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Fatemaster Friday - Character building - Digital Edition!


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Fortuitous Friday Breachers!

While we look at ways to expand into a digital play space, you have the opportunity to introduce TTB to friends far and wide. The first thing that new players will need to navigate is making a character without the benefit of sitting at a table with their friends to help. As a Fatemaster, you can do a lot to help ease the transition. 

Wyrd has made resources to make playing TTB online an easy transition, and now is a perfect time to introduce new friends to this unique and amazing game. Our resources page has a lot of helpful information for TTB online! https://www.wyrd-games.net/resources

Options for creating a TTB character digitally involve Roll20, Vassal, TavernKeeper, and through meeting spaces like Zoom or Discord. Getting a book is as simple as heading over to drivethruRPG and picking up a digital version of the 2E Corebook and whatever expansions you need! From there, picking the appropriate platform, so let’s look at what each can offer players and Fatemasters.

As said in an earlier article, Roll20 already has a character sheet formatted for use. Vassal has a handy Instruction Sheet for creating a game in Vassal, and players can use the form fillable PDF on the Resources page to make their characters. TavernKeeper, on the other hand, is text based, and best works with either a typed out sheet or uploaded PDF sheets for use.

Discord and Zoom can help for a character creation session, and I suggest having the player share their screen so you as Fatemaster can give them guidance with their character creation. Taking a look at the form fillable PDF sheet, we can see the main points that players will need to focus on. 


The main points to focus on are, of course, filling in aspects from the Tarot Spread. The specific wording of actions and talents can be passed over in favor of book and page numbers, with players referencing their books when needed. The Destiny Steps and twist deck are found on the second page of the sheet, but I suggest that Fatemasters keep copies of everyone’s Destiny Spreads so they can plan sessions accordingly. Remember, if you want a longer campaign, you can always spread out when Destiny Steps are completed, or even arrange for something to alter the Fate of the Fated to extend sessions! 

After the base character is created, work with the player to determine what Pursuits they want to use, and make sure they consider different options to gain the most out of the Pursuit system’s dynamic nature. Emphasize that Pursuits aren’t character classes in a traditional sense, and that changing between sessions is encouraged. Once the base character and Pursuit options are made, discuss what the player is hoping to get from the game. This can take a lot of guesswork out of your session planning, allowing you to tailor your sessions to the desires of the players.

What do you do when helping a player make a character for an online game, especially for the first time? Do you encourage some builds over others? Do you focus on social adventures or making pre-made adventures work in a digital space? Tell me how you’ve helped people discover this game through online sessions!

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