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Random Bout of Brilliance


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Lenny's bonus action gives you a variable effect based on a flipped card. There's no indication that the flip can't be cheated. Am I right, that you can cheat the flip and change the effect?

One of the effects allows you to draw the flipped card - will you draw the initial flipped card or the cheated one?

Are these "effects" counted as triggers?

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25 minutes ago, Adran said:

I would say you would draw the original card, as the card you cheated is not a flipped card.

The action specifies "resolve the following effects based on the suit of the flipped card, with any variable flips based on the value of the flipped card."

So if you're going to claim that you don't take the cheated card because you didn't flip it, why would you take the cheated card's suit or value?

The simpler interpretation seems to be that the distinction in the rules "Cheating Fate does not count as flipping a card" is there so that rules that say "When this model flips a card" don't recursively get triggered by cheating.  For instance, during an opposed flip if the first player to cheat puts down the red joker, the second player doesn't lose their ability to cheat.  There otherwise isn't a distinction.

So, as far as I can see, the main accomplishment of cheating in a :tome on that flip would be to prevent one of the other results.  Because that :maskresult or the :crowresult surrounded by friends are somewhat inconvenient.


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Looking at page 44 and 45 in the physical book, a flip is used to generate a random number and/or suit. 

And in cheating fate it tells us to replace the flipped card . But it also tells us cheating fate does not count as flipping a card. 

So I based my answer on this.the rules tell us the cheating changes the random effect, but that the cheated card isn't the flipped card. 

I can certainly see the argument for it to have meant" draw the card in the conflict".

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