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Denial models in guild


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I know it's not really our thing, but I wanted to talk about anti-scheming models.

The undercover reporter seems to be the gold standard.  Between follow the lead, and arson with prepared explosives, there is no better model at picking up markers.  And with deadly pursuit, you can surprise deny things like claim jump or breakthrough.   The big question is to bury or not to bury.  I've been thinking a lot about not burying and having him sit in the backfield playing defense.  Dropping a marker and saving tomes to deny scheme marker schemes.  And with chasing the story, you might be able to do a bit of killing.

Investigators are another denial piece.  Not one I really like, but I keep meaning to try again.  Irresistible pushes, scheme marker (or other marker) pickup and their active crime scene aura all can do work.  Have you had denial success with them?

Field reporters have denial potential in follow the lead, exclusive interview aura (which is kinda lame) and convulsions trigger (needs the crow).

False witness has the aura and the debt of gratitude trigger.  Because you can put the opponent on a negative flips, getting the crow trigger is easier.  And it also is one you can use to get a marker across the board.

Queeg, guild Sarge and executioner all have marker tricks.  Executioners also have scatter, but you honestly will just kill more often?

Several masters have denial abilities.  Lucius has his aura, Nellie( and Dade)can combine exclusive interview with Headlines to make opponents pick up their own markers.  Daschel can summon off enemy markers.  Perdita can shoot them and basse can pulse markers away.

The four models with boxes can all deny positioning schemes.

Anything else?  Are any of these better than a lone Marshall hunting down scheme runners?

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You can include the asylum ability to prevent a staggered model from being used for schemes/strats if he is engaged. I have never been able to use it in a game because the setup is hard to build, but this is a unique ability to keep in mind. With a marshall team, The good doctor or the nurse can be used on corrupted ley lines.

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3 hours ago, le_wahou said:

You can include the asylum ability to prevent a staggered model from being used for schemes/strats if he is engaged. I have never been able to use it in a game because the setup is hard to build, but this is a unique ability to keep in mind. With a marshall team, The good doctor or the nurse can be used on corrupted ley lines.

I ran asylum into corrupted ley lines.  I needed Dr grimwell and nurse hb for other things, but I managed to deny it for a turn with a orderly before he was killed.  My opponent still really scored all 8.

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2 hours ago, HowNot2Wargame said:

Main issue is that its predominantly in Journalist, Elite and Asylum.  Playing Ressers for the past few months has shown me how much it matters having control/debuff/denial options in most crews, as well as beat down.

It's also why I find it hard building guild crews without 6 pts for False Witnesses!

I think that is one of guild's biggest issues, the lack of options across the crews.    I would include guard in the decent denial options list, but still, that leaves half the crews with no option other than being killy, just not as killy as other factions.  (also why I think Nellie and Dash are probably our two best masters right now).

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