will be trying out a new rule this year: the Buy-Back. In the past, if you have used your two mulligans, you’re out of the Challenge!

However, in 2020, you can buy your way back into the challenge. All you have to do is to undertake your normal pledge and paint for the month, AND undertake the pledge and paint from one of the months you mulliganed.

E.g.: Sarah is painting at Enforcer level (6SS/month), and she’s needed to mulligan for the third time. She announces that for the upcoming month, she’ll paint 12SS. If she does so, she’s back in the Challenge!

At such a time, it might be worthwhile considering dropping down a category, but that’s up to Sarah!

Miniature Values:


  • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but
  • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
  • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
  • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

The Other Side

  • Titans count for 25 soulstones.
  • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
  • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.


  • A 30mm base model is worth 5 soulstones.
  • A 40mm base model is worth 7 soulstones.
  • A 50mm base model is worth 10 soulstones.
  • Markers count for 2 soulstones if they're flat, or 5 soulstones if they're 3D and fancy


  • ·       Scatter Piece (5SS): A modest piece of terrain, or a small number of scattered terrain pieces. These are the spray-can and dry-brush pieces.
  • ·       Focus Piece (10SS): A terrain piece that represents a focal point of pride in a terrain board. These pieces require a decent amount of construction and painting.
  • ·       Centre Piece (20SS): A terrain piece that is a significant centrepiece to the terrain. A handmade forest, a mausoleum, or a train engine.
  • ·       Masterpiece (50SS): A gorgeous, unique terrain piece that makes people wonder if you get out much.
  • ·       War and Peace (100SS): A complete, themed 3’x3’ terrain board.

My very best for September!


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Are you interested in running the 2021 Painting Challenge?

Fellow painters, with September's arrival, the end is in sight for 2020 (and what a fascinating year it has been so far...).

I've had lots of fun hosting the Challenge, but it's probably time for me to ask if there is a fellow painter out there who would like to host next year.

Is anyone up for the task?

If so, put your digital hand up!


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@Caedrus I'd be interested in running 2021. But I'd like to suggest a format change and see what everyone thinks.

The reason for the change is to be more inclusive and accommodating. I've noticed that there's a lot of new people getting into Malifaux and joining the forums at various points throughout the year. I think the way the challenge is set up it's hard for those people to join even with the buyback. I've also noticed a lot of people will miss a couple of months and then give up on the challenge as buying back in can be a daunting amount of work.

My suggestion would be this: The challenge runs monthly. You pledge what minis you are going to paint at the beginning of the month and you complete them by the end of the month. If you do so you get a green block on the spreadsheet. If you don't you get a red block. Simple as that. If you don't pledge for that month you just get a grey block. (Could even include a yellow block if you didn't paint the minis you pledged but paint something of equivalent value in ss cost)

This way would mean several things. Painters could take months off when they are busy without being excluded from the challenge. New painters could join in at any point during the year without having to catch up. And it allows for people to change their pledges based on what they want to commit to each particular month.

This sounds like it might be a nightmare keeping track of everything for the book keeper, but thats where the strictness come in. Pledges have to be made in the first 5 days of the month and results have to be posted by the last day of the month. If you miss these deadlines its no big deal as you can just jump in again next month.

Let me know what you guys think. If this sounds interesting to you or whether you'd want the challenge to remain as it is

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I plan on working on the rest of the Dark Carnival crew and assorted odds and ends. I need to pick a new boxset to work on in October.

It's nice to see that 2/3rds of the year has passed and I have a shelf full of painted miniatures. I think I've done more this year than in the past 3-4 years combined. I'm really hoping to finish the year strong.

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23 hours ago, Gloomy said:

My suggestion would be this: The challenge runs monthly. You pledge what minis you are going to paint at the beginning of the month and you complete them by the end of the month. If you do so you get a green block on the spreadsheet. If you don't you get a red block. Simple as that. If you don't pledge for that month you just get a grey block. (Could even include a yellow block if you didn't paint the minis you pledged but paint something of equivalent value in ss cost)

This way would mean several things. Painters could take months off when they are busy without being excluded from the challenge. New painters could join in at any point during the year without having to catch up. And it allows for people to change their pledges based on what they want to commit to each particular month.

This sounds like it might be a nightmare keeping track of everything for the book keeper, but thats where the strictness come in. Pledges have to be made in the first 5 days of the month and results have to be posted by the last day of the month. If you miss these deadlines its no big deal as you can just jump in again next month.

Let me know what you guys think. If this sounds interesting to you or whether you'd want the challenge to remain as it is

Ha, that'll actually make it so I wouldn't join next year.  I don't plan/enjoy planning what I'll paint at the start of a month.  I far prefer to just have a cost and try and get under that by the end.  Specially when things get busy it can easily become 'oh man I know I wanted to paint all of this starter box, but.... uhh.... here's a single model from somewhere else'

It's like right now.  Lynch's crew has been sitting pinned for a month + now, and I'm off painting terrain.

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6 minutes ago, muraki said:

Ha, that'll actually make it so I wouldn't join next year.  I don't plan/enjoy planning what I'll paint at the start of a month.  I far prefer to just have a cost and try and get under that by the end.  Specially when things get busy it can easily become 'oh man I know I wanted to paint all of this starter box, but.... uhh.... here's a single model from somewhere else'

It's like right now.  Lynch's crew has been sitting pinned for a month + now, and I'm off painting terrain.

My thoughts as well, I like the soulstone cost for the month and not specific models. I do typically pledge specific models but it doesn't always work out that way.

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Hello everyone!

Apologies for disappearing in the past 2 months, with quarantine restrictions being partially lifted here in Berlin I was taking the time to play (and paint to play) as much as I can and so I haven't been much on the forums.

To make it worse, every time I tried to log in I would forget my password and block my account. 😅

But now that we're here let me show what I've been painting, and if @Caedrus allows it I'll cash them in to buy back my previous pledges.

Marshal Henchmen: The Judge and The Jury



2 Death Marshal Recruiters



3 Death Marshals



First Domador de Cadaveres



Scales of Justice



Count-as Guild Steward (I don't like the original model, and I feel like the book is a good link to the original)



Pale Rider



3 Witchling Stalkers



That's a whooping 90 points in 3 months! I'm really impressed with myself, I'm not known for really being a fast painter 🤣


For this month I want to paint Lady J, Sonnia Criid, her Totem, Samael, 2 Witchling Handlers and 2 Witchling Thralls by the 19th (there's a local tournament and they all have to be painted lol). Then I'll start on some other crew, not sure what yet.


Cheers everyone!

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Maybe if you wanted to go more open, just have the buy in be at anytime with a SS cost, and the ability for anyone to change their SS pledge at the first 5 days of the month (up or down).  So I could start with a master level pledge, and be expected to do that every month, but sometimes I'll realize things are getting crazy and swap down to a minion or up to a tyrant when I have deadlines / more free time.  Then just have the 'success / failure' be based on either the standard or the overridden version of SS. Could also remove the idea of having to buy in, and just have it be failed months v successful months.  So end of the year could be like 'muraki painted 150 SS of models with 4 months where he didn't make his allotted pledge.'

If people wanted to pledge specific paint lists well they'd just convert them to one of the standard levels and be on the hook for that.  But figure most people will choose a pledge at the start and stick there so you wouldn't have to check the forums 24/7 to figure out changes.

Special contests could maybe be a bonus to SS count. Like if the theme is 'fall' maybe every fall themed model is worth +1 SS for that month?  Ain't like there's much about the end of the year total SS beyond bragging rights ;)

I think funny thing about this, is, it's all just for fun.  I keep wanting to make things more competitive, like 'well what about streaks, what about going over your paint total for a month' etc etc... but then I'm just like ... but.... there's no prizes and this is just a fun thing. haha.

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@muraki @Magnus @Stranglelove Yeah I'm pretty much the same as you guys, I always change what I'm painting halfway through the month

Well yeah it could totally be done by pledging a soulstone amount rather than particular miniatures. Its more about having it as a monthly thing so that casual painters can do a month here and there rather than having to commit to the year, and being excluded if they can't do every month. For those of us doing it every month it wouldn't really change much, except you could change you pledge level each month and take breaks if life gets in the way.

For example: Muraki pledges Master 16ss for Jan and completes it (Gets a green box with total painted). Feb he has more free time so he goes big and pledges Tyrant 31ss which he also completes (Gets a green box with total painted). March he has a lot of work on so he doesn't pledge anything for that month (Gets a grey box with total painted). April he pledges big again but this time falls short ( Gets a red box with total painted)

For those that want a challenge, you could have a total year pledge that your working toward

Could even have huge pledges if people really want to challenge themselves on a certain month - I pledge 100 STONES!!!! :) 

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My pledge for this month is Dawn Serpent, 1 Ruffian and 1 Huckster.


...And my first completion is Dawn Serpent for 9ss. I've been loving this guy with McCabe and Asami and now that we're slowly transitioning back to real life from Vassal games I was eager to get him painted. My first ever attempt at fire - I'm pretty happy with how it looks although not sure it looks like convincing flames, I'll take it as a first try though and I think it still looks cool on the mini. Excited to see what everyone else gets up to this month!


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On 9/2/2020 at 2:57 AM, Gloomy said:

@muraki @Magnus @Stranglelove Yeah I'm pretty much the same as you guys, I always change what I'm painting halfway through the month

Well yeah it could totally be done by pledging a soulstone amount rather than particular miniatures. Its more about having it as a monthly thing so that casual painters can do a month here and there rather than having to commit to the year, and being excluded if they can't do every month. For those of us doing it every month it wouldn't really change much, except you could change you pledge level each month and take breaks if life gets in the way.

That would work! 🙌

My pledge for september will be a desolation engine, atm i have only 3 outcast minis unpainted, this and the hodgepodge effigy & emisary.  I might finish them before going back to TTs and the tons of pending minis that i have 😬

@Caedrus even if you're not hosting you'll be still around, right?

Btw, does anyone else have trouble seeing images since the forum UI update? 😐

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On 8/30/2020 at 12:15 PM, Caedrus said:

Are you interested in running the 2021 Painting Challenge?

Fellow painters, with September's arrival, the end is in sight for 2020 (and what a fascinating year it has been so far...).

I've had lots of fun hosting the Challenge, but it's probably time for me to ask if there is a fellow painter out there who would like to host next year.

Is anyone up for the task?

If so, put your digital hand up!


I have to thank you for your dedication to pledge managing in this year of so long and difficult times. I think it's a must to remark your creative and very original contributions as the Month Challenge that encouraged exhange of knowledge and expirience between all of us.

A big thank,



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