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ShinChan's M3E Battle Reports


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Hi all!

It's been a long time since I haven't wrote a battle report, and it was not because I haven't been playing, so I'll be taking some time for now on to write down some battle reports and share my experiences.

**Edited: Sadly, I lost a bunch of screenshots from many games due to a problem with one of the hard drives in my computer, so I'll have to skip some battle reports.

So far:

  • 04/04/2020 - Reva vs Von Schill
  • 05/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Leveticus
  • 05/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Titania
  • 08/04/2020 - Brewmaster vs Mah Tucket
  • 12/04/2020 - Reva vs Seamus
  • 16/04/2020 - Parker Burrows vs Hamelin
  • 17/04/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Nekima
  • 19/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Marcus (Arcanists)
  • 24/04/2020 - Molly Squidpiddge vs Dashel
  • 25/04/2020 - Som'er Teeth Jones vs Lucius (Neverborn)
  • 26/04/2020 - Reva vs Kirai
  • 02/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Zoraida (Neverborn)
  • 06/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Dashel
  • 07/05/2020 - Ophelia vs Titania
  • 09/05/2020 - Lady Justice vs Jack Dawn (Outcasts)
  • 10/05/2020 - Rasputina vs Zoraida
  • 12/05/2020 - Leveticus vs Dreamer
  • 16/05/2020 - Titania vs Lady Justice
  • 17/05/2020 - Molly vs Zipp
  • 18/05/2020 - Von Schtook vs Dashel
  • 20/05/2020 - Wong vs Misaki
  • 22/05/2020 - Molly vs Ulix
  • 23/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Kirai
  • 24/05/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Zipp (Bayou)
  • 06/06/2020 - Marcus (Arcanists) vs Colette
  • 07/06/2020 - Leveticus vs Nekima
  • 11/06/2020 - Reva vs Von Schill
  • 12/06/2020 - Von Schtook vs Zoraida
  • 15/06/2020 - Molly vs Von Schill
  • 19/06/2020 - Parker vs Dreamer
  • 05/07/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Nekima
  • 19/07/2020 - Ophelia vs Ophelia
  • 31/07/2020 - Wong vs McCabe
  • 02/08/2020 - Brewmaster vs Dreamer
  • 07/08/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Mah Tucket
  • 14/08/2020 - Parker vs Lady Justice
  • 16/08/2020 - Leveticus vs Lady Justice
  • 19/08/2020 - Youko vs Brewmaster
  • 23/08/2020 - Reva vs Zoraida
  • 26/08/2020 - Wong vs Yan Lo
  • 28/08/2020 - Reva vs Colette
  • 09/09/2020 - Titania vs Misaki
  • 10/09/2020 - Brewmaster vs Sonnia
  • 11/09/2020 - Rasputina vs Basse
  • 13/09/2020 - Reva vs Jacob Lynch
  • 14/09/2020 - Wong vs Von Schill
  • 16/09/2020 - Cathelin Abernathy (Hamelin) vs Nellie
  • 17/09/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Sandeep
  • 19/09/2020 - Parker vs Youko
  • 20/09/2020 - Von Schtook vs Nekima
  • 24/09/2020 - Reva vs Perdita
  • 28/09/2020 - Leveticus vs Dreamer
  • 29/09/2020 - Som'er Teeth Jones vs Rasputina
  • 30/09/2020 - Hamelin vs Kaeris
  • 08/10/2020 - Parker Barrows vs Seamus
  • 09/09/2020 - Wong vs Kaeris
  • 11/10/2020 - Hamelin vs Nellie
  • 11/10/2020 - Parker Barrows vs Mah Tucket
  • 12/10/2020 - Molly vs Kaeris
  • 13/10/2020- Pandora vs Kaeris
  • 15/10/2020 - Shenlong vs Som'er
  • 17/10/2020 - Rasputina vs Von Schtook
  • 24/10/2020 - Lady Justice vs Kirai
  • 24/10/2020 - Wong vs Von Schill
  • 25/10/2020 - Leveticus vs Parker
  • 26/10/2020 - Reva Cortinas vs Rasputina
  • 28/10/2020 - Brewmaster vs Reva Cortinas


  • Wins: 47
  • Draws: 8
  • Loses: 12

Factions (w/d/l):

  • Guild: 2/0/0
  • Bayou: 12/2/8
  • Resurrectionists: 17/1/2
  • Outcasts: 11/2/1
  • Neverborn: 1/2/0
  • Arcanists: 2/1/1
  • Ten Thunders: 2/0/0


Edited by ShinChan
Update with new games
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04/04/2020 - Reva vs Von Schill

  • Deployment: Corner deployment
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Research mission
    • Breakthrough
    • Spread them out
    • Take prisoner
    • Vendetta


  • Reva + 2 Corpse Candles
  • Anna Lovelace
  • Toshiro the Daimyo
  • Restless Spirit
  • Gravedigger
  • Shieldbearer
  • Draugr
  • 6ss
  • Von Schill + Steam Trunk
  • Arik Schöttemer
  • Hanna Lovelace
  • The Midnight Stalker
  • Freikorps Librarian
  • Freikorps Engineer
  • Prospector
  • 3ss


  • Reva: 5
    • Public Enemies 1
    • Research Mission 2
    • Spread them out 2
  • Von Schill: 3
    • Public enemies 1
    • Breakthrough 2


There was very little killing due to the amount of healing in both sides. I started turn 2 with the Draugr up to 5 focus and 3 burning, but he was just able to kill the Steam Trunk and put some damage in Hannah that was healed a bit after. The Draugr died while stile having focus 3 and burning 1, which was sad 😢. I was able to march into my opponent half of the table, which allowed me to score easily my schemes in turns 3-4. My opponent put too much effort with little success in killing Anna Lovelace, but between stones, the Shieldbearer and the Armor +1 she managed to survive. Meantime, an Ashigaru was running around in circles trying to prevent the Midnight stalker from scoring Breakthrough (with no success). My opponent had a terrible luck trying to kill a Corpse Candle (twice), wasting Hannah's activation in a critical score moment.


This was the first time that I realized how important in Toshiro with Reva. He really helps keeping the important pieces alive, and paired with the Gravedigger, they really fit into a Reva's crew. I brought Anna to bother my opponent with the aura of Hostile Work Environment, that didn't bother him much, but specially add some card draw to the crew (Studied Opponent + Remote detonator on Corpse Candles). She's good, but I wouldn't consider her in other setups, for 11 stones I can bring the Rider instead.

Reva's crew is so lackluster (in damage and resilience) that I found myself hiring many versatile models or hiring OOK. A Draugr and a Shieldbearer are good, maybe even 2 shieldbearer could see the table, but Mourners are way worse in GG1, Lampads are the worse 8ss model in the game and the Wanyudo could use some Revenant-love.

Revenant is a keyword that needs some card draw that they don't have. The focus bomb of double blasphemous ritual works well for turns 2-3, but after that, don't expect to kill much or stay alive long.

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04/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Leveticus

  • Deployment: Standard Deployment
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Let them Bleed
    • Assassinate
    • Breakthrough
    • Spread them out
    • Hidden martyrs


  • Von Schtook + The Whisper + Research Assistant 
  • Anna Lovelace
  • Valedictorian
  • Carrion Emissary
  • Undergraduate
  • Sloth
  • 5ss
  • Leveticus+ SoDP + 2 Hollow Waifs
  • Arik Schöttemer
  • Rusty Alice
  • Desolation Engine + SoDP
  • Scavenger
  • Hodgepodge Effigy
  • 6ss


  • Von Schtook: 2
    • Breakthrough 1
    • Spread them out 1
  • Leveticus: 4
    • Public enemies 3
    • Assassinate 1


First turn, on my last activation I sent the Valedictorian to kill the Scavenger, but my bad positioning and not checking I couldn't summon from the kill due to Arik's aura. I could stun Leveticus before finishing my activation with Lectures Notes. I won initiative, but my opponent cheated with the Red Joker (or a 13 don't remember very well), and proceeded to kill The Valedictorian in a single activation of Leveticus. From there, everything went south for me. In addition, I trapped myself between two houses and the coffins I created before with the Emissary in order to protect my crew from the Desolation Engine. Arik charged through one of the houses and I wasn't able to kill him, so in turn 3 he just charged back through the house (size 4 house, 3" wide +/-) with only 1 wound left, jut to be healed by the Effigy. The Desolation engine and Leveticus came after to finish the job and kill most of my people. I managed to get down the Desolation Engine, but it didn't give any points, since it was replaced by an Abomination. I managed to score 2 points in turn 5 thanks to the Research Assistant with fast and the Undergraduate with By Your Side.


This was my first game ever with Von Schtook, so I forgot so many things... Also, I was always late to put the aura to prevent healing with the Emissary and I only managed to put 2 Sin tokens with Sloth, first of all because I blocked myself with other miniatures so he couldn't see and second because many of the healing abilities within the Amalgan crew are a "may".

I suffered from a couple of "Gotcha!" moments:

  • My opponent position Arik and the Scavenger to prevent me from summoning with the Valedictorian.
  • I didn't know that Arik could charge through f*&%ing buildings! Also I was equally surprised when he charged back (engagement doesn't matter) and through shockwaves back at my crew without LoS. This model is nuts! Really good, didn't feel OP, but he definitely brings a lot to the table.
  • I didn't expect Leveticus to be able to kill the Valedictorian in a single activation. My opponent had really good cards in hand and I didn't expect that damage output, specially having Stat 5.
  • When the Desolation Engine did the replace for the Abomination, since the Abominations enter first in base contact with the Desolation Engine, Anna couldn't see it, and so Gravity well became useless.

For being my first game with Transmortis, I like the crew, can't wait to put it in the table, they're funny to play and with lots of possibilities. I forgot who knows how many Studied Opponent, but my main mistake in this game was positioning (and instead of bringing the Emissary, bring Asura +2ss to score easily Breakthrough.

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05/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Titania

  • Deployment: Wege deployment
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Breakthrough
    • Assassinate
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Let Them Bleed
    • Spread Them Out


  • Von Schtook + Research Assistant
  • Anna Lovelace
  • The Valedictorian
  • Undergraduate
  • Carrion Emissary
  • Sloth
  • 7ss


  • Titania + Gorar
  • Serena Bowman
  • Rougarou
  • Hooded Rider
  • Silent Knight
  • Wicked Doll
  • Autumn Knight
  • 3ss


  • Professor Von Schtook: 6
    • Public Enemies 3
    • Breakthrough 1 
    • Spread them out 2
  • Titania: 5
    • Public enemies 2
    • Breakthrough 1
    • Assassinate 2


I tried again the first turn last activation Valedictorian to jump into Gorar, but I failed to kill him. Titania came to keep the Valedictorian busy, but I used the trigger "On your heels" from Lecture Notes to stun and place herself in base contact with the Hooded Rider, and in a way that it wouldn't allow the Silent Knight (Killjoy) to charge into my group of models.

There was a lot of fighting in my opponent's half of the table, but I managed to use the undergraduate to score Breakthrough before dying. I knew that it was going to be very difficult to score more points from Public enemies (Silent Knight doesn't die, Serena's demise, Titania being really tanky), so I tried to focus on my schemes. The Hooded Rider was another model impossible to kill, since I managed to stun him in turns 2, 3 and 4. In turn 5 he had to choose between scoring Breakthrough of join the fight.

I managed to summon a Student of Viscera from the Rougarou, but it wasn't enough to save Von Schtook and ended up dying and giving points for both assassinate and Public Enemies. Titania was very close to die before she could exchange those sweet bounty tokens for Victory Points, but I tried to score Breakthrough and failed instead (Damn you, Sloth! You're too slow!)


Titania's crew was annoying, but easy to handle. They really lack any sort of card draw or resource generation, so they rely 100% on their flips. Probably my opponent didn't go through more than 75% of her deck any of the turns, which resulted in turns where her miniatures did absolutely nothing, to the point I felt bad for her (trying to germinate and not having the card in hand and failing to get the TN). However, a lucky red joker in damage allowed her to score the 1st (and most likely the second) point of Assassination, otherwise the game would have ended 7-3.

The Silent Knight, even being a miniature that never is going to give its points for the Strategy, felt quite bad hitting. That :+flip should be always that he's moved through or is in base contact of an underbrush marker.

I really like the Transmortis, but bringing the 3 big pieces is a lot of SS (Anna + Valedictorian + Emissary = 30ss). Sloth seems almost mandatory for that heal + Slow that becomes Fast thanks to Von Schtook. I'm looking forward to change Anna and the Emissary for some minions, and maybe even the Valedictorian for Toshiro and take advantage of that :+flip that Toshiro gives.

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08/04/2020 - Brewmaster vs Mah Tucket

  • Deployment: Corner
  • Strategy: Corrupted Ley Lines
  • Schemes:
    • Vendetta
    • Assassinate
    • Claim Jump
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Runic Binding


  • Brewie + 12 Cups of Coffee + Apprentice Wesley
  • Fingers Leong
  • Cooper Jones
  • Whiskey Golem
  • Moonshinobi + 2 Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit
  • Tanuki
  • Akaname
  • 5ss


  • Mah Tucket + Little Lass
  • Big Brain Brin
  • 3 Bushwhackers
  • 2 Soulstone Miners
  • Lucky Emissary
  • 2ss


  • Brewmaster: 5
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 3
    • Assassinate 1
    • Claim Jump 1
  • Mah Tucket: 8
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 4
    • Vendetta (SS miner on the Moon Shinobi) 2
    • Assassinate 2


First turn, my opponent concentrated with all the Bushwhacker that deployed from the shadows and kill in 1 shoot the Apprentice Wesley, the Akaname and the Tanuki. At least the Akaname managed to spread some poison and dropped a scrap before dying. The map was "Mausoleum" from Vassal and it was a shooting practice for the Bushwhackers full of traps.

The Whiskey Golem had to go though some traps but did managed to kill a Bushwhacker and almost kill BBB before dying. Brewmaster took care of Mah before dying. My opponent, with his last action of the game and a lucky damage flip managed to deny my the 2nd point of Claim Jump. The Emissary basically just run around touching the Strategy markers with the Lodestone. I tried to prevent him to score the last point of Corrupted Ley Lines trying to push the Emissary away from the marker with the Moonshine Dispenser, but none of the two attacks (one of them focused) managed to hit the Emissary.


It was my first game with Brewmaster and I made some noob mistakes, but the crew looks decently solid. There are a lot of small and squishy pieces and the crew doesn't generate soulstones or cards (apart from Fingers, which requires a lot of setup), so it's difficult to keep everyone alive, specially if the enemy has some long-distance firepower. I should have brought the Mechanized Porkchop to provide some concealment, but I wasn't expecting 3 Bushwhackers.

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04/04/2020 - Reva vs Seamus

  • Deployment: Flank
  • Strategy: Recover Evidence
  • Schemes:
    • Assassinate
    • Breakthrough
    • Claim Jump
    • Sabotage
    • Catch and Release


  • Reva + 2 Corpse Candles
  • Dead Rider
  • Toshiro the Daimyo
  • Restless Spirit
  • Gravedigger
  • Shieldbearer
  • Draugr
  • 6ss
  • Seamus + The Whisper + Copycat Killer
  • Manos, The Risen
  • Sloth
  • Bete Noire
  • Carrion Emissary
  • Dead Dandy + Killer Instinc
  • Dead Dandy + Killer Instinc
  • 1ss


  • Reva: 7
    • Recover Evidence 3
    • Assassinate 2
    • Spread them out 2
  • Seamus: 4
    • Recover Evidence 2
    • Breakthrough 1
    • Assassinate 1


I took Assassinate due to the small quantity of SS that my opponent started with. I also knew that if I left alive Seamus for longer, Reva wouldn't reach the end of turn 3. Breakthrough was doable due to having two models with Mv7 and the Gravedigger. The first turn was going quite well until Seamus made his appearance and he one shot the Draugr with a single focused attack, a Draugr that had already focus 3, 2 burning and shielded +1.My opponent didn't remember that Bete couldn't bury if I put one of the markers in her, which really screwed his plans. The Dead Dandys just walked on one side while generating more SS for Seamus and Manos. 

I cheated the initiate in turn 2 to go first, I activated the Dead Rider and move + charge Seamus, using a focus from turn 1, to make sure I hit him, and hard. So I used all my fate tokens to bring Seamus in the middle of my crew, that didn't move much in the first turn. After that, the Ashigaru I summoned in turn 1 took a couple of hit from Seamus in exchange from my cards in hand, and my crew dedicated itself to bring Seamus down. I had to stop hitting him to make sure I scored the 2 points from Assassinate and start getting ready to collect the Intel Marker I wasn't going to get in turn 2, due to my conservative positioning.

My opponent won initiative in turn 3, and took Seamus out of the trouble with the Copycat Killer, but I managed to charge him with the Rider again and finally kill him using the free action. I managed to kill the Bete Noire and retrieve the intel token from her. In turn 4, the Gravedigger rolled over the Emissary and managed to get into my opponent's deployment zone. Sloth was chasing him, so I had to commit the Rider to score me the first point from Breakthrough. In the meantime, between Manos and the Emissary, they brought Reva down to 4 wounds, even after the Shieldbearer took 1 of the hits. The Dandys scored easily the first point of Breakthrough. Manos died at the end of turn 4 and in Turn 5 I managed to kill everything but the Dead Dandys, but at leas I was able to prevent them from scoring the second point.


Another game I invest a lot of actions in boosting a Draugr for nothing :( I considered Anna to prevent Seamus from popping wherever he wanted, but the range on his weapon, Gravity Well wouldn't had affected him much. Also, the Terrifying 13 + the heal was going to be a problem (and it was), so the Rider was the good choice. Terrifying duels are a huge pain for Revenant, even Reva's Wp is not good for a master (specially for a master with Df 5) and the Emissary with his injured didn't help either. Toshiro once again, proven his value in this crew, the Ashigarus are allowing me reach turn 4 with Reva alive unless I'm facing crews with heavy hitters or a lot of distance firepower. I considered to bring the Wanyudo, but Seamus would have killed him in 1 attack anyways.

I really like the Reva's playstyle, the managing of the fire condition, but the crew really lacks a good henchman, a decent high cost minion and some card draw in general. I'll keep playing her because I have her painted and I like how the crew works, but I'm always bringing Toshiro and a Shieldbearer to keep her alive.

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12/04/2020 - Mah Tucket vs Nekima

  • Deployment: Corner
  • Strategy: Symbols of Authority
  • Schemes:
    • Claim Jump
    • Hidden Martys
    • Sabotage
    • Breakthrough
    • Spread them out


  • Mah Tucker + Little Lass
  • Big Brain Brin
  • Gracie
  • Soulstone miner
  • Bushwhacker
  • Bushwhacker
  • Rooster Rider
  • Rooster Rider
  • 2ss
  • Nekima + Inhuman Reflexes + Blood Hunter
  • Hayreddin + Inhuman Reflexes
  • Black Blood Shaman
  • Young Nephilim
  • Young Nephilim
  • Young Nephilim
  • 10ss


  • Mah Tucket: 5
    • Symbols of Authority 2
    • Hidden Martyrs 1
    • Spread them out 2
  • Nekima: 7
    • Symbols of Authority 4
    • Claim Jump (Hayreddin) 2
    • Spread them out 1


I deployed the 2 Bushwhacker with the From the Shadows ability, around 10-13" inches away from my enemy's deployment zone and with traps in front of them. My opponent stoned for cards in turn 1, and he got 4 severes in hand, the red joker and a high moderate. You can imagine how that went. Nekima moved-moved-charged, took 2 damages and injured +2 from one of the traps and oneshot one of the Bushwhackers. 2 of the Young Nephilims did the same with the other Bushwhacker, all of that before any of them could activate.  I knew that with proper cards Nekima could go to a corner and kill one of the Bushwackers, but that would make her loose at least 1 turn getting back to the fight, but was totally worth it. I forgot that the Young Nephilims also have Fly with me, so I wasn't counting on them getting to the other Bushwhacker. After 5 activations in turn 1, I was already 11ss down (12 from the bushwhackers -1ss that my opponent used for cards).

From there, in turn 2 I went all it with the Rooster Riders, killing one of the Young Nephilims, but not able to kill the second one. My opponent protected very well his symbols of authority, so I wasn't able to score in turn 2 from the Strategy, only from Hidden Martyrs with a Rooster Rider dying. The third Young was flying around getting Symbols of Authority the whole game, I think he didn't swing a single attack until turn 5.

In turn 3 my opponent tried to kill the SS Miner, to prevent me to score the second point from Hidden Martyrs, but miraculously the SS miner survived and even put some damage after activating, although with only 1 Wd left due to the attacks and black blood and no way for me to heal it (I was too far from BBB), left me unable to score the second point of Hidden Martyrs. I miscalculated with Gracie by activating Reckless, and going through one of my pit traps, what made her dying while she wasn't able to kill the Young Nephilim due to a Black Joker and so, not being able to heal.

Hayreddin easily took the mid for Claim Jump with me being unable to do anything to prevent that. In turns 4 and 5 I managed to score from Spread them Out with Mah running around and the SS miner.

In turn 5, Nekima easily burnt 2 stones to kill BBB with 2 attacks. I had the chance to prevent my opponent from scoring the 2nd point from Claim Jump with the Little Lass, but I didn't know that Hayreddin had Black Blood Pustule, which he did twice on Nekima to kill the Little Lass and move back to the center, denying me the last activation with the Little Lass, that even had 2 focus to yell at Hayreddin twice to make him go away from the middle.


I did so many mistakes that I was actually surprised to score 5 points. First, I started with a decent hand thanks to hitting the trigger in the initiative flip to draw 2 cards, so I wasn't expecting my 2 Bushwhacker to die without even activating. Also, I wasn't able to punish that Nekima in turn 1 with Injured +2 and 2 Wd down, due to being too far even for my Rooster Riders.

I also though I could have scored the second point of Hidden Martyrs, but I have the feeling that more than a mission to have 2 cost 6 models and keep one alive, is more oriented to have a cost 9-10 and the classic expendable low cost miniature that is not Insignificant (Vodoo Doll, Scales of Justice, etc...). Also, the second part of that scheme is quite difficult unless you're playing a crew with lots of healing, since you have to reveal the second miniature when the first one dies, so your opponent is going to put special efforts in killing it.

In general, my opponent had the game controlled from the very beginning and he outplayed me in a couple of occasions, although I did manage to kill enough of his people to prevent him to score the second part of Spread them Out, mainly thanks to Mah and her big spoon. I also forget the ability to remove the scheme markers with Little Lass, and I didn't realize that BBB's "Pulling the Strings" can choose a scheme marker, doesn't matter if friend or foe.

The map wasn't the best for my crew either (Vassal map Prison Break), with lots of blocking terrain with big height, so my opponent had the advantage of Flying, so he dictated where and when most of the combats were to happen. 

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19/04/2020 - Von Schtook vs Marcus (Arcanists)

  • Deployment: Wedge
  • Strategy: Symbols of Authority
  • Schemes:
    • Vendetta
    • Assassinate
    • Leave your Mark
    • Let them Bleed
    • Runic Binding


  • Professor Von Schtook + The Whisper + Research Assistant
  • Anna Lovelace
  • The Valedictorian
  • Toshiro
  • Undergraduate
  • Gravedigger
  • 6ss
  • Marcus + Jackalope
  • Myranda
  • Sabertooth Cerberus
  • Sabertooth Cerberus
  • Soulstone Miner + Magical Training
  • Paul Crocket
  • Blessed of December
  • 3ss


  1. Professor VS: 2
    • Symbols of Authority 1
    • Vendetta (Toshito - Myranda) 0
    • Leave your mark 1
  • Marcus: 1
    • Symbols of Authority 1


Wedge and I had a big forest just in front of me. It was going to be really hard to get to the Symbols of Authority of my opponent. I deployed in a bubble, summoned an Ashigaru and "brace for impact!". My opponent loaded the two Cerberus with upgrades and the attack came, the target: Gravedigger. I saw a couple of games of Marcus and I new that those Cerberus were going to be an insane pain in the ass if they stayed alive long. He was going to out-maneuver me and he would have easily scored 4 points from the Strategy, specially since most of my crew was stuck in a forest, with concealment between my own models making my life extremely painful.

But I summoned an Ashigaru and I did managed to hold the first and the second kitten. Then it was Valedictorian turn. I had saved the good cards (13:mask for the Shove Aside and a 11 to make sure I hit at least 1 severe). The Valedictorian had focused +1 and fast. The cat had the Butterfly Jump and armor. So it went like this:

  1. Valedictorian hits Sabertooth. Sabertooth Butterfly Jumps.
  2. Valedictorian charges Sabertooth Cerberus. Sabertooth Cerberus Butterfly Jumps.
  3. Valedictorian uses Lecture Notes and stones for the mask.
  4. Valedictorian hits the Sabertooth and kills him, summons a Student of Viscera and with the Shove Aside hits the other Cerberus (or Myranda, I can't remember it properly).

Turn 1, my opponent just lost one of his main beaters and I just summon the best of my minions, so things go well for me.

Turn 2, I stone for cards, the Gravedigger survives with some insane flips, the Student of Viscera puts Myranda into trouble before dying and I managed to kill the 2nd Sabertooth Cerberus. Blessed of December manages to recover the first Symbol of Authority but I'm still to far from any of mines. I score leave your mark.

Turn 3, Anna, overloaded of focus after doing nothing but walk in the fores and concentrate + the bonus action from the Professor, kills the Blessed of December with 2 attacks and summons another of my students out of her. The Valedictorian kills Paul Crocket and the Gravedigger survives another round of attacks of the Jackalope. Toshiro got ready to charge Myranda in the next turn, after crossing the whole forest.

My opponent decided to concede from here, since he had lost the two Cerberus, the Blessed of December and Paul Crocket. Myranda had half of her life and Marcus was stunned. However, the Soulstone Miner could have easily scored him another 2 points from the Strategy (or maybe the remaining 3), since I had no way to get to him.


I really liked Marcus, it's a supermobile crew with nice tricks. The strategy was ideal for him, but maybe he focused too much on trying to kill stuff in turn 1-2, before I activated the Valedictorian. I guess he was afraid that my bubble would arrive to Marcus once they crossed the forest and try to stop them, but didn't work (thanks to the Ashigaru again!).

As usual, my bad positioning and lack of moving for concentrating instead, made me impossible to score from the Strategy in turn 2, but I think it was a good call, since those Sabertooth would have been a huge issue for me later. Also, I started with the advantage that Professor VS makes the upgrades that Marcus gives useless, however my opponent played it well and I wasn't able to take advantage of that during any of the turns. Gravity Well from Anna was a bit of a pain to him and the same for the Ashigaru. I also had really good flips keeping the Gravdigger alive, which demotivating my opponent.

I don't regret putting The Whisper on Von Schtook, even if it didn't much, since my hands were pretty bad in turn 2 and 3 and looking at the top 3 didn't make it better. However, it saved me at least 1ss in those 3 turns and I could use the Black Joker in the action I wanted. The problem is that he's going to take very little to no advantage for the second part of the upgrade, since usually you don't want to kill with Von Schtook and if you are planning on hitting someone, it would be to get that Injured and kill that model later with somebody else.

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24/04/2020 - Molly vs Dashel

  • Deployment: Standard Deployment
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Vendetta
    • Runic Binding
    • Claim Jump
    • Research Mission 
    • Spread them Out


  • Molly + Necrotic Machine
  • The Forgotten Marshal + The Whisper
  • Archie
  • Rogue Necromancy
  • Dead Rider
  • Crooligan
  • 7ss
  • Dashel + The Dispatcher
  • Taggart Queeg + LLC
  • Guild Steward
  • Sergeant
  • Executioner
  • 2 Rifleman
  • 6ss


  • Molly: 5
    • Public Enemies 3
    • Claim Jump 1
    • Spread them out 1
  • Dashel: 2
    • Public enemies 0
    • Vendetta 1
    • Spread them out 1


My first turn was basically divide my crew in two groups, Archie and a Crooligan together on one side to flank my opponent and the rest of the people on the other side. I summoned a Night Terror to protect most of my crew with the concealment aura. Everybody else mostly move and focus, while someone dropped a scheme marker for Molly to remove it and draw 2 cards.

The Rogue Necromancy went forward a bit too much and ended up being outside of the concealment aura of the Night Terror. It was still behind some cover, but the riflemen don't care about that apparently, so between 1 Riflemen, the Guard Patrol and the executioner, they brought it down. At least was the Executioner the one with the Bounty Tokens and he was almost in the middle of my crew.

My opponent moved a bit his bubble and summoned a mounted guard to run down the left flank and meet Archie and the Crooligan.

In turn 2 I had to deal with the Executioner that dived into my crew, but I managed to kill him without losing anyone (else). The Dead Rider had to go hide between a house, carrying the Necrotic Machine in order to drop some scheme markers and get healed, while waiting to regain some extra tokens in turn 3. The Forgotten Marshall managed to summon a Skellywag and left at 1 Wd while Dashel team was focusing some firepower on him. The Night Terror went trying to engage one of the Riflemen. Archie tried to put some damage in the Mounted Guard that runned away and the Crooligan stayed in my backline, trying to prevent that Mounted guard to score a possible Spread Them Out. The Skellywag gained focused thanks to Molly's Premonition and moved to get ready to charge in the next turn.

Dashel didn't have great cards in hand, so he could only summon a Rifleman this turn.

I scored Claim Jump with the Forgotten Marshall, used the bounty I gained from killing the Executioner to score Public Enemies and my opponent scored Vendetta on the Forgotten Marshal.

In turn 3 I managed to kill 2 Rifleman, one with the Night Terror and the other one with Archie after Leaping on the rooftop. Molly tried to remove as many corpse markers as possible to prevent my opponent from getting some free soulstones. The Skellywag put some damage and kept everyone in Dashel's bubble occupied before dying. Dashel move close to Molly and summon removing one my scheme markers for Spread them Out, calling for a dog and topdecking a 13 :ram (he just had enough for a dog in hand and he needed to remove the marker to prevent me to score). The Dead Rider rejoined the party cautiously.

Turn 4 was savage, I activated the Dead Rider (with 3Wds left), disengaged from the Sergeant, charged into the middle of the bubble and he unleashed the Soulfire trigger in Revel in Death, killing 3 models and gaining me 3 soulstones.

I couldn't deny my opponent from scoring Spread them out with the Crooligan, but we decided to call it here, since I had to go and it was a bit late for him too. Probably it would have ended 7-3 for me, since he only had left Dashel, an executioner just summoned that turn, a dog and the mounted guard, while I had Archie, the Night Terror, the Rider (now healed by the Necrotic Machine), Necrotic Machine and the Crooligan.




This was my first game with Molly and also the first game of @belorey with Dashel, so we spend a lot of time reading and re-reading the cards and trying to figure out how and when to activate.

I really liked Molly, but I felt Archie a bit lackluster, I never used the new :ToS-Fast: action, it has a ridiculous TN. I don't have an opinion on the Rogue Necromancy, since it died before doing anything. I felt the lack of tanky/beater henchmanon whom invest my soulstones, but I new that bringing the Nany would have mean free points for my opponent.

Dashel felt really strong. Executioners are just nuts, being able to summon them is really, really good, they hit better than many masters thanks to Pursue with critical strike for 4/5/6 damage or execute adn 3 attacks! They usually paid themselves back the SS to get the :ram for summoning them thanks to Loot their Corpses. Having range 2" and HtK and Juggernaut makes them really resilient. They're also Sz 2, so the Mounted Guards can take them on a walk.

It was a great game, probably with some mistakes on both sides and forgetting some abilities, but we had fun and we discover new masters :) 

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25/04/2020 - Som'er Teeth Jones vs Lucius (Neverborn)

  • Deployment: Flank
  • Strategy: Symbols of Authority
  • Schemes:
    • Vendetta
    • Research Mission
    • Assassinate
    • Let them Bleed
    • Spread Them Out


  • Som'er Teeth Jones + 2 Skeeters
  • Lenny Jones
  • Big Brain Brin
  • Georgy and Olaf
  • Old Cranky
  • Banjonista
  • Good Ol' Boy
  • 7ss
  • Lucius Mattheson + The Scribe
  • Alan Reid
  • Doppleganger
  • Guild Lawyer
  • 3 Changeling
  • 2 Guild Investigator
  • 6ss


  1. Som'er: 3
    • Symbols of Authority 1
    • Vendetta (Georgy and Olaf on Alan Reid) 1
    • Assassinate 1
  • Lucius: 1
    • Symbols of Authority 1
    • Vendetta 1
    • Spread them Out 1



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It was a really nice game, and I was super sad to have to go. I thing I would have had the victory, but it had been a really tough game so far. This was mainly due to Alan Reid, that just came in the middle of most of my people and made me waste a lot of actions and cards just while waiting from Georgy and Olaf to get in range and score Vendetta.

I loved the list that my opponent brought, it was super original and quite effective actually. He really knew how to get the most of it. I got him by surprise sending on skeeter to prevent to score Symbols on turn 2, while send my other Skeeter ready to be Obeyed in turn 2 to get me my point.

I love to see that with some masters, pure scheme-runner lists without beaters are still a very viable option.

On the Som'er side, Banjonistas have a useless back card, to the point that I have to bring BBB to have some reliable condition removal. I bring one to help with the movement in turns 1 and 2, but after that, they don't bring more than a Bayou Gremlin to the table, actually less, since at least the Bayou Gremlin can shoot and gives me a card when it dies. The shielded is okeish, but the crew has so many abilities that require discarding cards that they're not really useful.

Another model in which they could have saved some ink is Old Cranky. The front of his card is okey, with Shouting Orders being the most useful ability. The :+flip to the initiative is okay, but unnecessary in most of the cases. The back part of the card is just plain bad: An obey that you'll never going to use, a Frantic search that probably you'll use twice per game if you're lucky, getting 1ss if you're extremely lucky. 

There is another thing I don't like from Som'er, and it's the aura "Smarter than I Look", which kind of forces you to activate early if you want to get the maximum benefit from it, however it doesn't include insignificant models or the models that are replaced (since they don't count as killed), so the number of models from which Som'er can benefit from their death is really low: Good Ol' Boys, Lenny and Old Cranky. In addition, to get the aura a 7 is needed, which is not precisely a low number for what you can get in return (usually nothing).

Also the keyword (and this is was like my 8th game with them) doesn't draw enough cards for the huge amount of abilities that require to discard a card.

Edited by ShinChan
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23 hours ago, ShinChan said:

It was a great game, probably with some mistakes on both sides and forgetting some abilities, but we had fun and we discover new masters :) 

One thing i learnerd: kill the Rider before turn 4. 😂😂😂

Great game and i want a rematch. 

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26/04/2020 - Reva vs Kirai

  • Deployment: Standard
  • Strategy: Recover Evidence
  • Schemes:
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Leave your Mark
    • Vendetta
    • Assassinate
    • Runic Binding
    • Breakthrough


  • Reva Cortinas + 2 Corpse Candles
  • Vincent Saint Claire
  • Gravedigger
  • Shieldbearer
  • Anna Lovelace
  • Toshiro the Daimyo
  • Restless Spirit
  • 4ss


  • Kirai Ankoku + The Whisper + Ikiryo
  • Datsue Ba
  • Jaakuna Ubume
  • Seishin
  • Seishin
  • Drowned
  • Shikome
  • Lost Love
  • Grave's Spirit Touch (on someone I can't remember)
  • 7ss


  • Reva: 1
    • Recover evidence 1
    • Leave your mark 0
    • Assassinate 0
  • Kirai: 7
    • Recover Evidence 4
    • Assassinate 2
    • Breakthrough 1


My first turn was all about positioning, getting focus on my people, 2 pyres, some burning. I moved Vincent in a forest from where I could start shooting other my opponent's models in turn 2. He hide Datsue Ba behind a house and Jaakuna Ubune in another forest, so I couldn't do anything to them.

My opponent managed to hit one of my models with the Drowned vomit projectile, spreading lots of distracted and poison in 4-5 of my models. The problem came with my opponents last activation, Ikiryo. She had fast, she moved, moved and charge Anna into my backline. She hit Anna with Onslaught, for 2 damage irreducible, the second attack flipped a severe having a :-flip:-flip to the damage, making it a total of 6 irreducible damage. I only had Reva left, who focused and charged Ikiryo, failing both Terrifying checks but only being able to cheat one, she only managed to make 2 damage to Ikiryo due to Incorporeal while her took 1 from Vengeance. There wasn't any Burning close to heal Anna. My opponent summoned a Goryo and I managed to get an Ashigaru.

Turn 2, my opponent wins initiative and I can't cheat better. I stone for cards. He activates Ikiryo first, tries to hit Anna and I cheat with my highest card to make it fail. Ikiryo attacks again, I manage to tie the Defensive duel, for another flip with double negative, my opponent flips again 3 Severes, Anna dies since it was irreducible. Ikiryo heals back to full.

I got really frustrated at that point, since those were 11 stones in a model that died without doing anything and I burned my only 2 severes in hand trying to save her. Toshiro, an Ashigaru, the Shieldbearer and the Restless Spirit had Distracted. I had to expend some activations killing Ikirio that turn, just for her to be summoned again. I managed to slip Reva through the left side, followed by the Gravedigger. The rest of my people tried to keep the center. Vincent shoots 3 times, failing twice and doing 2 damages to the Datsue Ba. Reva tries to kill the Shikome, but fails, so the Shikome runs away, getting closer to my deployment zone. The Gravedigger moves charges the Shikone using focus, I cheat for Accidental Roll Over and she flips a severe for the damage, so the Shikome takes 6 damage in total + the poison at the end of the turn, so she's dead. My hopes are coming back. 

Ikiryo comes back summoned by Kirai. Lost Love uses by your side in Datsue Ba to score 1 point from Breakthrough. He also picked one marker for Recover Evidence.

Turn 3, my crew is failing to hold the center, Vincent is engaged with Datsue Bah, while standing on a pyre marker. I go away thanks to Agile, shoot twice and failed both. The Shieldbearer stays in combat with Datsue Ba, but fails both attack due to Terrifying. Toshiro gets lured into Jaakuma aura of Hazardous and ends up dying by Ikyrio, but putting some damage before. he Ashigaru is killed by the Goryo. I try to reach Kirai with Reva, but the Drowned gives her staggered first. The Drowned survives 2 Reva attacks.

I killed the Sheishins and I managed to score 1 point from the strategy. My opponent manages to put Reva at half of her life. I shoot Kirai twice with Vincent for some damage. I charged Kirai with the Restless Spirit that is somehow still alive and put some extra damage on her. My opponent uses stones and I don't get to reduce Kirai to half of her life.

Last activation of my opponent: Lost Love uses By Your Side on Ikiryo, and removes my scheme marker for Leave your mark with Soothe Spirits and the :tome trigger.

I go first in turn 1, Activate Vincent that shoots 3 times at Kirai, but I failed once and Kirai prevents all the damage with 2 stones. Vincent puts some shielded in Reva. My opponent activates Ikiryo, charges Reva, who uses all the burning she can to get a :+flip to Df. Ikiryo makes 2 Irreducible damage to Reva with a minimum damage in the first attack, but hitting onslaugh. Attacks again, I manage to put her in a :-flip :-flip for the damage, but she flips (for the 3rd times in 4 turns) a triple severe to the damage for a total of 4.

I decided to call it here, since I only have left Vincent with 6 Wd, the Restless Spirit with 2 Wd left, the shieldbearer almost dead and the Gravedigger a bit too far from the action.


I definitely didn't expect that damage output for Ikiryo. Kirai seems very strong, she lacks some card draw, but gets compensated with the upgrade The Whisper, to ensure the summoning every turn. In keyword they also have a lot of condition removal and abilities to prevent healing, so they have lots of tools to face any sort of crew. They also have a lot of healing themselves and some out-of-activation tricks, like the tactical action of Datsue Ba, lures, the Guide Spirit from the Sheishins.

Goryos are awesome, that pulse is really good, can put really good damage 

Reva feels good, she's still quite resource hungry, but a bit more manageable. Vincent on the other hand, he's too resource hungry. You need a high :ram or a soulstone on each attack to put some decent damage, and let's remember he's a 9ss beater. You also need a card to activate Rapid Fire and he doesn't ignore cover or concealment, armor or HtK. Ignoring hard to wound is good, but incorporeal is more situational. Between him and Toshiro for Reva, it will be always Toshiro for me. I though about putting the upgrade "The Whisper" on him, but that bumps his price to 11ss, and for that price, the Rider is way more efficient and brings more tricks to the crew.



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02/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Zoraida

  • Deployment: Corner deployment
  • Strategy: Recover Evidence
  • Schemes:
    • Sabotage
    • Breakthrough
    • Catch and Release
    • Claim Jump
    • Spread Them Out


  • Brewmaster + 12 cups of coffee + Apprentice Wesley
  • Fingers Leong
  • Whiskey Golem + Infeirority Complex
  • Tanuki
  • Moon Shinobi + Two Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit
  • Popcorn Turner
  • 6ss
  • Zoraida 
  • Spawn Mother
  • The First Mate
  • McTavish
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Silurid
  • 6ss


  • Brewmaster: 7
    • Recover Evidence 3
    • Claim Jump 2
    • Spread Them Out 2
  • Zoraida: 2
    • Recover Evidence 0
    • Spread Them Out 2
    • ???


Turn 1, since we were playing corner was mostly positioning. Bokors hit themselves to gain fast and glowy, while healing back and drawing some cards. The First Mate went to the top part of the map, the Spawn Mother and the Silurid went to the bottom and McTavish hold the mid, concentrating twice thanks to Zoraida's obey, who also obeyed the Spawn Mother to move further away and gain fast. I charged Fingers with poison (like 12) while charging the Golem with another 3, just to ask him an Small Favour with Fingers, that was concentrating. So the Golem was at focus 5 in turn 1 (move + swagger, concentrate, Tanuki with Foul Mouthed Motivation + Sober Up and A Small Favour from Fingers).

Turn 2, MacTavish took 2-3 shots at my people, but I took advantage that he was the only model between my crew and Zoraida + Bokors, I send the Golem and Brewie, followed by Fingers. Popcorn Turner was alone at the top, trying to survive against The First Mate, but apparently he had better things to do, like scoring Spread them Out, with the help of the Silurid and the Spawn Mother.

Turn 3, with McTavish out of the equation thanks to the Golem, Zoraida obeyed the Golem to charge into Fingers, but he survived. Brewie went all-in to Zoraida, a Gupps and the 2 Bokors, to start putting some pressure in my opponents. Fingers made me draw 4 cards. In the previous turn I misplayed "A Toast" and I removed poison from my models at 6 and used "A Toast" like Wong's bonus action, but this time I played it right (sorry to my opponent!). Fingers scored me Claim Jump.

The First Mate put some serious damage on Popcorn, who dropped a scheme marker and ran away to blow some fire in Zoraida and the Bokors. My Moon Shinobi was trying to stop the Spawn mother in the bottom left corner, who was still dropping some eggs and summoning more Gupps. My support models reached the centerline.

Turn 4, the Whiskey Golem had to run away at 2 wounds, but crossed a forest to drop a scheme marker. I move Fingers a bit backwards to try to help the Moon Shinobi to fight the Gupps and try to deny my opponent's Spread Them Out. One of the Gupps was almost in my deployment zone. Brewie kept punishing Zoraida, lured The First Mate and killed the second Bokor that was still alive. Popcorn turner survived (burning a couple of stones) another activation of the First Mate and ran away to try to score me Spread Them Out.

Turn 5, my opponent couldn't do much to prevent me to score Spread Them Out. I had to choose between waiting with Fingers and denying him the second point of Spread Them Out or score mine for Claim Jump. 


Brewie is so funny to play, he's a pain in the ass against crews that do not have condition removal, so that was a mistake from my opponent, but it was also his first time playing against him. I was superscared of Zoraida obeying my Golem, but he was more focused on obeying his own models for extra actions.

I felt like Popcorn is a bit squishy for 8ss and I had to burn through more of my stones to keep him alive (3 for him, 1 for Brewie to get a trigger and 2 for drawing and discarding cards at the beginning of the turn), so maybe I'll try the Spawn Mother for 1ss more. She has Stealth, same movement and can summon more scheme runners. She also has a built-in trigger for poison in her attack, with a High damage of 6!

I also felt that the crew requires an insane amount of set up in turn 1, a bunch of models are going to gain some indirect poison that they can't use for anything:

  • Tanuki
  • Apprentice Wesley
  • Popcorn Turner
  • Whiskey Golem
  • Moon Shinobi

I wish there were some sort of interaction with the poison, maybe on Fingers "A toast" could include friendly models within range but have a maximum number of card draw each turn (3?). Popcorn Turner could also use a "Too Drunk to Care" to keep him alive longer without having to burn so many stones.

Also, the turn 1-2 setup requires a lot of moderate cards to work, and some suits too, specially crows, which with the very limited card draw from Fingers is not going to be enough to hit those TNs (and definitely those triggers) in a half-reliable way.

The crew seems to have multiple weaknesses:

  • No healing auras/abilities: Since most of the models are quite squishy, they really rely on healing to stay alive.
  • Condition removal: Unless the enemy has poison, the damage output of the crew (with the exception of the Golem) is extremely low. Brewmaster becomes a squishy master with a very reduced damage output.
  • Stunned: Stunned really hurts this crew, because limits a lot the possibility of healing and they truly leave on triggers. Stun Brewmaster, and he's damage output goes to a ridiculous 2/3/4. 
  • Shooting: Tri-Chi is one of those crews that could easily get shoot out of the board

I won't say they're a very competitive crew, since it's very easy for most of the factions to bring some counters to them, but it's funny to play.

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06/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Dashel

  • Deployment: Corner deployment
  • Strategy: Corrupted Ley Lines
  • Schemes:
    • Leave Your Mark
    • Research Mission
    • Breakthrough
    • Let Them Bleed
    • Catch and Release


  • Brewmaster + 12 cups of coffee + Apprentice Wesley
  • Fingers Leong
  • Cooper Jones
  • Whiskey Golem
  • Akaname
  • Tanuki
  • Moon Shinobi
  • 7ss
  • Dashel + The Dispatcher
  • Taggart Queeg
  • Executioner
  • Executioner
  • Pale Rider
  • Guild Steward
  • Guard Patrol
  • 3ss


  • Brewmaster: 7
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 4
    • Research Mission 2
    • Catch and Release 1
  • Dashel: 5
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 3
    • Research Mission 1
    • Leave your Mark 1


This was the map, I got the top left corner:


Turn 1, I positioned my people, charging Fingers with 11 poison and split my crew: The Whiskey Golem and Brewmaster would go down while the other would hold the position around the little hill. My opponent moved his people around, he summoned a Mounted Guard and concentrated with some models.One of his executioners positioned to go kill the people close to the hill and the other one, ready to intercept my Golem.

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Turn 2, My opponent charges with one executioner to my models in the hills, but he fails to kill Aprentice Wesley, in return he gets a bunch of poison from different models. On the bottom side, the other Executioner only puts 2 minimum damage of the Whiskey Golem, and he takes a bunch of damage when the Golem activates. Brewie puts some poison in the Executioner that hit the Golem, lures the Rider with the Red Joker to put some poison on him and he manages to stay within 4" of one Executioner and within 8" of the other one. Akaname starts walking down and he's followed by a Whikey Gamin. The Guar Patrol walks to the center and drop a scheme marker. I can't do anything to prevent that, since more than half of my people are blocked with the Executioner on top.

We both score Corrupted Ley Lines and my opponent scores Leave Your Mark.


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urn 3, I keep both Executioner alive as long as I can, so Dashel doesn't summon a new one, however I am forced to kill 1  in order for the Golem to advance. The Akaname keeps going to the bottom corner to take the idol and starts to spread some markers for Research Mission. Brewie gets in the center, almost in the middle of his crew and spreads as much poison as he can. The Rider runs away, so the Guild Steward can remove the poison.


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Turn 4, I had to burn through most of my stones to try to keep Brewie alive, but he ended up dying after a couple of my opponent's activations and forcing my opponent to invest his high cards in killing him, so Dashel can only summon a Guard Patrol. The Moon Shinobi dies too. The Rider manages to use his Revel in Conflict. The Whiskey Golem joins the fight around the middle and I start to put my opponent into trouble. I manage to engage Queeg with the Moon Shinobi to score the point of Catch and Release. At the end of the turn I score Research Mission, Corrupted Ley Lines and Catch and Release.

Brewie 5 - Dashel 4

Turn 5, After a couple of moves and interacts passing the Lodestone around, I manage to get the top right Symbol of Authority. In the meantime, the Akaname interacts in the bottom left one and drops a scrap with its free action to get the second point of Research Mission. My opponent manages to put a scheme marker in the center, in a way I'm not able to remove it with Fingers, and he scores the first part of Research Mission thank to the corpse of a Mounter Guard.


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It was a great game, again against @belorey. He got really bad luck with his Executioner charging into my support group (Fingers, Wesley, Cooper Jones and Tanuki), not being able to kill Wesley and getting tarpitted there for 3 turns. I got really lucky with some defensive flips there or things would have gone completely different.

It's a real struggle to me to keep Brewie alive, since the crew has so many TNs or triggers to get in order to "work normally" that it consumes a lot of moderate cards, which leaves you without half of your hand. Stacking poison in Fingers looks like the only way to get some relief from that in turns 2-3, but after Fingers runs out of Moonshine and that's all. Brewmaster with 12 cups of coffee can feel quite oppressive, but it almost feel like a tax on it to work, Colette for example, just appears puts some distracted on you and you activate you get stunned, you don't loose your actions like with Brewie, but requires no setup and you don't have to pay 2ss to put an upgrade on her.

Maybe Brewmaster could negate :ToS-Fast: to models that he's engaging and have Poison, as an ability when he's the leader. In this way:

  • 12 cups of coffee becomes redundant on him
  • He gets an ability for being the leader (always cool in my opinion)
  • It reduces the feeling of being oppressive to the opponent, but in exchange the Brewmaster player gets to save 2ss. Because, being honest, right now the upgrade seems mandatory and having played him and against him, it doesn't feel good. That's why he always dies,
  • I would vote to call it "Get the party started" or "Have a drink on me" 😆

Dashel is strong, but it wasn't my first game against him and I already saw him played other times, so I knew I didn't want to kill the Executioners just for them to reappear later, I tried to keep them drunk and doing as little as possible.

Moonshinobi felt okeish, but I think that unless I'm facing a heavy shooting/long distance crew I would go with the Fermented River Monks for now on.

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07/05/2020 - Ophelia vs Titania

  • Deployment: Corner deployment
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Runic Binding
    • Claim Jump
    • Let Them Bleed
    • Sabotage
    • Assassinate


  • Ophelia + 3 Young LaCroix
  • Sammy LaCroix
  • Gluttony
  • Rami LaCroix
  • Gracie
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Raphael LaCroix
  • 7ss
  • Titania + Gorar
  • Hinamatsu
  • Silent Knight (Killjoy)
  • Autumn Knight
  • Walgeist
  • Walgeist
  • Walgeist
  • 6ss


  • Ophelia: 6
    • Public Enemies 2
    • Let Them Bleed 2
    • Assassinate 2
  • Titania: 3
    • Public Enemies 2
    • Assassinate 1
    • ???


Turn 1, We all move forward. I draw some cards with the Young LaCroix hitting the Bokor, to give her some Glowy and fast and I do the same with Sammy. Gluttony rides Gracie and starts to put into position to remove some markers. Titania moves forward, uses her range attack and put Gracie down to 3. I Jynx Titania three times with Sammy and then shoot at her with Ophelia. I manage to get a Sin Token into Titania. In the picture, the middle of turn 1.


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urn 2, My opponent wins initiative, goes first and kills Gracie with Titania, running away with the bounty. Sammy gets lured by Hinamatsu and charged by Autumn Knight, while Killjoy comes to take care of Gluttony. Raphael and Rami, with the help of Ophelia, managed to kill 2 of the Walgeists. Ophelia gets in the middle of the enemy crew and starts doing "With my eyes closed" couple of times. We both score from Public Enemies. In the picture, beginning of Turn 2:

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Turn 3, I manage to make Sammy survive between all the shielded from Flich and "With my eyes close", cheating my high cards and the Bokor healing. Titania comes back and puts Ophelia down to half of her life, but I manage to kill her after. Killjoy kills Gluttony. I manage to kill another Walgeist and Raphael moves forward to stop Killjoy. In the picture, beginning of Turn 3.

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Turn 4, With only Hinamatsu, Killjoy and the Autumn Knight in the table for my opponent.I manage to kill all but Hinamatsu and we call it at the end of the turn, since my opponent can't score any more points. In the picture, end of Turn 4:

Sorry, Image disappeared from the server! :'(



Sammy + Bokor + 3 Young LaCroix gave me all the card draw I needed to compensate my bad to mediocre hands. The Bokor really feels like a must for Kin, specially when you need to keep your crew alive to score and prevent your opponent to score points. 

Hinamatsu was really tough to take down, Armor +2 is great on that model. My opponent went a bit crazy with Titania against Gracie, when I still had Sammy and Ophelia to activate, so once Titania was at injured 3 (2 from Sammy and 1 from Ophelia, it was easy to bring her down). The Walgeist didn't to much more than keeping the Underbrush markers coming, they really need some love.

It was a great game, tons of fun!

Edited by ShinChan
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10/05/2020 - Rasputina vs Zoraida

  • Deployment: Flank deployment
  • Strategy: Corrupted Ley Lines
  • Schemes:
    • Take Prisoner
    • Catch and Release
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Research Mission
    • Claim Jump


  • Raputina + Wendigo
  • Snow Storm
  • Mechanical Rider
  • Soulstone Miner + Magical Training
  • Silent One
  • Ice Golem
  • 6ss
  • Zoraida
  • Bad Juju + Twelve Cups of Coffee
  • Spawn Mother
  • The First Mate
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Gupps
  • 7ss


  • Rasputina: 6
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 3
    • Research Mission: 2
    • Hidden Martyrs(SS miner, Wendigo): 1
  • Zoraida: 5
    • Corrupted Ley Lines 4
    • Hidden Martyrs: 1
    • ???


Turn 1, I move all my people into position, leaving the Soulstone Miner touching the Strategy Marker. The Wendigo goes to the left side, so the Miner will give him the lodestone in turn 2.
I create some ice pillars, and I did Ride with me with the Mechanical Rider on Rasputina, getting her on position for next turn. The Ice Golem moves forward and also gets pushed by Snow Storm. Spawn mother drops an egg and summons using a stone not to break it. Bad Juju gets into position, going to face my Ice Golem. Zoraida activated last, Obeys Bad Juju to Toss in the Mud the Ice Golem, so now the Raputina is in charge range of the Golem. Zoraida Obeys with the trigger for two actions on the Ice Golem through Bad Juju. Golem charges and hits Rasputina twice, for 9 damage and Slow after preventing with SS. My opponent told me after that he had good enough cards in hand to probably kill Raputina.

Turn 2, I activate the Silent One to heal Rasputina twice (failing both times to match the TN). Ice Golem goes against Bad Juju, but he doesn't die. Wendigo got attacked by The First Mate, but survived. Bokors bring Bad Juju back to full life and he almost kill the Ice Golem.

Turn 3, I manage to activate first, attack Bad Juju with the Ice Golem, forced him to use his Demise and in response Bad Juju kill the Golem. I tried to finish him with Rasputina, but no luck and all the good cards that I had in hand I used them with the Golem. I charged him with Snow Storm, but the little damage I did to him was healed back with the Bokors, that were in the back, getting hit by a Gupps and drawing my opponent a bunch of cards while healing Bad Juju. The Wendigo gets killed by a Gupps, that becomes a Silurid (that later will be the candidate for Hidden Martyrs). I scored Corrupted Ley Lines thanks to the Rider getting to the marker in the bottom right corner. I killed the Silurid to try to stop him from scoring Corrupted Ley Lines, but instead my opponent used the First Mate and I gave him 1 point from Hidden Martyrs.

Turn 4, I managed to score my points of Corrupted Ley Lines, getting the marker on my opponent's deployment zone, thanks to the Rider drawing 5 cards with the :tome trigger in her attack and being Wp7, enough to resist Zoraida's Obey.

Turn 5, My opponent gets the lodestone in Bad Juju, that already killed Snow Storm and now is in the center, where I'm unable to move him due to Planted Roots. I don't manage to get to the center with the Rider to score my last point, so I prefer to ensure a Research Mission.


My opponent could have decided the game in turn 1 by killing Rasputina, but where would be the fun? That double Obey in Zoraida, and being able to use it on enemy models is just bonkers, that trigger should be restricted to friendly only.

December is a bad keyword, I was testing them because the new box is super appealing to me, but their performance is just terrible. They crew practically doesn't have any :ToS-Fast: that is useful and they're too much resource hungry. The ice pillars giving out slow it just happened on Gupps that were there only to destroy the pillars, so totally useless. Even with the extra card draw from Zoraida, I failed to hit and to match TNs on actions, so I can't imagine how clunky must it feel to play only with 7 cards (paying the upgrade for magical training).

I invest too many actions in trying to stop/kill Bad Juju, for nothing. He ended up being alive and full life, after killing Snow Storm (which I reactivated twice) and the Ice Golem. That was a bad decision on my side.

Creating pillar is such a resource intensive action, just to see them removed by Gupps... Looks like Rasputina has to do everything in this crew.

More details about my impressions with December and Rasputina here:


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 12/05/2020 - Leveticus vs Dreamer

  • Deployment: Wedge
  • Strategy: Recover Evidence
  • Schemes:
    • Sabotage
    • Research Mission
    • Assasinate
    • Leave Your Mark
    • Vendetta


  • Leveeticus + SoDP + 2 Hollow Waif
  • Hodgepodge Emissary
  • Scavenger
  • Prospector
  • Desolation Engine + SoDP
  • Marlena Webster
  • 6ss
  • Dreamer + Lord Chompy Bits
  • Euripides
  • Daydream + Ancient Pact
  • Daydream + Ancient Pact
  • Serena Bowman
  • Coppelius
  • 7ss


  • Leveticus: 5
    • Recover Evidence: 2
    • Leave Your Mark: 2
    • Vendetta (Leveticus, Euripides): 1
  • Dreamer: 3
    • Recover Evidence: 1
    • Research Mission: 1
    • Assassinate: 1


Turn 1, Mostly positioning of both crews. I move to the center, between a blocking impassable terrain of height 5 and a jungle. Most of my opponent's crew was hiding behind some structures with Sz5, so I wouldn't be able to see them. Euripides positions himself ready to cross the jungle next turn, but keeping the distance from my models, while creating a bunch of ice pillars to not let me advance further with my models with big base sizes. Dreamer summons an Alp. On his last activation, he overexposes Lord Chompy, followed quite close by Serena. So my last activation is Leveticus, that has 1 focus from the Scavenger. He was moved 3" thanks to A Weary Road from the Emissary, so he moves, gets rid of two bad cards with Sanguine Evocations and charges Lord Chompy, killing him thanks to the irreducible damage and the focus (Severe damage thanks to focus and 1 weak, but with :tome so I summon an abomination from Chompy).

Turn 2, My opponent goes first, creates more Ice Pillars with Euripides and suddenly my models are trapped, without being even able to move. I have to spend half of my hand to make my models pass the Reflected Visage, so the Alp can't be placed. Dreamer summons an Insidious Madness. Serena repositions a bit back and Coppelius gets closer to the Desolation Engine, that can't reach to anyone because there are 6 ice pillars blocking any possible route for him to do anything. Leveticus pick the evidence from LCP, concentrates and shoots at Serena, for some little damage that she would heal after. Serena kills the abomination summoned from LCP without problems. I score leave your mark.

Turn 3, Euripides keeps doing his Ice Pillar things, so most of my models are just spending their actions trying to remove some pillars in order to move. The emissary heals the Desolation Engine. Finally, I can't cheat all the Wp duels and the Alp appear, not the Insidious Madness, since between so many Ice Pillars there is not enough space for its base. The Desolation Engine manages to kill the Alp and gets an abomination in return. Dreamer summons another Insidious Madness. Coppelius charges the Desolation Engine and one Insidious Madness removes the Focus +3 from the DE before he can hit Coppelius back.

Turn 4, I failed the Wp test from Euripides and from Coppelius, so 2 Insidious Madness appear. Levi dies just to appear where there was a Hollow Waif and tries to catch Euripides and I manage to score the first point of Vendetta. The Desolation Engine kills one of the Insidious Madness, after this one removes his 3 focus.

Turn 5, I charge Euripides with Leveticus, to try to force him to drop his evidence, but my opponent flips the RJ in Df (and then he flips it again with The Old Ways) and then he cheats a 13 to avoid being hit. Euripides runs away with Reflected Visage and hides behind a building, where I don't have the chance to reach him. I manage to recover some evidence with the Desolation Engine and I have everything set up for Leave your Mark, but I'm afraid of the Insidious Madness and Serena taking some, so I send the Scavenger to protect my center, between the Ice Pillars. However he's killed due to Serena ignoring armor, he dies and my opponent manages to get 1 evidence marker.


Euripides and his ice pillars were a real pain in the $#!, so I had to expend a bunch of actions just trying to remove them. I got lucky enough with my flips and hands to make some real damage with Leveticus and force my opponent to play less aggressive. I took the center in the early game, so even if I was surrounded by Ice Pillars, I still could score Leave your Mark easily thanks to the Emissary.


Edited by ShinChan
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18/05/2020 - Von Schtook vs Dashel

  • Deployment: Flank
  • Strategy: Public Enemies
  • Schemes:
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Spread Them Out
    • Catch and Release
    • Claim Jump
    • Breakthrough


  • Von Schtook + Research Assistant 
  • Anna Lovelace
  • Valedictorian
  • Sloth
  • Death Rider
  • Gravedigger
  • 6ss
  • Dashel Barker + The Dispatcher
  • Taggart Queeg
  • Executioner
  • Executioner
  • Pale Rider
  • Guild Steward
  • Guard Patrol
  • 3ss


  • Von Schtook: 7
    • Breakthrough 1
    • Spread them out 2
  • Dashel: 1
    • Public enemies 1
    • ???
    • ???


This was a game played against @belorey in Vassal. The map was the following and I deployed in the top right corner:


Sadly, I lost the screenshots from the game :( But I created a "briefing" of what happened:

Image disappeared

On the left side, I tempted an Executioner with the Gravedigger, and he fell for the bait. After I killed the Executioner using the Dead Rider helped by the Research Assistant. On the corridor of the center, Anna kept the second executioner busy, while being healed by Sloth and Albus.

The Valedictorian managed to kill the Executioner and get a Student of Viscera in return. However Vale was so low in life after the retaliation that I had to hide her behind the house. By the end of turn 3 I already managed to kill both the Executioners, a Guard Patrol and have his Rider in troubles. In the meantime, I was trying to deny him as many soulstones as possible with Anna's free action and I even managed to summon a couple of zombies with Anna.


I always tend to do elite crews with Von Schtook, and being the Strategy Public Enemies, it paid off. I had to invest a bunch of soulstones in keeping Anna and the Valedictorian alive in order to prevent my opponent from scoring, but it paid off.

I didn't want to kill the executioners too fast, so he wouldn't be able to summon new ones, but I was forced to win the left flank or I would had an Executioner sandwich in the middle.

Von Schtook looks really solid and I would like to try a list with more minions in another pool maybe, since I think they have a good potential. Dashel is really good, but my opponent didn't have the best hands to summon, which prevented him to summon an executioner until it was already too late to have a decisive impact.

Edited by ShinChan
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 20/05/2020 - Wong vs Misaki

  • Deployment: Corner Deployment
  • Strategy: Symbols of Authority
  • Schemes:
    • Take Prisoner
    • Assassinate
    • Research Mission
    • Spread Them Out
    • Catch and Release


  • Wong + 2 Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit +Olivia
  • Sammy LaCroix
  • Alphonse
  • Burt Jebsen
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Gatreaux Bokor
  • Big Brain Brin
  • 3ss
  • Misaki + Silent Protector + Shang
  • Minako Rei
  • Katanaka Crime Boss
  • Katanaka Crime Boss
  • Ototo
  • Torakage + Trained Ninja
  • 6ss


  • Wong: 1
    • Symbols of Authority: 1
    • Research Mission: 0
    • Spread Them Out: 0
  • Misaki: 3
    • Symbols of Authority: 2
    • Research Mission: 1
    • ???


This is one of the games I lost the screenshots (all of those between the 12th of May to the 6th of June 😢 ). The game was against @Insomniakwulf (thanks for the game!) and we played in the old Vassal map "The Village".


My opponent basically run to my deployment area, not allowing me to cross the middle until the turn 4, except from Burt, who died horribly vs Minako and giving my opponent a Wanyudo, but at least managed to pick one of the Symbols before.

Alphonse, Sammy and Wong, with the help of the Bokors and BBB managed to keep in line the Crime Bosses and Ototo, being able to kill the three of them while only losing a Bokor (took me 3.5 turns and using all my good card defensively). In the meantime, Misaki easily picked two Symbols and my opponent scored Research mission.

In the last turn, I was hoping to score 2 points (research mission and symbols), but Misaki appeared and did her ninja stuff, killing a full life Sammy, a Bokor with 4 wounds left and engaging Alphonse to prevent him for interacting. Also, Wanyudo was around too, protecting another symbol.



It was a great game! My first game against Misaki in M3E and I picked poorly my schemes, since that Spread Them Out was too hard to score (I didn't read what Crime Bosses could do to my scheme markers until we were already playing).

As usual, Burt sucked. He managed to score me 1 point, but I could have brought Gracie and she would have done much more for the same price, or the Porkchop and save 1ss, or a Swine Cursed... The model is really cool (Big Trouble!) but the Gun needs some triggers (Staggered in a Wong crew maybe?) and he needs HtK (which will definitely fit the character).


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  23/05/2020 - Brewmaster vs Kirai

  • Deployment: Flank
  • Strategy: Symbols of Authority
  • Schemes:
    • Claim Jump
    • Hidden Martyrs
    • Sabotage
    • Leave Your Mark
    • Runic Binding


  • Brewmaster + 12 Cups of Coffee + Wesley
  • Fingers Leong
  • Cooper Jones
  • Whiskey Golem
  • Akaname
  • Tanuki
  • Moon Shinobi
  • 7ss
  • Kirai Ankoku + The Whisper + Ikiryo
  • Onryo
  • Onryo
  • Goryo
  • Goryo
  • Seishin
  • Seishin
  • Dead Doxy
  • Lost Love
  • 6ss


  • Brewmaster: 1
    • Symbols of Authority: 0
    • Hidden Martyrs: 1
    • Leave Your Mark: 0
  • Kirai: 6
    • Symbols of Authority: 3
    • Leave Your Mark: 1
    • Hidden Martyrs: 2


This is one of the games I lost the screenshots (all of those between the 12th of May to the 6th of June 😢 ). We played in the old Vassal map "The Village".

I basically got my bubbly crew stuck between some scenery pieces and my opponent just through his Goryos at them, causing a lot of damage from their attacks and specially the Violent Ghosts, tha would get 3-4 models each turn. I think I killed 2-3 Goryos during the game, but I wasn't almost capable of moving to reach the center or try to reach Kirai. I did manage to sneak a bit with Brewmaster and spread some poison, but a summoned Drowned stunned and staggered Brewie, so there wasn't much he could do. In the meantime, Ikiryo went into my backline and made a sandwich of killing between her and the Goryos.

Onryos were going around picking the Symbols, without me being able to do anything to prevent that.


Kirai's summoning are strong, but I had no idea on how much Brewie was going to be countered by Kirai. This was my second game in M3E against Kirai, and it was a very different list and playstyle from my previous match against her (I was playing Reva). I was expecting Ikiryo's missiles, but that didn't happen until my opponent was already set up to score most of the Symbols points + Leave your Mark + Hidden Martyrs (throwing a Goryo at me).

I realized how dependent is Brewmaster of his triggers in order not to become totally useless, stunned is a condition that really shuts him down for a turn. Also, all the anti-healing and condition removal from Kirai's keyword didn't make things easier for me. If I had to face Kirai again with Brewmaster, I would go mostly OOK and try to play more separated, with more beaters/tanky models, and definitely don't play the poison game (which requires a lot of planning, triggers and luck to work).

Edited by ShinChan
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