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The Biggest Hat - M3E Som'er Tactica


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0. Disclaimer

I am not a pro-gamer, nor I had won podium from any famous international tournament, so do not expect this article can help you immediately winning from big tournament. This tactica is a summary of my experience on Big Hat keyword aiming to help new players understand the whole crew and would not be overwhelmed in their very first game. And hopefully experience players can also find some advance tricks to apply in their game to surprise the opponent.

If you have any secret trick that not inside the article or find any mistake I had made, please feel free to leave a comment. I believe the whole Bayou community will appreciate it.

Also looking for a better name for this article.


1. Overview

2. Model Breakdown

3. Gain Ground 1

4. Counter

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1. Overview

Big Hat, in short, is a all-rounded keyword. It is a range-base crew that has high stat but average damage only. This crew is average on most aspects, but really shine at resources cycling and attrition game.

Thanks for the summoning and big hiring pool, we can always find a toolbox to deal with most situations. We have both melee and range beater, indirect damage and area damage, healing, extra movement, Obey, Lure and etc. The weakness, on the flip side, is being a bubble crew. So AoE damage like Blast and Shockwave will be natural counter to Big Hat.

In Big Hat’s game there is usually no turning point. They exchange their resources, such as hands, actions and wounds, with opponent’s. They just keep trading and trading during the process of game, then suddenly a point, the opponent has no enough resources left to fight back.

Common Abilities:

  • Bayou Bash

This is the main Ability of the keyword. With this Ability Big Hat models usually have stat 6 or 7 in their Activation, in the cost of that they must be stay in close range. Luckily the keyword has access to cheap minions, namely Bayou Gremlins to help.

Beware that it only works on opposed duels, so models have to use their printed Wp for terrifying for example.

  • Demise

There are 2 types of Demise spread among within the keyword, I'm Done With This and Expendable. Former gives you a Bayou Gremlin, and the another one gives a card when the model is killed. Both of them grant resources to the crew, and these are the key of durability.



Offense 7/10:

Big Hat models are not good at doing quality damage, only 1 model has min 3 and 1 model has mid 4. They, on the other side, can hand out good quantity of damage thanks for the high models count and good amount of out-of-activation shooting from Pig-Eating Grin. Plus all the Blast and Ricochet triggers, we can do considerable indirect damage.

Combining these 2 points, we can, comparing with other keywords within Faction, handle Armor crew more easily with ping damage.


Defense 7/10:

Big Hat is by no mean a defensive keyword. We do have access to good healing, but just like other normal Gremlin, Big Hat models can be easily killed if the opponent willing to. The game this keyword playing is attrition. Sure the opponent may be able to remove half of the crew from table in a single turn, but we can bring back more to the table, thanks to summoning and the Demise ability.

Mobility 4/10:

I would say Big Hat is the slowest Bayou keyword. We do have some movement trick, but the fact of Bayou Bash and other buffing aura make the models need to stay in a relatively small bubble, which grievously slowing down the whole crew and limiting the positioning. You would not want to bring Big Hat to a pool require mobility or spreading out.

Scheming 6/10:
They are not Performer nor Journalist. There are not much scheming tech like Don't Mind Me or False Claim. Though we have Threaten Beating trigger on Gremlin Crier, which gives us a different way from other crew to do scheme. Other than that it is just about the average.

Control 6/10:

Big Hat has access to Obey and Lure, both are the signature controlling attack, and that's all. We are not placing terrain marker to block enemy movement, nor handing out condition to reduce action efficiency. Big Hat can do control, but not base on it.

Difficulty 10/10:

I think Big Hat is one of the most difficult keyword to master in the whole game. The main challenges are resources management and positioning. It sounds like bullshit when we all playing the game that has a second name of "Resources Manage and Positioning". But it is true that you need to first learn how to use the resources (cards, wounds and Bayou Gremlins) and where to place the models to play this crew effectively.

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2. Model Breakdown

I am not going through every single Ability/Action in all models. Instead I will pick up those key abilities/actions that represent most and try to explain how the model operates in the game.


Keyword Models:



The master of the keyword. Som’er is a mid-field summoner/amplifier who wants to stay at just right behind the front line because of his auras. Just like other summoners, Som'er is the center of the crew. Removing him means removing half of power of the crew. So he always has a big target mark over his head for the opponent. He is not stand out at survivability with his Df/Wp 5(+1), 12 wounds, and the only defense tech is a build-in Df trigger to move 3"(I always think Protected(Big Hat) as a defense Ability is more fit his characteristic and feature of the keyword). So the most reliable way to protect him is your meatwall.

  • Extended Family:

As a summoner, the summoning is Som'er's main Action. All he needs is a card of 4 + total cost of summoning models plus :mask, no further markers required. A :crow can trigger "Wait, You Ain't My Kid..." to remove a Summon Upgrade from a summoned model. Noted that the trigger cannot prevent the Slow given when attaching the upgrade. The upgrade provides a healing Bonus Action that only brings limited value. So usually I just remove the upgrade from the bigger summoned minion and leave it on the Bayou Gremlin if I hit the Trigger, they are dying so fast and would not hold up the upgrade.

Comparing to other summoner master, Som'er's summoning is not only bringing new models into battlefield, it also is the most effectively tool to adjust positioning for Bayou Bash. So do not worry too much when you feel needing to summon 4 Bayou Gremlins around the crew to trigger the Bayou Bash.

  • "Make Me Proud, Boys!":

Blow up a Big Hat minion and deal 2 damage to all models within :new-Pulse: 2". This Action is the main damage source of Som'er. Som'er does have a good gun, but not as good as this unlimited range, irresistible AoE damage that can bypass most of the defense tech and triggering Demise ability of friendly model at the same time. Skeeters are the best target of this action, which will be discussed later.

Actually most of the time I am using this Action for killing my own model rather than damaging enemy because of the following Ability.

  • Pig-Eating Grin:

It is this Ability that brings the crew from being average damage to above average. When a friendly model is killed near Som'er, he can discard a card to have another Big Hat model to take a shot. Since this will generate a new Action, even though Som'er needs to discard and choose model to shoot during resolving the current Action, the model is taking range attack after resolved. With proper positioning, this Ability can easily create 2+ extra shoots from a single Make Me Proud Action. It also turns Wild Shot to a pure positive Trigger and makes Blasting/Ricocheting own models a real tactic.

Georgy is always the first choice when making the shoot. In many case the target is also engaging other friend models so you would want to shoot with Focus. In these case Good Ol' Boy, who usually has stacked up more Focus than Georgy, is another candidate to take the shoot.

  • Bayou Two Card:

Here is one of the reasons that the crew want to stay in bubble. Friendly Big Hat models near Som'er can cheat from top of the deck. This works like a minor version of :+flip, usually used when you are losing in a unimportant duel, like attacking with Bayou Gremlin, or you have flipped a weak card in a cheatable damage flip.

Do not worry about flipping high cards on low value models. Big Hat can, thanks for Pig-Eating Grin and this Ability, cycle the deck real fast. Everytime the deck has been shuffle, your flip becomes more and more average. Less weight on luck means more weight on skill and decision making.




He looks like our main melee beater at the first glance. Melee attack with stat 7(with Bayou Bash), Rg 2" and 3/4/5 damage spread easily becomes the best melee attack within the Faction. After few games, however, you will realize that Lenny is actually a support role with a excellent melee attack. The fact that lacking of extra attack and defense tech beside Hard to Wound really hurting his potential as a melee beater. Plus his Gremlin General Ability plays a big role in the crew, so you would like to keep him from danger.

  • Gremlin General:

Give +1 to all Big Hat models when they perform duel outside of Activation. This is another Ability that encourages the crew staying in bubble. Duels out of Activation basically means all resistance duel and Attacks from Pig-Eating Grin. It gives an extra layer of defense, as well as improves the Pig-Eating Shoot. That's why you would not want to risk to lose him.

  • Toss:

Thanks for Bayou Bash, Lenny can Toss with stat 6. Meaning he has +4 margin in most of the time. Toss is a great controlling tool as well as a speed boost on your own model. It is worth to take the Ghillie Suit upgrade on Lenny depends on the opponent's crew.



Georgy & Olaf

Our range beater. His 2/4/5 gun is not exciting(good enough though) but still the highest damage spread among all guns within the keyword. While he is the most outstanding damage source, he is by no mean necessary to run the crew. Thus he can be an huge magnet to attract attacks away from Som’er and Lenny.

  • Piggyback Ride:

Georgy can shoot in melee because Olaf will handle the close combat. Unlike usual shooter, engaging Georgy would not stop him from taking shots. And this is the reason why he is always the 1st priority of Pig-Eating Grin. Note that, per the core rule, Georgy ignores himself for friendly fire when he is shooting the enemy who engaging him.

  •     Ricochet:

I picked this trigger separately because there is a trick that not everyone had notice. When Georgy hit this trigger with :-flip from the accuracy modify, which means he probably doing only 1~2 damage, he can choose to deal to friendly model likes Bayou Gremlin or Skeeter instead of enemy model. If the friendly model happen within range, and the ricochet deal enough damage to kill it, then Som'er can discard a card to let Georgy take a shot again, within his own Activation(which means attacking with stat 7).

  • "Who Runs Gremlin-Town?!":

It is a powerful Action that can help friendly models, mainly Good Ol' Boy, to stack Focus. The cost, however, is pretty high. Georgy is not outstanding on the durability. Df/Wp 6(+1) and Hard to Kill can help a bit, but he would not survive long when opponent attempt to remove him. The easiest way to prevent the damage is blocking LoS from Som'er by Lenny or Spig Hog. While this method require well planning on positioning and activation order, plus no LoS also means Georgy cannot benefit from Bayou Two Card. Hence I usually just take this Action in turn 1 or maybe turn 2 only.



Old Cranky

A support piece of the crew. He is providing support by just existing there so both of his actions are free to do anything needed, like interact, assist, removing terrain.

  • Shouting Orders:

May be the most important ability on Old Cranky’s card which lets friendly Big Hat model to take Concentrate as bonus action. As mentioned above models of the crew need Focus to neutralize the :-flip of Friendly Fire when taking shoot from Pig-Eating Grin. Plus Georgy and Good Ol’ Boy want to deal moderate damage to enemy. So free Focus is always helpful even in the cost of a card.

Most models within keyword do not have a significant bonus action so the ability actually filled up the gap.

  • Obey:

Obey is with no doubt one of the best control action in the game, and it could only be better when you can use it with stat 7. The only issue of it is Big Hat has access to another Obey with stat 7 and an amazing trigger in form of the Gremlin Crier. Though there is no harm to remember that Old Cranky can as well cast in stat 7. 

  • Frantic Search:

The action looks so beautiful at first glance until you have realized how many afford need for Old Cranky to get close to the Corpse Marker at the front line and the unreliability of flipping the suit you want. Extra SS is always good, just do not count on this action and never build you plan base on the extra SS.



Good Ol' Boy

The most expensive summonable model of the keyword. Just like Executioner to Guard and Jorogumo to Oni, only that Good Ol’ Boy, as 7SS, is not as high-end as those 2 models. Still they are the main combat piece of the crew. They can do considerable damage in both melee and range, while also taking some attacks.

I always hire one of them despite summonable, such that I can stack 3~4 Focus on him at the 1st turn without worry too much activation order.

  • Bring It!:

The core ability of their tankiness. It gives :+flip for every enemies within 1” of Good Ol’ Boy. Throw them into melee and they will become Df 5(+1):+flip, which is not something can be easily go through.

  •     Broken Bottle:

The melee attack with average damage spread. With the Poison from bonus action they can access to the built-in :+flip without issue. Drunken Strength is sub-par trigger but Onslaught is awesome.

  • Refurbished Shotgun:

The range attack, compare with the melee, is more focus on doing AoE damage with blast and ricochet(personally not want to ricochet on the target). I had once able to finish off a rider in a single activation just by indirect damage.

  • Swagger:

The key piece to build up Focus on Good Ol’ Boy. After Good Ol’ Boy gains Focus +1 after resolved a Walk without Focus. With help from Georgy and Big Brain Brin they can go up to Focus +4 at the first turn.



Gremlin Crier

The control piece of the crew, as the meantime the scheme “runner” because of the Threaten Beatings trigger. They can take some attacks thanks for the :-flip from Intimidating Authority, but they would melt in a second if opponent can bypass it.

  •     Threaten Beatings:

The centerpiece of the Criers that bring a lot of unique tricks that other Obey user cannot do. Crier can ignore engagement and insignificant of the target. This single trigger turns Bayou Gremlins and Skeeters to Significant “Don’t Mind Me” models with a 7+ card no matter suit.

The trigger can as well help other models to charge or shoot in engagement which could break opponent’s plan if he is not awarded.

  • Distraction:

Gives :-flip on Wp duel to enemy models within :aura2”. Not so many Wp attack or pulse within the keyword can benefit from the ability though. The main usage is boosting Crier’s Obey on enemy.

  • For Whom The Bell Tolls:

Pushes a friendly model toward another killed friendly model. One of the node inside the “Make Me Grin” chain. It is easily being oversee, but with proper use it may help setup the next blow up or repositioning friendly model to better spot for shooting.



Spit Hog

Our Healer inside keyword. Unlike other healer, they are healing friendly model by giving them bonus action which brings a lot of flexibility on activation order. Plus that Spit Hogs can spare their activation on other action.

  • Food’s Up!:

The main healing ability of Spit Hog. It gives out a bonus action of 2/3/4 healing without any flipping needed. Which is better than most of the healing action in the game and only in cost of 1 damage to Spit Hog.

As said before most models do not have a useful bonus action, hence this healing bonus action would not complete with others beside the Shouting Order from Old Cranky.

  • Tear Off a Bite:

The trigger picked up separately just because it is the easiest way of self healing. With a ram card Spit Hog can heal a friendly model and itself at the same time.

  • Lure:

Another best controlling attack along with Obey in the game that need no further explain. They can use Lure with stat 7 means most of the time they are performing the opposite duel with 1+ margins.

  • Hoist the Hog

Friendly models can move through them, which makes them a good road block. Just beware that LoS cannot draw through them so they are also blocking friendly aura and attack.




Another support piece of the crew. Similar to Old Cranky, their value comes from passive ability hence they are helping by just standing in the center of the crew. Hence I usually just summon them at turn 1 because they can perform 100% even on Slow.

  • Foggy Bayou Hoedown:

The key ability of them. It moves all friendly model within :new-Pulse:4” at the start of Banjonista’s activation. It helps to unpack the crew, repositioning friendly model for Bayou Bash or getting out of engagement.

  • Hootenanny:

Gives out Shielded at the cost of a card when nearby friendly model activating. Usually use on VIP only, i.e. Som’er, Lenny and Georgy.

  •     Rebel Yell:

The only condition removal within keyword. It requires a :tome to cast, but thanks for Bayou Bash, they can cast with a card of 3+.



Bayou Gremlin

Another form of resources to this crew along side with hand and soul stone. Being a normal model they can assist, remove terrain, block charging line, boost friendly model with Bayou Bash and etc.

Also each Bayou Gremlin is a walking bomb and a card for Som’er. Summoning 4 Gremlins with a 12 in the first turn means 4 cards coming back in the later turn. You may or may not drawing the 12 back in these 4 cards, but hands are important resources in this crew for all discarding effect.




Advanced version of Bayou Gremlin. As mentioned above, they are the best target for Som’er to blow up. With Mv 6 and Flight they can get to any sweet spot to be blow up, plus Df 6(+1) gives them higher chance to survive until Som'er Activation.


Out Of Keyword Models:
Big Hat is a keyword with great inner synergy. They are not giving nor receiving any benefit to outside models. Hence you may want to fill the crew with as many Big Hat models as you can. Some OOK hiring, however, is not a bad idea in certain situation.


Big Brain Brin

Did I just said Big Hat want to stay within keyword because OOK models do not bring much to them? well just forget it when we talking about Big Brain Brin. Despite not wearing a hat, Big Brain Brin contributes to Big Hat crew just as much as Lenny or Georgy in most of the time.

  • Pulling the Strings

I would rate this action over Calculate the Possibilities after errata. It is a combined tool of action multiplying, anti-scheming and friendly killing. This action along can generate 2 full actions of value with Pig-Eating Grin.
Noted that the scheme marker removal requires no LoS nor passing TN.

  • Calculate the Possibilities

The most famous  action on Big Brain Brin's card. This action can build a hot deck across several activations. It brings more value to Big Hat models when they can cheat from the top of deck with Bayou Two Cards.

We can no longer Obey him with Criers to calculate again after errata. So now we need to be careful about the timing to cast this action.

  • Arcane Reservoir

Not much to explain here. An extra card is always gold for summoners. Especially keyword like Big Hat that discarding their hand all day.



Mobility models

As said above, as a bubble crew Big Hat struggles with situation that require them to spread out. Hence a model or two with high mobility may help them out.

We have quite a lot candidates within Faction, like the First Mate, Lucky Emissary, Rooster Rider, Silurid and etc.




Have not yet tried it, but it is always fun to throw away your own model into enemy’s face. Som’er can keep summoning Bayou Gremlin as ammo, and can blow the gremlins up if opponent do not handle them soon enough.

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3. Gaining Ground 1


  • Corrupted Ley Lines: This Strategy requires both mobility and durability. While it is near impossible to get all 4 VP, Big Hat can still go for 2~3 depends on the deployment zone (which is harsh enough for them as a bubble crew). Lucky Emissary can make it more easier to score.
  • Symbols of Authority: The pure mobility Strategy here that not really where you would like to drop Bit Hat on. It is still doable with Crier plus Skeeter or OOK hiring. Mah or Zipp, however, are always better choice on this Strategy.
  • Recover Evidence: Strategy mixed with killing and scheming. In my opinion this is the Strategy where Big Hat is going to shine. They can sit and wait opponent coming to them, while projecting range power and sending expendable pieces, like Gremlin or Skeeter, to pick up the marker.
  • Public Enemies: The pure killy Strategy. Summoning gives Som’er nature disadvantage on this one. Though they are competitive enough with the range power and ability to counter shoot the enemy after a friendly model is killed. 



  • Breakthrough: Considerable in Wedge deployment, otherwise just forget it.
  • Take Prisoner: Not a bad one thanks for the Lure of Spit Hog. Big Hat however lack of method to move enemy away from the target beside Toss of Lenny, so it is not first priority.
  • Vendetta: Easy scheme for Big Hat given the amount of indirect damage. Both Georgy and Good Ol’ Boy can shoot friendly model to ricochet to the target for the first VP.
  • Assassinate: Depends on the opponent, but Big Hat has high chance to remove a master as long as they can reach it.
  • Claim Jump: Lenny(if you would risk it) or Big Brain Brin(if you have hired him) are good candidates for this Scheme. Again we do not have much moving effect.
  • Hidden Martyrs: Georgy w/ Old Cranky, or Good Ol’ Boy with Crier. This Scheme weight mindgame and bluffing over adaptation of models so this is really on personal preference.
  • Sabotage: Depends on the board. If there is a big piece of terrain then Crier with a Skeeter or two can do it. Otherwise it is just another Breakthrough.
  • Catch and Release: While highly depends on opponent’s crew, Big Hat has good chance to score both VP given the survivability of Good Ol’ Boy and extra action from other models to escape.
  • Let Them Bleed: The best Scheme to Big Hat with all AoE damage within the keyword. Plus healing and summoning to negate opponent scoring.
  • Leave Your Mark: Another easy Scheme for Big Hat just because of Crier’s Threaten Beatings trigger.
  • Research Mission: Big Hat does not drop third type of marker.
  • Spread Them Out: Relatively easy for Big Hat if you do not mind to send two Skeeter to flank for scheming.
  • Runic Binding: Harsh enough even if sending Skeeter over opponent’s crew to place scheme marker.
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4. Counter

Being a bubble crew that keeping model near each other, no surprise that Big Hat is hard countered by Blast and Shockwave. While Shockwave maybe a bit less problematic with Bayou General and Bayou Two Cards, they really need to pay attention on Blaster model like keeping model between 2”~3” away from others.

  • Sonnia, Raspy, Wong


Other trick against bubble beside AoE is moving and placing Big Hat model to beyond all those aura.


Also the typical counter to summoner like Gravity Well and ability against summon upgrade.

  • Anna, Arik, The Jury, Charm Warder


Demise plays a huge part in Big Hat’s game plan. So anyone can shut down demise ability would stop Big Hat from recycling resources.

  • Mason, Any model with Execution trigger.


Though the real weaknesses of Big Hat are Som’er and Lenny, who are usually well protected behind meat wall of other Big Hat models. So high speed beaters with placing movement trick like Leap or Flight would be a huge threat to Big Hat.

  • Lady Justice, Nekima, Archie, Mason.
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This is great :) 

I would add that one of the weak spots is that any non-opposed duel they have to perform during their activation, can be tricky (hi Terrifying) and put the keyword into some trouble. Same applies for Boring Conversation and other similar abilities. Also, any crew that gets any sort of benefit for people dying or corpse markers (Revenant, Nephilim, Last Blossom...).

Anti-Demise is definitely the worse counter to the crew. TT being the worse due to being able to hire up to 3 Charm Warders.

Amazing guide! I really like it ;) 

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1 hour ago, ShinChan said:


I would add that one of the weak spots is that any non-opposed duel they have to perform during their activation, can be tricky (hi Terrifying) and put the keyword into some trouble. Same applies for Boring Conversation and other similar abilities. 

The up side is that while they are near enough for bayou two card, you almost want them to fail the first simple duel and pass the second. It's not as good as an outright positive flip to those duels but it does at least give them a decent chance to pass them without you spending cards from your hand. 

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Thank. Well explained.  I was looking at Summer as my third bayou master. I think I'm still to new at this game to play him right now, but by the time I get his crew paint, I should be fine (I'm a really slow painter 😉). 


Seriously, could you recommend a buying priority (beside the core box).


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On 7/18/2020 at 4:17 AM, SEV said:

Seriously, could you recommend a buying priority (beside the core box).

I would say Deliverance > Listen Up! > Hootenanny

Surprisingly the cheapest Bayou Gremlins are the real key for running the crew. Without them you would struggle a lot on Bayou Bash and getting resources.

Then Listen Up brings you Old Cranky and Crier for their utilities. With them now you can play Big Hat into most pool.

And last but not least, Georgy improves the efficiency of dealing damage and complete the crew.

There is discussion inside the Bayou chat on should you have the second Deliverance box but this is all about personal preference,

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I liked the write up a lot. 

I disagree with some parts though. I think Somer is the strongest control master in the game, with one of the strongest actions in the game. I tend not to think of Bayou Gremlins as models so much so mobile slow tokens. If you summon them into engagement range, they will eat AP either killing them or disengaging.  They've only got 2 hitpoints, but if they're in Lenny and Somer's aura they can often dodge an attack or two eating multiple ap.

So for 1 master AP a 12 and possibly a stone Somer can effectively slow, or worse, 4 models and draw 4 cards. 


The other thing I'd say is that Lenny shouldn't be treated like a beater. He 's got a scary attack, but with Bodyguard and Gremlin General he's a powerful support piece and shouldn't be commiting to combat unless necessary. He's better off hanging back a little and playing Bodyguard to Somer and counter attacking if it looks like the enemy will make it through the wall of meat. 

I also think Skeeters are too valuable as distractions to blow up. Df 6 and 3 wounds means they can eat up a lot of enemy Actions. When in Gremlin General or Bayou 2 Card range they can be highly annoying to your opponent.  Hunting Partner also means  disengaging from them will eat resources.

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  • 2 months later...

My standard to-go list would be:

  • Som'er + Skeeters
  • Lenny
    • He's mandatory for the crew to work
  • Georgy & Olaf
    • He's your main beater
  • Good Ol' Boy
    • Great tank model with a decent damage. It's good to start with 1 to stack some focus on him and send him to put some damage in the enemy.
  • Banjonista
    • Helps a lot with positioning in turn 1 and 2. After that, his main utility is being close to other models to trigger Bayou Bash.
  • 21ss to play around

Usually I'll be reserving 6ss, 4-5 for summoning and another 1-2 for what it could happen (like Lenny needing some help to survive an alpha strike attack).

So that leave us 15ss, and there are really good options:

  • Big Brain Brin (8+1ss): 1 extra card in hand is very valuable with so many discard mechanics + reliable condition removal
  • Old Cranky (5ss): Some extra support for the crew.
  • Emissary(10ss)/Effisary(6ss): When you need extra mobility and get out of the bubble (Corrupted Leylines or Symbols of Authority)
  • Taxidermist (8+1ss): When you need to take care of all the corpses around.
  • McTavish (9ss): More shooting, creating concealment areas and feeding the corpses to his gator for extra benefits.
  • Gluttony (7ss): Helps with markers and can get enemies out of position by pushing them to what it used to be a Gremlin and now it's a corpse.


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7 hours ago, ShinChan said:
  • Gluttony (7ss): Helps with markers and can get enemies out of position by pushing them to what it used to be a Gremlin and now it's a corpse.

I've been meaning to try Gluttony with Somer with all the corpses it seems like a good way to consistently move people out of position and do 4 damage.


2 hours ago, SEV said:

Did someone try Pigapult? The OP said it could be good.

Do you think it's possible to just overwhelm your opponent by hiring all the OOK summing models (The Sow and SpawnMother) or you're just loosing too much synergy? 

I haven't used the Pigapult with Somer much. For the most part Lenny's toss can do similar movement boosts. 


I really like the Sow with Somer. Somer. Wanted to bubble up with auras and the Piglets don't care so they make good outside runners. You can pretty much out the Sow on one side and let her take care of an entire flank. Running with the Spawn Mother sounds great too. Forcing the opponent to deal with 2+ significant models a turn will keep pressure up. 

Sommer can summon a lot if the stuff he needs to build crew synergies, so I think you could fit them in without to much effort. Something like:

Som'er Teeth Jones Crew
 - Pool: 8
  Som'er Teeth Jones
  Skeeter 2
  Lenny Jones
  Georgy and Olaf
  Good Ol' Boy
  The Sow
  Spawn Mother

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Here is my core crew of Som'er. Every single time when I am playing Som'er I start from here.

Size: 31
  Som'er Teeth Jones
  Skeeter 1
  Skeeter 2
  Lenny Jones
  Big Brain Brin
  Georgy and Olaf
  Old Cranky

As mentioned above, Lenny and BBB are mandatory. Georgy and Old Cranky are not necessary, but I only leave them at shelve for good reason.

I used to have 8+ stones when playing summoners so there are about 11~13 stones left to hire a minion or two. Usually I will go for one GoB for Focus stacking in the 1st turn. In schemey pool I may instead go for a Crier. And adjusting the stones pool with Bayou Gremlins and/or upgrades.

If counter-tech pick is needed, I will start cutting down from the minions, followed by Georgy and Old Cranky.

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3 hours ago, SEV said:

Do you think it's possible to just overwhelm your opponent by hiring all the OOK summing models (The Sow and SpawnMother) or you're just loosing too much synergy? 

Extra summoning sounds like a good solution to the mobility problem other than Emissary. I would say hiring both of them would be too costly. And I would choose Sow if I have to pick one.

Sow can make use of all corpses generated from the crew and summons 3 Piglets a turn at most vs 2 Gupps. Plus the Piglet has higher utility with Delicious Bacon, Truffles and Reckless.

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3 hours ago, Rufess said:

As mentioned above, Lenny and BBB are mandatory. Georgy and Old Cranky are not necessary, but I only leave them at shelve for good reason

I find myself cutting Georgy sometimes too. The focus pulse is nice, especially with easy heals from a spit hog, and another good shooting attack for Pig-Eating Grin.

I haven't found much use for Old Cranky though. Shouting Orders seems too card intensive to me. 

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3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

I haven't found much use for Old Cranky though. Shouting Orders seems too card intensive to me. 

Old Cranky also gives :+flip to initiative flip and randomly generates soulstone.
But it is true that a large part of Old Cranky's value is to hand out Focus to Georgy. Georgy relies on his moderate/severe to do spike damage so the bonus Focus does mean a lot. Hence if you are not hiring Georgy then you can leave Old Cranky either.
Georgy's damage output will drop significantly when attacking model with Hard to Wounds even with the Focus though. If I could foresee a large number of Hard to Wounds, like against Resser or Marshal, then I would seriously consider (but not necessary) to leave him home.

Good Ol' Boy and Som'er would like to have the Focus as well if there were some good targets to blast off. Otherwise most of the time it is only 1 hand per turn for Georgy for Shouting Order.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, cutting in here pretty late as I took a sabbatical from the forums but good job on the tactica. A couple things to consider.

1) Always try to summon a bayou gremlin along with whatever else you are summoning. It pretty much makes the summon free when that BG eventually dies. Its like banking a card for a later turn. 2) Shouting Order is absolutely the biggest reason Cranky makes it in the crew. G&O are at their best with Focus. I will often take IC on them and first turn walk get a focus, concentrate, then next turn should be in place to shouting orders after using both focus for shots. When it comes to Pig Eating Grin no one does more work that Georgy and Olaf. 

2) don't be afraid to splat your own BGs if you need cards. Use them in the most annoying ways possible. Stick them in the way of things. Force your opponent to do the work for you, or just have Som'er squish them later. The best thing about Som'er is that everything but the main 3, Somer, Lenny and G&O are expendable. 

3) It also can't be overstated how good Crier + Skeeter is for getting schemes done. Turn 1 is almost always a summoning a Crier in unless I've started with one. Never forget Skeeters are summonable too

4) The combination of Gremlin General and B2C makes the crew a lot more resilient than they look. You can win a lot of duels on the strength of General alone, especially with G&O who are Df7 thanks to Lenny. I almost always set them up for some sort of cover too. If you think they are gonna be threatened drop a spit hog in front of them and don't forget that they can shoot things even if in melee. Opponents will often be surprised when G&O still get PEG shots off even while tied up. 

5) Brin. So Brin is really good a lot of the time, especially if you are going to be very aggressive with the crew. The combo of B2C and Calculate means its not unusual to run through your deck 2 or even 3 times a turn. I've hit the RJ 3 times in a single turn, made the opponent nearly rage quit. Brin is also incredibly hard to kill with Bayou Gremlin bodyguards around. Also, catch opponents off guard when you pull the strings on a BG and you get a PEG shot at the end of the turn. 

6) In regards to PEG and Make Me Proud, say you set it up where you have 3 BG around a model and Make Me Proud one of them, killing the lot. You get to go in any order of Draw, discard, then you get to make 3 shots on that model. Its very very possible to kill 2 or 3 models this way if you have the Masks for Ricochet triggers too. 

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  • 3 months later...

First off thank you for the great advice. I am about to start with Big Hats as almost the last Bayou crew in my collection and it's very helpful.

On the other hand I feel like I am missing something essential in M3E when reading this. Multiple times you all wrote about how good Skeeters are for scheming...

They are Insignificant and can neither collect Evidence, drop schemes for Sabotage or count anyhow for Schemes and Strats at all. What am I missing here?

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1 minute ago, Drunken Monkey said:

First off thank you for the great advice. I am about to start with Big Hats as almost the last Bayou crew in my collection and it's very helpful.

On the other hand I feel like I am missing something essential in M3E when reading this. Multiple times you all wrote about how good Skeeters are for scheming...

They are Insignificant and can neither collect Evidence, drop schemes for Sabotage or count anyhow for Schemes and Strats at all. What am I missing here?

Gremlin crier has the Threaten Beatings trigger on obey to interact even if insignificant :)

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