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Completing the collection (with tons of pictures)


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1 minute ago, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

you colour choices are superb! Hinamatsu looks very cool.

Thanks a lot. She was a great model to paint as well - she was completely still, during the entire process (badoum-tch) – the layered kimonos calling for colour variation, yet in large and well defined areas, as well as plenty of swords for practicing NMM (I'll never get good at that thing, but I've decided never to go for TMM until I do).

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After having assembled two crews - and now having actually played a couple of games. I kinda knew, Guild wasn't the faction for me. Yet again, I didn't like the idea of having 'wasted' models. So I looked to branching out, and since Doc had a really intriguing set of models, and allowed me to branch into ressurs, I used him as an excuse to get even more models – Doc actually saw some play in M2E, and he was a blast :)

I never really liked, how the kentauroi ended up colorwise – and I got them 2nd hand, from someone who sadly had little idea on how to assemble models. So I hope to get around to them and give them a little love - some time.


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My favourite Guild model has always been the Peacekeeper – I got this one with the Family. I just love the idea of a hulking steambot, clanking across the field, and it made for a nice centrepiece with the Family.

I've never been much of a fan of big metal models however. Few things are left bare metal if only for rust protection, so I thought a nice red paint job would strike fear in the hearts of its enemies, while making it go just a little bit faster.



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ADD: My basing for Guild has been a little dirt, grass tuft and water fx on a base painted to have an eerie green glow from the water. Sadly the water fx has in time become opaque and some have craquelured. I suspect LGS had stored water fx wrong, as it also had a weird texture out of the jar, that I've never seen ordering online later.

For ressurs I came upon some awesome victorian cobble street resin bases from Model Display Products. They were both cheap and really atmospheric with all the trash littering the streets.

For the Neverborn, I tried the water FX again - now without the earth and tufts - just simply trying to create a weird glow from beneath, as the models are standing in water in a flooded city. I threw in the wyrd lamps to give a little glow and variation (and height to the smaller models), and tried to sculpt some anti-gravity water magic effects and ripples - as opposed to the guild water, that was more still and bog-like. 

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